Word Count oor Igbo

Word Count

A feature that calculates and displays the number of words, characters, lines, pages and paragraphs in a document.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Igbo

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A feature that calculates and displays the number of words, characters, lines, pages and paragraphs in a document.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Igbo

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But most important, Jehovah’s Word counts Samson among those strong in faith. —Hebrews 11:32-34.
13 Ma Moriantọn biri ndụ ruo na nnukwu ịka-nka karịrị akarị, ma mgbe ahụ ọ mụtara Kịm; ma Kịm chịrị nʼọnọdụ nke nna ya; ma ọ chịrị afọ asatọ, ma nna ya nwụrụ.jw2019 jw2019
In other words, what counts with Jehovah is not only how much we value knowledge but also how closely we adhere to God’s Word in what we do and say.
21 Ahụhụ na-adịrị andị maara ihe n’anya nke onwe ha na ndị na-akpachapụ-anya n’olile-anya nke onwe ha!jw2019 jw2019
(Daniel 5:26) The consonants of the first word allowed for both the word “mina” and a form of the Aramaic word for “counted out,” or “numbered,” depending on the vowels supplied by the reader.
18 Ma o wee ruo na n’ihi oke nnukwu ndọrọ-ndọrọ na oke nnukwu ihe-isi-ike nʼime ndị-ọchịchị, na ha e debeghị ndị-nche zuru-ezu nʼala nke Zarahemla; n’ihi na ha echewo na ndị Leman agaghị anwa anwa ịbịa nʼime etiti ala ha ịlụso nnukwu obodo-ukwu Zarahemla ahụ agha.jw2019 jw2019
Would they utter the same words or phrases repeatedly, perhaps counting the repetitions with some device?
21 Ụmụ Izrel ndị bịara Jeruselem wee jiri oké ọṅụ+ mee ememme+ achịcha na-ekoghị eko ruo ụbọchị asaa; ndị Livaị+ na ndị nchụàjà+ jikwa ngwá egwú ndị na-ada ụda na-enye Jehova otuto kwa ụbọchị, ee, ha na-enye Jehova otuto.jw2019 jw2019
Some of these, the counting of lines or words in particular, reemerge in the traditions of the Massoretes in the early Middle Ages.”
11 Ma o wee ruo na Amọn gara ma jụta Onye-nwe, ma Onye-nwe sịrị ya:jw2019 jw2019
The Hebrew word rendered “copyist” is so·pherʹ, which has reference to counting and recording.
4 Na ọzọ, n’ezie otu a ka Onye-nwe kwuru: Ka ọrụ nke atemple m, na ọrụ nile nke m họpụtara nye unu, gaa n’iru na ghara ịkwụsị; na ka bịrụsi-ọrụ ike unu, na njisi-ike unu, na ndidi, na ọrụ unu bawanye ugboro abụọ, na unu aghaghị inweta ụgwọ-ọrụ unu, ka Onye-nwe nke Usuu nile nke ndị agha kwuru.jw2019 jw2019
To avoid omitting even a single letter from the Bible text, they went so far as to count not just the words copied but the letters as well.
110 Arụ kwa chọrọ aakụkụ ọbụla, ka ha nile wee kwalite ibe ha n’ọtụ, ka usoro unu nwee ike ịnọ n’ozuzu oke.jw2019 jw2019
* For example, by one count, Jesus used over 50 different word pictures in just one sermon that he delivered —the Sermon on the Mount.
3 Lee, ụmụnne m nwoke ndị m hụrụ n’anya, a na m agwa unu ihe ndị a ka unu wee n̄ụrịa ọn̄ụ, ma awelie isi unu ruo mgbe nile, n’ihi na ngọzi nile nke Onye-nwe Chineke ka a ga-awụkwasị ụmụ unu.jw2019 jw2019
“Messiah the Leader” would appear at the end of 69 weeks, or 483 years, counting from 455 B.C.E., when the word went out to rebuild Jerusalem.
Akwụkwọ nke Almajw2019 jw2019
7 Regarding Abraham’s faith, God’s Word states: “[Abraham] put faith in Jehovah; and he proceeded to count it to him as righteousness.”
Ọtụtụ mgbe n’akwụkwọ nsọ udị okwu ndị a ka a na-ekwukarị megide mmadụ jiri ebum n’obi ịkpata mgbu.jw2019 jw2019
