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Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


To je posljedica ponašanja te stranke do siječnja 2000 . , ali i nekih najnovijih javnih istupa čelnika stranaka desnice .
That is the consequence of party behavior until January 2000 as well as several public appearances by leaders of the right parties .

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Član ili promatrač koji istupa iz članstva plaća samo doprinose dospjele u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 2. i člankom 7. stavkom 2. na dan istupanja iz članstva i ne plaća dodatne troškove ili kazne.
The withdrawing Member or Observer shall only pay the fees due respectively under Articles 6(2) and 7(2) at the date of its withdrawal with no additional cost or penalty.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Istupaj iz reda!
Break ranks!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
NAKON ŠTO SU VLADAJUĆOJ stranci u samo nekoliko javnih istupa nanijeli niz teških udaraca , Polančec i njegov odvjetnik Anto Nobilo u idućim će se danima primiriti i pričekati epilog prvog Polančecova sudskog procesa vezan uz stručnu studiju za koju je vukovarskom odvjetniku Petru Miletiću iz državnog proračuna isplaćeno pola milijuna kuna .
AFTER HAVING DEALT THE RULING party a number of heavy blows in just a few public appearances , Polancec and his attorney Anto Nobilo will lay low over the coming days and await the epilogue of the first of Polancec court proceedings related to an expert study for which Vukovar-based lawyer Petar Miletic was paid a half million kuna from the state coffers .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Pukovnik, Kimberley i ja stapamo se s gomilom, dok moja majka istupa pred svjetlo halogenih svjetiljki.
The Colonel, Kimberley and I merge into the crowd while my mother steps into the light of the halogens.Literature Literature
podsjeća da EU, suočen s ruskim hibridnim ratom u Ukrajini, mora ostati jedinstven i usuglašeno istupati; čvrsto vjeruje da je jedinstvo preduvjet za učinkoviti odgovor na sve sigurnosne prijetnje i političke izazove uzrokovane spojem ruskog vojnog i nevojnog djelovanja u Ukrajini;
Recalls that, faced with the Russian hybrid war in Ukraine, the EU must stay united and speak with a single voice; strongly believes that unity is the prerequisite of an effective response to all security threats and political challenges resulting from the mix of Russian military and non-military actions in Ukraine;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
To je malo istupaju od čovjeka koji sam upravo upoznao.
That's a bit forward coming from a man I've just met.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Teško je sada upravo s ove govornice istupati i ponavljati ono što su još juče govorili.
They could hardly get up at this conference and repeat what they were saying only yesterday.""Literature Literature
U takvim slučajevima otvara se račun u svrhu podmirenja financijskih obveza između člana koji istupa iz članstva i zajedničkog poduzeća S2R.
In such cases, an account shall be opened for settlement of financial obligations between the departing member and the S2R Joint Undertaking.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Natjerao si me da obećam da se neću forsirati, a sada ti istupaš sa nečim novim?
You made me promise not to push myself, and then you go out and do something new?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Istupanje ili okončanje statusa promatrača ne stupa na snagu sve dok član Euro-BioImaging ERIC-a koji istupa ili promatrač Euro-BioImaging ERIC-a koji okončava status promatrača ne ispuni svoje obveze.
The withdrawal or ending shall not take effect until the withdrawing Euro-BioImaging ERIC Member or ending observership Euro-BioImaging ERIC Observer has fulfilled its obligations.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Istupam, gospodine.
Standing down, sir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ludwig Müller, biskup ujedinjene Njemačke evangelističke crkveUvijek postoje ljudi koji istupaju kao pravi borci... i od njih se očekuje mnogo više nego od miliona u cijeloj populaciji
There is always a part of the people who stand out as really active fighters... and more is expected from them than from the millions of national comrades in the general populationopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Promatrao je prezgodnoga Talijana kako željno istupa i ljubi Kit u ruku.
He watched a much too handsome Italian eagerly step forward and kiss Kit's hand.Literature Literature
Istupam, istupam, istupam.
Stepping forward, stepping forward, stepping forward.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Da nije bilo slučaja Helen Puljiz i javnog istupa Željka Bagića , bivšeg šefa Mesićeva kabineta , koji je javno rekao da ga je POA ispitivala u vezi s prijateljima i poslovima predsjednika Mesića , vjerojatno se nikada ne bi doznalo za postojanje dokaza o provođenju nezakonite istrage POA- e nad predsjednikom Mesićem .
Had it not been for the Helena Puljiz case and the public statement by Ž eljko Bagić , Mesić’ s former Chef du Cabinet , who openly stated that POA had questioned him about the friends and business affairs of President Mesić , it would likely the existence of this illegal investigation by POA against President Mesić would never have come to the li ght of day .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Tu je zadaću izvršavao sedamnaest godina mudro i predano, posjećujući provincije, pišući braći, istupajući ponekad s određenom strogošću kako bi uklonio zloporabe.
He fulfilled this office for 17 years with wisdom and dedication, visiting the provinces, writing to his brethren, and at times intervening with some severity to eliminate
Znaš, ovdje u Švicarskoj, nemamo puno javnih istupa i slično.
You know, here in Switzerland, we are not big on public displays or anything.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A u ovakvim vremenima ih vidiš... kako istupaju.
And at times like these, you see them... stepping forward.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zeleni istupaju iz Vlade.
The Green Party is resigning from government.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Judd Hirsch kao Wes Mendell - kreator Studija 60 kojem otkaz daje Jack Rudolph nakon njegovog javnog istupa tijekom prijenosa uživo, a u kojem izražava nezadovoljstvo trenutnim stanjem na televiziji.
Wes Mendell (Judd Hirsch) is the creator of Studio 60 who is fired by Jack Rudolph after going on a long on-air rant against the current state of television.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Svi smo mi, iako smo djeca saveza brižnog Nebeskog Oca, požalili zbog svog istupa temeljem samopravedne prosudbe i govora uvredljivim i oštrim riječima prije nego smo sagledali situaciju sa stajališta drugoga.
All of us, though covenant children of a loving Heavenly Father, have regretted jumping headlong from the high seat of self-righteous judgment and have spoken with abrasive words before we understood a situation from another’s perspective.LDS LDS
20 Ti si sluga moj; i ja sklapam savez s tobom da ćeš imati avječni život; i služit ćeš mi i istupati u ime moje, i sabirat ćeš ovce moje.
20 Thou art my servant; and I covenant with thee that thou shalt have aeternal life; and thou shalt serve me and go forth in my name, and shalt gather together my sheep.LDS LDS
Fidija nije imao nikakav manier; samo obličje živi i istupa.
Phidias has no mannerisms; the shape itself lives and stands out.Literature Literature
Danas istupam pred vama, ne kao član Vanjskog saveza planeta, iako se nazivam njenim ponosnim članom, već kao građanin ovog sustava.
I come before you today not as a member of the Outer Planets Alliance, though I am proud to call myself one, but as citizen of the system.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Vjerojatno se i zato od Ostojića diskretno ogradio čak i njegov stranački kolega Šime Lučin , koji nakon Ostojićevih neprimjerenih medijskih istupa s njim rijetko komunicira .
Likely for this reason , Ostojić’ s party colleague Š ime Luč in distanced himself , and rarely communicates with him following Ostojić’ s inappropriate media appearances .hrenWaC hrenWaC
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