Africa oor Faroees


/ˈæfɹɪkə/ eienaam, naamwoord
The continent that is south of Europe, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Indian Ocean and north of Antarctica. It holds the following countries:

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eienaamvroulike, f;n, feminine;neuter
continent south of Europe

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geographic terms (above country level)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Faroees



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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
A ship's carpenter was granted a tract of forest, from which he was permitted to sell timber, and one miller from Holland opened his own water-operated corn mill, the first of its kind in Southern Africa.
Teir royndu framvegis at fáa valdið.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As recorded in the book of Acts, the preaching soon spread throughout the Mediterranean area, from Babylon and North Africa to Rome and perhaps Spain.—Romans 15:18-29; Colossians 1:23; 1 Peter 5:13.
Og tað kemur Dávid at sanna!jw2019 jw2019
So a passerby, a certain Simon of Cyrene in Africa, is impressed into service to carry it for him.
„Hann breiðir norðrið út yvir hitt tóma og heingir jørðina á einki.“jw2019 jw2019
Learning the Languages of Africa
Hví hevur tað stóran týdning, at tú veitst, hvør Jesus veruliga er?jw2019 jw2019
1996 – The new Constitution of South Africa is promulgated by Nelson Mandela.
(b) Hvat skulu vit nú kanna?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1821, at the age of 25, Moffat set up a mission among the Tswana-speaking people of southern Africa.
Maðurin eitur Ezekias.jw2019 jw2019
February 10 President of South Africa F. W. de Klerk announces that Nelson Mandela will be released the next day.
Ert tú einsamallur uppihaldari, veitst tú, at tað ikki beinleiðis lættur um sambandið við onnur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nigeria is located in western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea and has a total area of 923,768 km2 (356,669 sq mi), making it the world's 32nd-largest country (after Tanzania).
’Hvør tykkara kann henta sær so nógv sum hann orkar at eta,’ sigur Móses við fólkið.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is migratory and winters in the western areas of tropical Africa.
24 Tey, ið læra stóra Skapara okkara, Jehova Gud, at kenna og velja at tæna honum, hava eina undursama framtíð fyri sær.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Die Katkisasieboek (a catechism published by the Federated Sunday School Commission of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa) the following question appeared: “May we then never use the name Jehovah or LORD?
Josva verður keddur um tað.jw2019 jw2019
April 15 – South Africa ends its ban on interracial marriages.
Hetta verður váttað av einari kvinnu sum eitur Anne. Hon misti lítlu dóttur sína Rachel sum doyði vøggudeyðan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That was the case for centuries in Africa.
Men hvussu eru líkindini fyri, at nýggja túsundárið kemur við broytingum, ið fara at gagna tær og geva tær og tínum nærmastu eitt trygt og ekkaleyst lív?jw2019 jw2019
HIV can be especially harmful to infants and children, with one study in Africa showing that 52% of untreated children born with HIV had died by age 2.
Staðarnøvn á kortinumWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the Conference of Berlin in 1884–1885, European powers divided most of Central Africa between them.
Skjótt verða ónd menniskju týnd, og tey livna ongantíð við aftur. — Sálmur 92:8.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The conflict was between the communist MPLA and Cuba against FNLA and UNITA, who in turn received support and assistance from the USA via South Africa and Zaire.
Men av tí at tey fingu fíggjartrupulleikar og ikki hildu seg hóska saman, skildust tey skjótt aftur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tide Turns For Drug Manufacturing In Africa
66 Jesabel — hin ónda drotninginWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Melilla has a warm Mediterranean climate influenced by its proximity to the sea, rendering much cooler summers and more precipitation than inland areas deeper into Africa.
Tað roynir sum best at halda undan einglinum, og at enda leggur tað seg niður á vegin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The translators, though, believed that they were giving the people of Africa an even more valuable gift—the Bible in their own tongue.
12 Frásøgan um Lazarus lærir okkum eisini, at uppreisnin er ein veruleiki, ikki ber søgn.jw2019 jw2019
Life imprisonment in South Africa has an indeterminate length and may last for the remainder of the offender's life.
TÁ TÚ fert at tosa við ein, sum tú ikki kennir, hvat er so ofta tað fyrsta, tú sigur? — Tú spyrt: „Hvussu eitur tú?“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In those areas, according to a UN agency, 10 trees are cut for every 1 planted; in Africa the ratio is more than 20 to 1.
(Filippibrævið 2:7) Sum vit lærdu í undanfarna kapitli, flutti Jehova við einum undri lívið hjá frumborna soni sínum úr himli til móðurlívið hjá Mariu, ið var moyggj av jødaætt.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, Amboseli is one of the few regions in Africa where the age structure of elephants has remained undistorted.
(1 Mósebók 17:1) Tá vit biðja til Gud, má okkara atburður vísa, at vit eyðmjúk viðurkenna okkara støðu í mun til hansara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This makes them the oldest known feral horse population in Africa.
6 Soleiðis gekst Satan ella Djevulinum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An incredibly powerful giant robot ape originally built to control unruly natives in colonial Africa which can be operated from a control room inside its head.
Tær prógva, at vit liva á síðstu døgum, og at Guds ríki skjótt fer at bera teimum, sum elska Jehova, ævigar signingar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thomas is a smuggler, shipping European refugees who hope to find a better life in Africa.
17 Hvar lærdi Jesus?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Either method was expensive, especially across the type of mountainous terrain that was encountered inland from all South Africa's major ports.
Eg [havi] sagt við Ísraelsmenn: ’Tit mugu ikki eta blóðið úr nøkrum kjøti.’“WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
68 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.