opravdano oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels

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Hierdie vertalings is met 'n algoritme 'geraai' en word nie deur die mens bevestig nie. Wees versigtig.
(@2 : de:begründet de:berechtigt )
(@2 : de:begründet de:berechtigt )
(@2 : de:berechtigt de:gerechtfertigt )
(@2 : de:berechtigt de:gerechtfertigt )
(@2 : de:begründet de:berechtigt )
(@2 : de:berechtigt de:gerechtfertigt )
(@2 : de:begründet de:berechtigt )
(@1 : de:berechtigt )
(@1 : de:berechtigt )
(@1 : de:berechtigt )
given reasons for
(@1 : de:begründet )
(@1 : de:berechtigt )
(@1 : de:berechtigt )
(@1 : de:begründet )
(@1 : de:begründet )

Soortgelyke frases

exculpatory · excusable · justifiable · justified · reasonable · sufficient · valid
opravdani razlozi
reasonable grounds
opravdano vjerovanje
justified belief
account for · acquit · apologise · apologize · authorize · bear out · circumstantiate · exculpate · excuse · explain away · found · give reasons · ground · guarantee · justify · legitimize · make out · motivate · rationalise · rationalize · substantiate · to justify · validate · vindicate · warrant
opravdati se
opravdani razlozi za uvjerenje
reasonable grounds for believing
opravdan iz razloga
justified on grounds
imati opravdani razlog
have a good reason


Advanced filtering
Smatra da ima dovoljno dokaza da se etilon zloupotrebljava ili da bi se mogla zloupotrebljavati u mjeri u kojoj to predstavlja javni zdravstveni i društveni problem, pa ga je opravdano staviti pod međunarodnu kontrolu.
The Committee considered that there is sufficient evidence that ethylone is being or is likely to be abused so as to constitute a public health and social problem warranting the placing of the substance under international control.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Nadalje, trebalo bi izričito navesti da bi države članice trebale moći ići dalje, na primjer proširiti obveze u vezi transparentnosti, omogućujući izravna plaćanja podugovarateljima ili omogućujući ili zahtijevajući od javnih naručitelja da provjere da podugovaratelji nisu u nekoj od situacija u kojoj bi isključenje gospodarskog subjekta bilo opravdano.
Furthermore, it should be stated explicitly that Member States should be able to go further, for instance by extending the transparency obligations, by enabling direct payment to subcontractors or by enabling or requiring contracting authorities to verify that subcontractors are not in any of the situations in which exclusion of economic operators would be warranted.not-set not-set
razumni su i opravdani te poštuju načelo dobrog financijskog upravljanja, posebno s obzirom na ekonomičnost i učinkovitost;
be reasonable and justified, and comply with the principle of sound financial management, in particular regarding economy and efficiency;Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
ii. nusproizvodi životinjskog podrijetla ili od njih dobiveni proizvodi moraju ispunjavati sve uvjete za otpremu pošiljke koji su opravdani radi zaštite javnog zdravlja i zdravlja životinja kako bi se osiguralo da se s nusproizvodima životinjskog podrijetla i od njih dobivenim proizvodima postupa u skladu s ovom Uredbom.
(ii) the animal by-products or derived products must comply with any conditions for the dispatch of the consignment which are justified for the protection of public and animal health in order to ensure that animal by-products and derived products are handled in accordance with this Regulation.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
U roku od šest mjeseci od dana objave tehničke dokumentacije, svaka fizička ili pravna osoba koja ima opravdan interes može uložiti prigovor na registraciju oznake zemljopisnog podrijetla u Prilogu III. zbog toga što nisu ispunjeni uvjeti predviđeni u ovoj Uredbi.
Within six months of the date of publication of the technical file, any natural or legal person that has a legitimate interest may object to the registration of the geographical indication in Annex III on the grounds that the conditions provided for in this Regulation are not fulfilled.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Naposljetku, s obzirom da se navedenom odredbom zahtjeva da porezni obveznik opravda prikladnost odabrane metoda za određivanje transferne cijene te s obzirom na to da se u Odluci Nizozemske izričito daje prednost metodi CUP u slučajevima u kojima su dostupne usporedive transakcije (141), izostanak pravila najbolje metode ne oslobađa poreznu upravu obveze da se prije davanja pristanka na zahtjev za STC-om uvjeri da je metodom određivanja transferne cijene koju je odabrao porezni obveznik moguće dobiti pouzdanu procjenu tržišnog rezultata u skladu s načelom transakcije po tržišnim uvjetima.
