hover oor Igbo


/ˈhɒv.ə(ɹ)/, /ˈhʌvɚ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
To float in the air.

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With outstretched wings she hovers above her brood, and with watchful eyes she searches for any sign of danger.
21 Ọbụghị na ha ga-asị hụrụ n’ebea!jw2019 jw2019
▪ Malaria (between 80 million and 120 million) For the first half of the 20th century, the death toll from malaria hovered at about two million a year.
* Bụrụ kwa nụ ndị na-ekele ekele, Ndị-Kọl.jw2019 jw2019
Hence, if you choose to drink, it is not wise to set a vague limit that hovers between sobriety and drunkenness.
* Hụ kwa Ihe isi-ikejw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 91:4) God protects us, even as a parent bird hovers protectively over its young.
Pịa-hecha ya.jw2019 jw2019
For example, in 2006, Time magazine reported that youths in America between the ages of 8 and 18 spent, on average, six and a half hours a day with their eyes glued to the TV, their ears plugged with earphones, or their hands hovering over video-game controls or computer keyboards.
* Uru na Ọghọm dị na ndụjw2019 jw2019
10 When Jesus came up out of the waters of baptism and holy spirit was poured down upon him, the spirit was miraculously symbolized by the image of a dove hovering above his head.
+ 8 Ifufe+ na-efega n’ebe ọ chọrọ, ị na-anụkwa ụda ya, ma ị dịghị ama ebe o si abịa na ebe ọ na-eje.jw2019 jw2019
(Leviticus 16:2) This cloud hovered over the sacred Ark between the two golden cherubs.
9 E, Onye-nwe, ọbụna Jisus, onye ọbịbịa ya na-agaghị adị ruo mgbe ndapụ ahụ gasịrị, site na-ịrụ ọrụ nke Setan jiri ike nile, na ihe iriba-ama nile, na oke ihe iju-anya nile nke ụgha.jw2019 jw2019
(Verse 39) Interestingly, one Bible reference work says that among the Jews, there was a belief that no hope was possible “for a person who had been dead for four days; by then the body showed recognizable decay, and the soul, which was thought to hover over the body for three days, had left.”
Jisus kuziri na olulo azụ ahụ loro Jona bụụrụ onyonyo bụ ụzọ nke ọnwụ Jisus n’onwe ya na mbilite n’ọnwụ (Mat.jw2019 jw2019
When a young bird finally dives out of the nest, which is often lodged on a high crag, the mother “hovers over” the young.
* Ọ na-agụ m agụụ, na unu ga an̄a ntị n’okwu m nile, na-enwe olile-anya na unu ga-enweta ndụ ebighi-ebi, Alma 13:27–29.jw2019 jw2019
6 The seraphs use their third set of wings for flying and, no doubt, to hover, or ‘stand,’ in their places.
40 Ya mere, ọbụrụ na aka gị esogbuo gị, bepụ ya; ma-ọbụ ọbụrụ na nwanne gị nwoke esogbuo gị o kwupụtaghị kwa ọ hapụghị kwa ime ya, ya ka a ga-ebepụ.jw2019 jw2019
On the other hand, you cannot forever be a “helicopter parent,” suspiciously hovering over your child and monitoring his or her every move.
11 Ma o wee ruo na ha esighị oke ike n’ọnụ-ọgụgụ dịka agbụrụ nile nke ndị ahụ, ndị jikọtara onwe ha n’otu ma ọbụghị ndị ndu ha hiwere iwu ha nile, onye ọbụla dịka agbụrụ ya siri dị; otu o sila dị ha bụụrụ ndị-iro; otu o sila dị ha abụghị ndị ezi-omume, mana ha jikọtara n’otu n’ịkpọ ndị ahụ baworo n’ime ọgbụgba-ndụ ibibi ọchịchị ahụ asị.jw2019 jw2019
But did any of those prayers reach beyond the rain clouds that hovered over the gathering?
Na o wee ruo na Onye-nwe sịrị m: Ọbụrụ na ha enweghị afọ-ọma, ọdịghị ihe o mere gị, i kwesịwo ntụkwasị obi, ya mere, a ga-eme ka uwe gị nile adị-ọcha.jw2019 jw2019
This manna was hidden in the Most Holy compartment of the tabernacle, where the miraculous light that hovered over the Ark’s cover symbolized the very presence of Jehovah.
