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Kobal je ostro in odklonilno ocenjeval Cankarjevo delo.
Goyau has deliberately or carelessly misrepresented De Buck's position.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Leta 2014 sta jo ustanovila Marko Kobal in Matjaž Škorjanc.
The company was founded by Marko Kobal and Matjaž Škorjanc in 2014.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hvala bogovom, Kobala, da ste tukaj.
Thank the Lords of Kobol you're here.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kobala je odlično izhodišče za dolge prelete ob južnih grebenih Julijskih Alp in znano tekmovalno prizorišče.
Kobala is an excellent starting point for long cross-country flights on the southern crest of the Julian Alps and a well-known competition site.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
V območju dvorca stojita še poslikana zidana kašča (avtor F. Kobal) in kozolec toplar.
In the vicinity of the mansion is a painted stone granary (author: F. Kobal) and a toplar (double) hayrack.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Prihaja tudi prav poseben vinski liker, zoren v lesu, pridelan po patentirani originalni recepturi vinske hiše Kobal, kot najboljši partner vsega čokoladnega.
Furthermore, an exclusive wine liqueur, which is being prepared according to our own patented recipe and is matured in wooden barrels, will soon be launched into the market as the best accompaniment to chocolate delights.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Temu so nato sledila vprašanja komisije v zasedbi: dr. Jadranka SOVDAT, podpredsednica US, dr. Franc TESTEN, nekdanji predsednik US, Boris KOBAL, igralec in režiser in Rok DACAR, zmagovalec lanskega tekmovanja Rubikon.
Then they answered the questions of the commission, which included such members as Dr. Jadranka Sovdat, the deputy head of the Constitutional Court, Dr. Franc Testen, Boris Kobal, the former head of the Constitutional Court, and Rok Dacar, the winner of the last year’s Rubikon Contest.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
(Boris Kobal, igralec, scenarist).
(Boris Kobal, actor and screenwriter)ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Svetovni popotnik Andrej Kobal, stric Franca Kobala, se je rodil 29. novembra 1899 v Cerknem, nižjo gimnazijo je opravil v Gorici in kmalu po 1. svetovni vojni pobegnil iz goriških zaporov v Ljubljano.
World traveler Andrej Kobal, the uncle of Franc Kobal, was born on 29 November 1899 in Cerkno. He finished junior high school in Nova Gorica and soon after World War I he fled from the prison in the county of Gorizia to Ljubljana.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Divji v srcu so se prvič predstavili skupaj leta 1998 (Kalan, Kobal, Plotajs Sicoe).
As a group, Wild at Heart first cooperated in 1998 (Kalan, Kobal, Plotajs Sicoe).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Priporočamo: Kobal rumeni muškat, polsladko
We recommend: Kobal Yellow Muscat, semi-dryParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
SOBOTNA USTVARJALNICA / Osnove kuratorstva + Razstava otroških izdelkov + PREPROSTO SEM, multimedijski dogodek sedanjih in bivših učencev OŠ Draga Kobala
SATURDAY WORKSHOP, Introduction to curating + Mini exhibition + SIMPLY ME, multimedia event prepared by current and former students at OŠ Draga KobalaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Andrej Kobal je napisal več pesmi in kratkih povesti, deloma iz spominov na staro domovino, deloma pa iz življenja rojakov v Ameriki.
Andrej Kobal wrote several poems and short stories, partly based on memories of the old homeland and partly based on the lives of his fellow countrymen in America.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Navodila za uporabo QR kode za A TERAPIJE, Katja Kobal s.p.
Instructions for use of QR Code for A TERAPIJE, Katja Kobal s.p.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Glavna organizatorica festivala je Slovenska znanstvena fundacija, dr. Edvard Kobal, predsednik uprave Slovenske znanstvene fundacije je poudaril: »Naravo bomo predstavili tudi kot predmet družbenih sprememb, procesov in konfliktov.