Finally, given that that provision requires the appropriateness of the transfer pricing method chosen to be reasoned by the taxpayer and given the Decree's own express preference for the CUP method where comparable transactions are available (141), the absence of a best method rule does not relieve the tax administration from ensuring, before it agrees to the APA request, that the transfer pricing method selected by the taxpayer is able to provide for a reliable approximation of a market-based outcome in line with the arm's-length principle.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
budući da će korištenje predloženih zdravstvenih tvrdnji pogodovati konzumaciji energetskih pića te da se opravdano može očekivati da će kao posljedica toga dnevni unos šećera i kofeina biti veći od najviših preporučenih dnevnih vrijednosti;
whereas use of the proposed health claims is likely to favour the consumption of energy drinks and, as a consequence, the daily intake of sugar and caffeine might legitimately be expected to exceed the recommended maximum daily intake;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Nakon obreda upitao sam ga kako može opravdati to što je kršćanin a istovremeno se bori u tom ratu.
After the ceremony I asked him how he could justify being a Christian and at the same time fighting in this war.jw2019 jw2019
Ako je potrebno zamijeniti opremu u luci izvan Zajednice i u iznimnim okolnostima koje se moraju propisno opravdati nadležnom tijelu države zastave, kada radi razumnog vremena, kašnjenja i troška nije izvediva ugradnja opreme koja je EZ tipno odobrena, na brod se može ugraditi druga oprema u skladu sa sljedećim postupkom:
Where equipment needs to be replaced in a port outwith the Community and in exceptional circumstances which shall be duly justified to the flag State administration where it is not practicable in terms of reasonable time, delay and cost to place on board equipment which is EC type-approved, other equipment may be placed on board in accordance with the following procedure:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
S druge strane, takvo ograničenje ne bi se moglo opravdati ciljem uravnotežene podjele nadležnosti za oporezivanje među dotičnim državama članicama, s obzirom na to da Savezna Republika Njemačka nije bila ovlaštena u svakom trenutku oporezivati udjele što su ih u društvu DMC GmbH držali K‐GmbH i S‐GmbH.
Second, such a restriction cannot be justified by the objective of a balanced allocation of the power to impose taxes between the Member States concerned, as the Federal Republic of Germany will not have had at any time the power to tax the shares held by K‐GmbH and S-GmbH in DMC GmbH.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Na zahtjev izvoznika te iz razloga koji se smatraju opravdanima, carinska tijela bi trebala dopustiti, što je više moguće, da se roba namijenjena za ponovni izvoz pregleda u privatnim prostorijama, dok bi troškove izazvane takvim pregledom snosio izvoznik.
At the request of the exporter, and for reasons deemed to be valid, the customs authorities should, so far as possible, allow goods for re-exportation to be examined on private premises, the expenses entailed by such examination being borne by the exporter.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Potpora se dodjeljuje na najviše sedam godina, osim u slučaju opravdanih kolektivnih okolišnih aktivnosti.
Support shall be limited to a maximum period of seven years except for collective environmental action in duly justified cases.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Slično je tome bilo objektivno opravdano razmjerno smanjiti pravo na mirovinu zbog razdoblja nepunog radnog vremena i neplaćenog dopusta na način da se u obzir uzmu godine samog staža koje je napunio državni službenik u usporedbi s državnim službenikom koji je radio u punom radnom vremenu tijekom cijelog radnog vijeka(12).
(11) Similarly, it was objectively justified to reduce pension entitlement proportionately to take account of periods of part-time work and unpaid leave so as to reflect the number of years of actual service completed by a civil servant official compared with an official who had worked on a full-time basis throughout his career. (12)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Mjere poduzete za upravljanje rizikom od štetnog organizma tehnički su opravdane na temelju zaključaka koji su doneseni primjerenom analizom rizika ili, po potrebi, drugim usporedivim pregledom i procjenom raspoloživih znanstvenih informacija koje nadzire Europska agencija za sigurnost prehrambenih proizvoda (EFSA) .
Measures taken to manage the risk of a pest shall not be applied in such a way as to constitute either a means of arbitrary or unjustified discrimination or a disguised restriction, particularly on international trade.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Prijenosi sredstava na 2014. opravdani su potrebom da se određeni rashodi izvrše ranije zbog pripreme novog mandata Agencije i smanjenja opterećenja vrlo ograničenog proračuna za 2014.
