inadvertent oor Spaans


/ˌɪnədˈvɝːt<sup>ə</sup>nt/ adjektief
not intentional; not on purpose; not conscious

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


not intentional
Shade, darken, or otherwise mark to preclude inadvertent or unauthorised use.
Se marcarán con sombreado o mediante otro procedimiento para evitar su uso involuntario o no autorizado.


In particular, it shall not be possible for the lamps to be inadvertently maladjusted.
En concreto, no deberá ser posible ajustar las luces inadecuadamente de forma inadvertida.


Her smock, raised inadvertently, revealed her lovely leg.
Y el refajo, levantado por descuido, no ocultaba la belleza de la pierna.

En 7 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

distraído · hecho sin querer · impremeditado · negligente · equivocado · accidental · inadvertidamente

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

inadvertent loss
pérdida accidental
descuido · equivocación · error · imprudencia · inadvertencia · insensatez · irreflexión · irresponsabilidad
culpa · desatención · desatender · descuidar · descuido · distracción · equivocación · fallo · falta de atención · imprevisión · imprudencia · inadvertencia · incuria · insensatez · irreflexión · irresponsabilidad · lapsus · negligencia · olvido · omisión
accidentalmente · desprevenidamente · equivocadamente · inadvertidamente · inconscientemente · involuntariamente · involuntario · por descuido · por inadvertencia · sin darse cuenta · sin intención · sin querer
name inadvertently crossed off
nombre marcado por descuido
inadvertent hybridization
hibridación involuntaria
inadvertent climate modification
modificación indeliberada del clima
handle inadvertently
utilizar descuidadamente
inadvertently handle
utilizar descuidadamente


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Back in Ixia, I had inadvertently exposed one of his undercover operations by standing up for him.
Vengan, este es el camino a la villaLiterature Literature
Because while diagnosing one of his epileptic patients for treatment, he sent a mild current to electrodes implanted in her brain and inadvertently triggered an out-of-body experience.
Ni siquiera me gusta WhodiniOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When I was young I inadvertently became aware of a student’s mental capability test score, which was slightly below average.
Bueno, no sabía que eso existía. hasta que Nate trabajó en uno el año pasadoLDS LDS
Technical description of the vehicle immobiliser and of the measures taken against inadvertent activation: ...
Recuerda tu seguridad es la de todosEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
UNIFIL is engaged with the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Israeli Defense Force to initiate the process of erecting markers at selected points, in close coordination with both parties, in order to prevent inadvertent violations
Este es su hijo?MultiUn MultiUn
I never tried to be like my father, but one inadvertently takes on the characteristics of one's parents.
Si lo dejo ahora...... lo lamentaré por siempreOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Therefore, a common Union standard for high resolution satellite data is needed, which also reflects the risks from the inadvertent release of high resolution satellite data.
Los esclavos son míosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If, however, a sailor is inadvertently assigned to an operational unit that is deployed, the commander’s responsibility is to ensure that the service member is not directly involved in causing harm to the enemy.
Estas tratando de sabotearmeUN-2 UN-2
The European Parliament should ensure that the EU does not inadvertently close the door to further exploration of innovative solutions.
Si, no, hiciste un trabajo genial, Franknot-set not-set
(f) that the risk of inadvertent discharge is minimized; the take-off points must be clearly marked on the permanent side, indicating the fluid contained;
En esos rhythm and blues...- ResponderEurLex-2 EurLex-2
'I think my feet may inadvertently have become tangled up in your cables for a moment.
En caso de acumulación con otras ayudas estatales, de organismos públicos o de colectividades, pero en el estricto cumplimiento del límite de las ayudas prescrito por el artículo # del Reglamento (CE) no #/#, este instrumento debe promover el desarrollo de la agricultura ecológica en este departamentoLiterature Literature
The pre-emptive and non-confrontational approach is becoming the practice in certain new environmental treaties, especially when non-implementation stems from lack of capacity or inadvertence
Así podrás ganarte el dinero en vez de mendigar, yMultiUn MultiUn
Article 241 states, “Everyone who commits an assault against the person of any individual by any means without intent to kill, but thereby inadvertently causing the death of that individual, shall be liable to the payment of the “heavier” blood-money and to a term of imprisonment of not more than five years.”
Visto el Reglamento (CE) no #/# del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de # de julio de #, relativo a un sistema comunitario revisado de concesión de etiqueta ecológica, y, en particular, su artículo #, apartado #, párrafo segundoUN-2 UN-2
It appears you inadvertently overloaded a series of EPS conduits while performing your diagnostic.
En este contexto, ambas Partes se proponen suprimir las restricciones cuantitativas una vez que Ucrania sea miembro de la OMCOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was Coxsone Dodd, though, who inadvertently started a revolution.
Justo atrás de San Cristóbal...... patrón de los viajerosLiterature Literature
Current treatment for food allergies is total avoidance and rescue treatment such as epinephrine injection in the event of inadvertent exposure.
Así podrás ganarte el dinero en vez de mendigar, ycordis cordis
Agis objected, realizing that Nal had just inadvertently revealed the location of the lens.
Yo, eh... pensé que debería saberloLiterature Literature
NEW DELHI – Will “mission creep” in the West’s intervention in Libya end up creating, inadvertently, a jihadist citadel at Europe’s southern doorstep?
Pense que Doris era mi amigaProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The VAS and components thereof shall not activate inadvertently, particularly whilst the engine is in its running mode.
La Decisión #/#/CE de la Comisión, de # de octubre de #, por la que se aprueban algunos tratamientos para inhibir la proliferación de microorganismos patógenos en los moluscos bivalvos y los gasterópodos marinos, debe incorporarse al AcuerdoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Undertakings shall take all precautionary measures practicable to prevent and minimise any leakage and emissions of controlled substances inadvertently produced in the course of the manufacture of other chemicals.
Obviamente estás enfadadoeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
· reducing potential mismatches resulting in inadvertent non-taxation; and
¡ Un helicóptero!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In recent years Western nations have inadvertently played the role of the king of Siam.
Como máximojw2019 jw2019
Had Philby made an inadvertent slip, letting Burgess know Maclean was in trouble?
Un poco maltratado, eso siLiterature Literature
“They inadvertently took it with them.
Por contestar francamenteLiterature Literature
There was no sin in a little forgetfulness and an inadvertent error.
Al retornar a Byam a servicio, Su Majestad reafirmará ese entendimientoLiterature Literature
207 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.