(2 Timothy 3:1-5) It is part of a world where “that which is made crooked cannot be made straight, and that which is wanting cannot possibly be counted,” to use the words of an ancient statesman named Solomon.—Ecclesiastes 1:15.
26 N’ihi na n’ihi aokwu ahụ nke o nyeworo m, lee, amụwo ọtụtụ site na Chineke,ma ha edetụwo ire dịka m detụworo, ma ha ahụwo anya na anya dịka m hụworo; ya mere ha matara maka ihe ndị a nile nke m kwuworo maka ha, dịka m matara; ma na mmụta nke m nwere si na Chineke.jw2019 jw2019
God is the Source of true human beauty, and his Word reveals that when assessing a person’s genuine merit, spiritual qualities count the most.
8 Ihe ndị a ga a dịịrị unu ime dịka mkpebi na ntụzi-aka nile nke Mụọ siri dị.jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 14:28) Although Jesus was illustrating the need to count the cost of becoming one of his followers, his words are obviously true in a literal sense.
Jisọs kuziri eziokwu nwere nghọta kama dịrị kwa omimi dịka edere n’ime Matiu.jw2019 jw2019
“I counted the days until his next visit,” James recalls, “because he made the truth of God’s Word come alive; his spirit was infectious.
* Hụ kwa Lihaị, Nna nke Nifaịjw2019 jw2019
Those counted as “that evil slave” class do not have the oil of God’s enlightening Word and his holy spirit in their receptacles to light up their lamps.
+ N’ihi ya, ọ zọpụtara+ ha site n’aka Jeroboam nwa Jehoash.jw2019 jw2019
By reflecting on its words about the brevity of life, we should become more keenly aware of the need for divine guidance in counting our days.
38 Ma otu a ka afọ nke iri asatọ na ise siri gwụchaa.jw2019 jw2019
They count it a privilege to help sincere individuals to see for themselves that the Bible really is trustworthy, the inspired Word of God. —1 Thessalonians 2:13.
1 Ugbụa, lee, a sị m gị, na n’ihi na ị nyefere ihe odide nile nke ị nwere ike e nyere gị ịtụgharị-asụsụ site na aUrim na Tumim, n’aka nile nke bajọọ-mmadụ, i tufuwo ha.jw2019 jw2019
14 And it was in the night time when the Lord spake these words unto me: I will amultiply thee, and thy bseed after thee, like unto these; and if thou canst count the cnumber of sands, so shall be the number of thy seeds.
* Ọtụghe-ụzọ nile nke ala-eze ga-adị oge nile n’aka Otu Ndị-isi Nduzi Mbụ, OznỌd. 81:2.LDS LDS
The words of David at Psalm 139:18b seem to mean that if he spent all day until he fell asleep at night counting Jehovah’s thoughts, upon awakening in the morning, he would still have more to count.
* Jekọb wee gọzie ụmụ ya ndịkom na mkpụrụ ha, Jen.jw2019 jw2019
4 Jesus also fulfilled the prophetic words of Isaiah 53:12: “He poured out his soul to the very death, and it was with the transgressors that he was counted in; and he himself carried the very sin of many people, and for the transgressors he proceeded to interpose.”
* E buliri ya n’elu obe ma gbuo ya n’ihi mmehie nile, 1 Nif.jw2019 jw2019
In a stirring conclusion, Brother Barr exhorted the graduates to count their blessings, saying: “Day by day, when you pray to Jehovah out in your assignment, thank him from the bottom of your heart for your part in the fulfillment of the words, ‘Into all the earth their sound went out.’”
24 Lee, aịbọ-obo na-abia ọsọ-ọsọ ịdakwasị ndị bi n’ụwa, ụbọchị nke oke-iwe, ụbọchị nke nrepịa, ụbọchị nke ịtọgbọrọ n’efu, nke bịkwa-akwa, nke iru-uju, na nke ịkwa arịrị; na dịka oke ifufe gburu-gburu ọ ga-abịakwasị iru elu ụwa nile, ka Onye-nwe kwuru.jw2019 jw2019
21 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.