The carry-overs to 2014 were justified by the need to advance certain expenditures in the preparation of the new mandate of the Agency and reduce the burden of the very tight 2014 budget.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(116) Prema članku 38. stavku 2. Horizontalne uredbe ako je „...razlika između prijavljenih rashoda i iznosa koji odgovara relevantnom prijavljenom ostvarenju veća od 50 %, a država članica ne može navesti opravdane razloge za to...”.
(116) According to Articles 38(2) of the horizontal regulation if ‘...the difference between the expenditure declared and the amount corresponding to the relevant reported output is more than 50 % and the Member State cannot provide duly justified reasons...’.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
To znači uzimati propisanu dozu u pravo vrijeme, na ispravan način i iz opravdanih medicinskih razloga.
That would include taking the correct dosage at the right times, in the proper manner, and for the right medical reason.jw2019 jw2019
Nadležnim bi se tijelima time isto tako omogućilo da na takvu pošiljku ulože opravdane prigovore.
It should also enable those authorities to raise reasoned objections to such a shipment.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Odredba općih uvjeta ugovora ili odredba u potrošačkom ugovoru o kojoj se nije pojedinačno pregovaralo nepoštena je ako, suprotno načelu savjesnosti i poštenja, jednostrano i bez opravdanog razloga utvrđuje prava i obveze stranaka koji proizlaze iz ugovora na nepovoljan način za suugovaratelja stranke koja mu nameće konkretnu ugovornu odredbu.
A standard contractual term, or a term not individually negotiated in a consumer contract, shall be regarded as unfair if, in breach of the requirements of good faith and equity, it establishes, unilaterally and without justification, the contractual rights and obligations of the parties to the detriment of the co-contractor of the party imposing the contractual term in question.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ako se u slučaju opravdane sumnje ne dobije nikakav odgovor u roku od 10 mjeseci od datuma zahtjeva za provjeru ili ako odgovor ne sadržava dostatne podatke za utvrđivanje vjerodostojnosti predmetne isprave ili stvarnog podrijetla proizvoda, carinska tijela koja su podnijela zahtjev, osim u slučaju izvanrednih okolnosti, odbijaju pravo na povlašteno postupanje.
If in cases of reasonable doubt there is no reply within 10 months of the date of the verification request or if the reply does not contain sufficient information to determine the authenticity of the document in question or the real origin of the products, the requesting customs authorities shall, except in exceptional circumstances, refuse entitlement to the preferences.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
kada se osobne podatke učini dostupnima određenom broju osoba za koje se ne može opravdano očekivati da ih se ograniči.
where personal data are made accessible to a number of persons which cannot reasonably be expected to be limited.not-set not-set
„Žig može biti opozvan ako se u neprekinutom razdoblju od pet godina nije stvarno koristio u državi članici u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran, a ne postoje opravdani razlozi za neuporabu.
‘A trade mark shall be liable to revocation if, within a continuous period of five years, it has not been put to genuine use in the Member State in connection with the goods or services in respect of which it is registered, and there are no proper reasons for non-use.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Nije više opravdano da Komisija zadržava određene zadaće povezane s komunikacijskom infrastrukturom sustava pa bi ih stoga trebalo prenijeti na Agenciju radi poboljšanja usklađenosti upravljanja komunikacijskom infrastrukturom.
It is no longer justified for the Commission to retain certain tasks related to the communication infrastructure of the systems and those tasks should therefore be transferred to the Agency in order to improve the coherence of the management of the communication infrastructure.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
„Do 1. lipnja nakon predmetne tržišne godine proizvođači plaćaju iznos od 500 eura po toni za količine šećera iz točke (c) prvoga podstavka za koje ne mogu pružiti državi članici prihvatljiv dokaz da je rafiniranje provedeno iz opravdanih i izuzetnih tehničkih razloga.”
‘Producers shall pay, before 1 June following the marketing year concerned, an amount equal to EUR 500 per tonne for the quantities of sugar referred to in point (c) of the first subparagraph, for which they cannot provide a proof, acceptable to a Member State, that refining took place for justified and exceptional technical reasons.’EurLex-2 EurLex-2
slaže se s procjenom Komisije da se – pored ostalog i zbog razvoja komunikacijskih tehnologija – ne može poći od pretpostavke da postoje praktične prepreke koje bi opravdale izuzeće od primjene istih propisa o informiranju i savjetovanju na pomorce;
agrees with the Commission's assessment that, partly in view of developments in communications technology, practical obstacles cannot be considered to exist that would in themselves justify an exclusion from applying the same rules for information and consultation to seafarers;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
202 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.