The principal organiser of the festival is the Slovenian Science Foundation. Edvard Kobal, PhD, the director of the Slovenian Science Foundation, stressed: »We will present nature also as a subject affected by social changes, processes and conflicts.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Kobala open 2012 je končana.
Kobala open 2012 is finished.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Kobala Center bo obratoval vse dni v tednu, vendar bo obratovanje krajše.
Kobala Center will operate seven day a week as usual, but operating hours are going to be shorter.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Biografija Leta 1979 je nastala slika Koper, Mesto, v katerem se je leta 1962 rodil In odraščal Aleksij Kobal, je postalo motiv slike z najstarejšim datumom v njegovem opusu.
Biography In 1979, the painting Koper was created. The city in which Aleksij Kobal was born in 1962 and grew up became the motif of the earliest painting of his opus.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ob 21. uri bo v novi športni dvorani v Novi Gorici osrednja slovesnost v počastitev vstopa Slovenije v schengensko območje – zabavna prireditev na temo meje 'LA PREPUSTNICA' (režija Boris Kobal).
The main manifestation on the occasion of Slovenian entry to the Schengen territory will be at 9.00 p.m. in the new sportshall in Nova gorica - amusing ceremony on the border theme “La prepustnica” (directed by Boris Kobal).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Novo dramsko besedilo Tamare Matevc in Borisa Kobala v mojstrski interpretaciji Gojmirja Lešnjaka Gojca in Borisa Kobala ter v režiji Sama M. Strelca polno zaživi in učinkuje ne le kot ironična, ampak tudi kot osvežujoča, blažilna, zdravilna in navsezadnje izzivalna beseda za vse tiste, ki jim ni vseeno, kaj nam ponuja današnji svet norosti. ----------------------
The new play of the Tamar Matevc and Boris Kobal in a master interpretation of Gojmir Lešnjak Gojc and Boris Kobal, directed by Sam M. Strelec fully lives and reveals itself not only as ironic, but also as a refreshing, soothing, healing and ultimately challenging word to all those who care about what offers the today's world of madness......"ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Za tiste, ki so mislili, da je doba iskanja samega sebe v turbokapitalističnem obračunu čista izguba, pomeni Kobalov prozni prvenec, napisan v poetičnem jeziku, z obilico nanašanj na objekte kulturne in popkulturne zgodovine, vse do Alana Forda, preizkušnjo trdnosti njihovih stališč.
For anyone who thought that the period of discovering oneself in the turbocapitalist showdown is pure loss, their views will be shaken strongly by Kobal's debut prose work, written in poetic language and referring constantly to objective cultural and pop history all the way to Alan Ford.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Jure Kobal, univ. dipl. inž. telekomunikacij, je zaposlen v Novi KBM kot nadzornik kakovosti informacijske tehnologije.
Jure Kobal holds a degree in Telecommunication Engineering and has been working at Nova KBM as an IT quality manager.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Franc Kobal je sodeloval pri izdelovanju 14-članske laufarske družine leta 1955.
In 1955 Franc Kobal cooperated in the making of the “laufar” family, which consisted of 14 members.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Kobala (1080 m) je priljubljeno vzletišče jadralnih padalcev in zmajarjev. Je odlično izhodišče za dolge prelete ob južnih grebenih Julijskih Alp in znano tekmovalno prizorišče.
Kobala (1080 m) is a popular paragliding and hang gliding take-off, as wells an excellent starting point for long cross-country flights on the southern crest of the Julian Alps and a well-known competition site.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
V izvedbo letošnjega festivala je vključenih okoli 150 izvajalcev. Kobal je na novinarski konferenci izpostavil, da bodo vsaj polovico festivalskega programa letos pripravili študentje na magistrskem oziroma doktorskem študiju ter dijaki srednjih šol.
At least half of the 101 featured events will be prepared by students of master's and PhD study programmes as well as high-school students, said Edvard Kobal, head of the Slovenian Science Foundation, the main organiser of the event.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
107 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.