elderly female oor Kroaties

elderly female

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We have reports of concern for an elderly female wearing a white nightdress.
Imamo izvještaje o važnosti za starije žensko Nosio bijelu spavaćicu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But so far, no evidence of any elderly female intruder.
Zasad ništa, nikakvih dokaza o upadu starice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Elderly female caller reports intruders inside her house.
'Starije ženske izvješća pozivatelja uljezi u njezinu kuću.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thank you, elderly female.
Hvala, stara ženo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Are you frightened of an elderly female and a wounded ape?
Plaši li vas starija žena i jedan ranjeni majmun?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In each case it is a wealthy, elderly female relative who also happens to be in rather frail health.”
U svim slučajevima to čini imućna, starija rođakinja koja je također prilično lošeg zdravlja. - Zašto plaćaju?Literature Literature
Women are paid # % less than men for the same jobs, while elderly females have # % lower pensions on average than men
Žene su plaćene # posto manje od muškaraca za iste poslove, dok starije žene u prosjeku imaju mirovine # posto manje od muškaracaSetimes Setimes
An elderly female chimpanzee had woken up with a facial droop and the veterinarians were worried that she'd had a stroke.
Jedna starija ženka čimpanze probudila se s facijalnom klonulošću i veterinari su se bojali da je doživjela moždani udar.ted2019 ted2019
In South-East Asia, in contrast to other areas of the world, deaths from suicide occur at a greater rate in young females than elderly females.
Za razliku od drugih dijelova svijeta, stopa smrtnosti od samoubojstva je u jugoistočnoj Aziji viša u mladih žena u odnosu na mlade muškarce.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During adolescence migraines become more common among women and this persists for the rest of the lifespan, being two times more common among elderly females than males.
Tijekom adolescencije, migrena postaje učestalija u žena, te ostaje takvom do kraja života, uz dvostruko više oboljelih starijih žena nego muškaraca.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Home invasions typically involve the elderly and single females.
Upad u domove tipično uključuju starije i same ženske osobe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When the door opens, we can observe whether the householder is male or female, young or elderly, busy or relaxed, and so forth.
Kad se otvore vrata treba uzeti u obzir je li stanar muškarac ili žena, star ili mlad, zaposlen ili se odmara itd.jw2019 jw2019
When you were running away after an elderly woman caught you exposing yourself to two female tourists.
Tj. bježao nakon što si uhvaćen kako se pokazuješ dvjema turisticama?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was disguised as a woman at the time, but she was quite sure that, male or female, the killer was not elderly.
Tada je bio prerušen u ženu, ali ona je bila posve sigurna kako, muško ili žensko, ubojica nije vremešan.Literature Literature
One study conducted in the hospital ward compared weekly anabolic steroid injections versus placebo injections in 29 "frail elderly females".
Jedno istraživanje provedeno na bolničkom odjelu usporedilo je tjednu injekciju anaboličkog steroida u odnosu na placebo injekciju u 29 "starijih žena sklonih prijelomima".ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
‘in particular women with disabilities, women with dependants, elderly women, minority and immigrant women, female refugees and asylum seekers, women with little or no training, female victims of gender-based violence, female members of the LGTBI community, etc.
„posebice žena s invaliditetom, žena koje uzdržavaju neku osobu, starijih žena, žena pripadnica manjina, migrantica, izbjeglica i tražiteljica azila, nekvalificiranih ili nisko kvalificiranih žena, žena koje su bile žrtve seksualnog nasilja, pripadnica zajednice LGBTI, itd.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The optimism bias has been observed in many different countries -- in Western cultures, in non- Western cultures, in females and males, in kids, in the elderly.
Sklonost optimizmu je primjećena u mnogim zemljama -- u zapadnim kulturama, u ne- zapadnim kulturama, kod žena i kod muškaraca, kod djece i starijih.QED QED
The elderly woman was dressed in the uniform of a Red Cross colonel, female division, complete with a garrison cap.
Stara gospođa bila je u odori pukovnice ženske službe Međunarodnoga crvenog križa, uključujući i službenu kapu.Literature Literature
whereas the availability, quality and affordability of childcare facilities and care facilities for the elderly and people with disabilities remains a key driver for enhancing female labour force participation;
budući da je dostupnost, kvaliteta i pristupačnost ustanova za skrb o djeci i ustanova za skrb o starijim osobama i osobama s invaliditetom i dalje jedan od ključnih faktora povećanja udjela žena na tržištu rada;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
INDICTMENT (SUMMARY) The ŽDO Zagreb’s Indictment charges Velibor Šolaja that in September 1993 in the village of Čitluk, during the “Pocket 93” Military Action, he committed a war crime against civilians by killing one unidentified elderly female person.
Velibor Šolaja tereti se da je u rujnu 1993. godine, tijekom vojne akcije “Džep 93”, u mjestu Čitluk, počinio kazneno djelo ratnog zločina protiv civilnog stanovništva usmrćenjem jedne neidentificirane ženske osobe starije životne dobi. OPĆI PODACIParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
whereas women spend three times as long as men every week on household chores (including caring for children, elderly people and people with disabilities as well as household tasks); whereas the female unemployment rate is underestimated, given that many women are not registered as unemployed, particularly those who devote themselves exclusively to household tasks and childcare;
budući da žene tijekom jednog tjedna u obavljanju kućanskih poslova provedu gotovo tri puta više vremena nego muškarci (npr. skrb o djeci, starijim osobama i osobama s poteškoćama te kućanski zadaci); budući da je stopa nezaposlenosti žena podcijenjena s obzirom na to da mnoge žene nisu prijavljene kao nezaposlene, posebice one koje se posvećuju samo kućanskim poslovima i skrbi o djeci;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, while the female employment rate is, at 70,2 %, above the EU average, a comparatively large proportion of women works part-time, because of childcare obligations or care for the elderly.
Međutim, iako stopa zaposlenosti žena iznosi 70,2 %, što je iznad prosjeka EU-a, relativno velik udio žena zbog skrbi za djecu i starije radi na nepuno radno vrijeme.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In a clinical study no differences were seen in the plasma pharmacokinetics of SANCUSO in male and female elderly subjects (≥ 65 years) compared with younger subjects (aged 18-45 years inclusive).
U kliničkom ispitivanju nisu uočene razlike u farmakokinetici lijeka SANCUSO u plazmi u muških i ženskih ispitanika starije dobi (≥ 65 godina) u usporedbi s mlađim ispitanicima (u dobi od 18 do uključivo 45 godina).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Those with the greatest difficulties are single mothers, elderly women, refugees, Roma women, female victims of violence, uneducated and unemployed women, and women in rural areas.
Naročite teškoće imaju: samohrane majke, stare žene, izbjeglice, Romkinje, žene-žrtve nasilja, neobrazovane i nezaposlene žene, i žene u ruralnim područjima.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
With the majority of the EU’s care and other essential service workers being female, not only has the disproportionate burden of the crisis that fell on women became evident, but so has the degree of horizontal and vertical labour market segregation, exacerbated by the lack of child and elderly care services and infrastructures.
S obzirom na to da su većina pružatelja skrbi u EU-u, kao i većina radnika u ključnim djelatnostima, žene, postao je očit nerazmjeran teret krize koji je pao na žene, ali i stupanj horizontalne i vertikalne segregacije na tržištu rada, pogoršan nedostatkom usluga i infrastrukture za skrb o djeci i starijim osobama.not-set not-set
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