Mose, Elaias na Elaịja pụtara ìhè na weghachiri ụfọdụ ọtụghe-ụzọ nile nke ọkwa nchụ-aja (hụ OznỌd. 110).jw2019 jw2019
In time, however, a dark cloud began to hover over Lenore.
Otu nnukwu onye-ndu ndị-agha nke Nifaị n’ime Akwụkwọ nke Mọmọn (Alma 50:35; 51–52; 61–62).jw2019 jw2019
Hummingbirds, glittering like little winged gems, can hover like helicopters and even fly backward.
1–4, Jared Carter ka a kpọrọ ikwusa ozi-ọma site n’aka Onye-nkasi-obi.jw2019 jw2019
THE fluffy, yellow hatchlings are busily pecking for food in the short grass, totally unaware of a hawk hovering high above.
Iji zere ịkụ ya mmadụ, bulie ebe ihu ya elu ka ọ gafee ogo mmadụ.jw2019 jw2019
“Others were watching me,” she says, “and soon a crowd was hovering over my shoulder.
+ 24 Mgbe nke ahụ gasịrị, ọgwụgwụ ga-abịa, mgbe ọ ga-enyefe alaeze ahụ n’aka Chineke na Nna ya, mgbe o meworo ka ọchịchị niile na ikike na ike+ niile ghara ịdị irè.jw2019 jw2019
We read: “Just as an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its fledglings, spreads out its wings, takes them, carries them on its pinions, Jehovah alone kept leading [Jacob].”
34 Ma ugbua, ọbụrụ na anyị anataghị ihe ọbụla maka ọrụ anyị nile n’ụlọ nzukọ-nsọ ahụ, uru gịnị ka ọ baara anyị ịrụ ọrụ n’ụlọ nzukọ-nsọ ahụ ma ọbụghị ikwusa ezi-okwu ahụ, ka anyị wee nwee ọn̄ụ nile n’ime aọn̄ụ nke ụmụnne anyị nwoke?jw2019 jw2019
The sky was blue, and white fluffy clouds hovered above.
93 N’iru oche-eze ya ihe nile ga-akpọ isi ala na ankwanye ùgwù, umeala, ma na-enye ya otuto ruo mgbe nile na mgbe nile.jw2019 jw2019
In doing this, loving parents hover over their young ones, so to speak, observing how they apply the principles they have learned.
Ndị mmadụ nke Bible ahụ ndị biiri na Samerịa mgbe ndị Asirịa dọkpụsịrị ala-eze mpaghara elu elu nke Israel n’agha.jw2019 jw2019
Since the temperature often hovered at 100 degrees Fahrenheit [40°C], we appreciated their hospitality very much.
A nọ m n’ime Nna, ma Nna nọ n’ime m; ma ọbụrụraa na unu anabatawo m, unu nọ n’ime m ma mụ n’ime unu.jw2019 jw2019
As to their position, Professor Franz Delitzsch comments: “The seraphim would not indeed tower above the head of Him that sat upon the throne, but they hovered above the robe belonging to Him with which the hall was filled.”
30 Ma wedaruo mkpụrụ-obi ha nile, e, mkpụrụ-obi ha na-adịghị anwụ-anwụ, anʼaka nri nke Chineke nʼala-eze nke elu-igwe, ịnọdụ ọdụ ha na Abraham, na Aịsak, na ha na Jekọb, na ha na ndị nna nsọ anyị nile, ghara ịpụ kwa ọzọ.jw2019 jw2019
We can enjoy life without a morbid fear of this enemy hovering in the background.
3 N’ihi na a ga-enwe oge mgbe ha na-agaghị anabata ozizi ahụ na-enye ezi ndụ,+ kama, dị ka ha si chọọ, ha ga-akpọkọtara onwe ha ndị ozizi ka ha wee na-anụ ihe na-atọ ha ụtọ ná ntị;+ 4 ha ga-ewepụkwa ntị ha ka ha ghara ịnụ eziokwu ahụ, ebe a ga-eme ka ha chigharịa gewe akụkọ ụgha.jw2019 jw2019
23 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.