čistka oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Znam da prenose informacije otpora gusarskom tijekom čistki ovdje.
I know you relayed information to the pirate resistance throughout the purges here.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


verb noun
removal of people who are considered undesirable
Znam da prenose informacije otpora gusarskom tijekom čistki ovdje.
I know you relayed information to the pirate resistance throughout the purges here.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Detektivi su zatražili da provedemo čistke stoga proučite fotografije poznatih članova bandi i što više ih privedite.
All right, Detective Squad requested we conduct some sweeps so familiarize yourself with these photos of known gang members.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Korporacijska čistka.
Corporate clean-up.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ali znate li što znači ako pokrenete takvu čistku?
But do you know what it means when you start a scare like that?Literature Literature
Izmišljena afera s prisluškivanjem i uspaljeni stranački skupovi HDZ- a zasad su imali samo jedan učinak : mobilizirali su SDP- ove glasače koji se boje obnove revanšizma i čistki , zapamćenih iz prošlog HDZ- ovog mandata ; ipak , kampanja je tek počela , a gotovo polovica birača još uvijek je neodlučnaJoš jedna specifičnost Nacionalova istraživanja : čak 53 posto ispitanika nije se izjasnilo za koga će glasovati .
The fabricated affair with wiretapping and the hot-headed HDZ assemblies have had only one effect until now : they have mobilized SDP votes because voters fear that revenge and purgery could begin , as recalled from the former HDZ mandate ; the campaign has only begun , and already half of voters are still undecided . One more specific fact was found in the Nacional research : 53 % of subjects did not mention who they would vote for .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Milijuni Rusa su ubijeni u Ivanovim čistkama.
Millions of Russians were killed in Ivan's purges.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Možeš očekivati čistku na tvojoj strani ulice.
There's gonna be an extensive house-cleaning on your side of the street.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hebrang je najavio da će zbog toga početi pozivati na razgovor ravnatelje bolnica , svoje političke uzdanice , jer od početka svog mandata kontinuirano provodi čistku ravnatelja bolnica javno tvrdeći da su to političke funkcije .
Hebrang announced that he would begin calling in hospital directors , his political allies , as he has consistently been replacing hospital directors since coming into office , claiming that this is a political function .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Što je s milijunima deportiranih, mučenih i ubijanih u njegovim čistkama?
What of the millions deported and tortured and killed in the purges?Literature Literature
Sredinom 1937., Staljinova čistka "očistila" je velik broj visokih časnika, tako dajući prostora u generalskom osoblju.
By mid-1937, Stalin's Great Purge eliminated a significant number of senior military commanders, vacating a number of positions on the General Staff.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Postala sam umjetnički direktor keramičke i staklene industrije, i za vrijeme Staljinovih čistki - na početku Staljinovih čistki, nisam znala da su stotine tisuća nevinih ljudi bili uhićeni.
I became art director of the china and glass industry, and eventually under Stalin's purges -- at the beginning of Stalin's purges, I didn't know that hundreds of thousands of innocent people were arrested.ted2019 ted2019
Nagađalo se oko toga kako je Staljin svojim čistkama zapravo uništio svoj obavještajni aparat oštetivši na taj način obavještajnu sposobnost obavještajaca Sovjetskog saveza u Finskoj i ostalim zemljama kao i da je stvorio klimu među svojim operativcima da izvješćuju s onim podacima koje je Staljin htio čuti zbog čega on nije bio posve svjestan stvarne situacije u ratu u Finskoj.
It is speculated that Stalin had practically wiped out his intelligence apparatus during the purges, thus damaging the effectiveness of spies in Finland and other countries, as well as cowing operatives into writing the kind of reports they thought Stalin wanted to read.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vršim čistku.
Cleaning it up.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No, u Istočnoj Njemačkoj čistke su se nastavile.
But in East Germany, the purge continued.Literature Literature
Kula stražara od 1. travnja 1956 (engl.) izvijestila je da je 1, 7. i 8. travnja 1951. nad Jehovinim svjedocima izvršena “velika čistka”.
The Watchtower of April 1, 1956, reported that “a great purge” of Jehovah’s Witnesses was carried out on April 1, 7, and 8, 1951.jw2019 jw2019
Zašto Mendela i zašto sad kad je čistka uistinu gotova?
Why Mendel and why now, when the Terror was really over?Literature Literature
Staljin je postrijeljao većinu svojih visokih časnika u čistkama.
Stalin shot most of his first-class general officers in the Purge.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Uslijedile su čistke, uglavnom Židova.
Purges, mostly of Jews, followed.Literature Literature
Pripremaju se reforme ali ne kadrovske čistke ni zakletve lojalnosti ni karte u jednom pravcu za gulag.
There are reforms coming down the pike, but no purges or loyalty oaths or one-way tickets to the gulag.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
U čistkama koje su provedene od 1941. do 1951. na desetke tisuća Estonaca poslano je u izgnanstvo.
Between 1941 and 1951, tens of thousands of Estonians were forcibly deported.jw2019 jw2019
Zajedničko talijansko-slovensko istražno povjerenstvo osnovano 1993., koje je istraživalo samo događaje na području današnje Italije i Slovenije, zaključilo je da su ubojstva uslijedila iz želje za uklanjanjem svih povezanih s fašizmom (bez obzira na osobnu odgovornost) te za izvršavanjem preventivnih čistki stvarnih, mogućih ili navodnih protivnika komunističkog režima.
According to a mixed Slovene-Italian historical commission established in 1993, which investigated only on what happened in places included in present-day Italy and Slovenia, the killings seemed to proceed from endeavors to remove persons linked with fascism (regardless of their personal responsibility), and endeavors to carry out mass executions of real, potential or only alleged opponents of the Communist government.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Godine 1968. je smijenjen u velikim čistkama tijekom Maove Kulturne revolucije.
In 1969, she was executed during the height of the cultural revolution.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Staljin je time stekao manevarski prostor za obnovu vojske nakon krvavih čistki u 1930-ima.
For its side, Stalin, it gained maneuver space, while its Army if recoups of the bloody ones you purge of years 30.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Proveo je čistke u 50-tima?
Ran a series of purges in the 50s?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Procjenjuje se da je samo u ovom stoljeću milijun Armenaca, šest milijuna Židova i preko milijun Kambodžanaca istrijebljeno u rasnim i političkim čistkama.
It is calculated that one million Armenians, six million Jews, and over one million Cambodians have been exterminated in racial and political purges in this century alone.jw2019 jw2019
Zašto mene nije zahvatila ta čistka?
Why was I not included in this purge?jw2019 jw2019
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