outstretched oor Italiaans


adjektief, werkwoord
extended or stretched out

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


Lionfish use their outstretched fins to corner their prey against the walls.
I pesci leone usano le pinne aperte per mettere le loro prede con le spalle al muro.


Like a sail, the outstretched wings catch the updraft.
Come una vela, le ali distese sfruttano la corrente ascendente.


I testify that He is always there, His merciful, loving arms outstretched to me and to you.
Attesto che Egli è sempre là, con le braccia della misericordia e dell’amore sempre protese verso di noi.


Its outstretched wings made it quite clear to anyone that this was an animal that could fly.
Le sue ali spiegate chiariscono a chiunque che questo era un animale che poteva volare.


One at a time we scrambled halfway up the slope and grabbed his outstretched hand.
Uno alla volta ci arrampicammo fino a metà salita e afferrammo la sua mano tesa.

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His body lay still, his arms outstretched like Christ crucified.
Il corpo era immobile, le braccia aperte come un Cristo crocifisso.Literature Literature
One of the roving circles of torchlight caught the fingers of the colonel’s outstretched arm.
Uno dei fasci di luce delle torce catturò le dita del braccio teso del colonnello.Literature Literature
She looks toward the wings with her right arm outstretched.
Guarda verso le quinte con il braccio destro disteso.Literature Literature
But by the time she got to the bedroom, Gareth was lying on his back, his arms outstretched, snoring.
Quando lei arrivò in camera, però, Gareth era sdraiato di schiena, con le braccia larghe, e russava.Literature Literature
Or maybe there were supposed to be more humans waiting onstage with outstretched arms.
Forse dovevano esserci più umani ad aspettarlo sul palco a braccia aperte.Literature Literature
The blond man held an arm out toward Theo, then noticed that the thumb on the outstretched hand was on the wrong side.
L’uomo biondo protese un braccio verso Theo, poi notò che il pollice era voltato nel verso sbagliato.Literature Literature
He put Kent down, still smiling, as a man walked toward them, his arm outstretched.
Mise giù Kent, che sorrideva ancora, quando vide un uomo che camminava verso di loro a braccia tese.Literature Literature
He leaped high, and with arms outstretched, he caught it.
Balzò in alto, e con le braccia tese, la afferrò.Literature Literature
The arm landed on the wooden floor with a meaty slap of five outstretched fingers.
Il braccio atterrò sul pavimento di legno con un palmo polposo e le cinque dita distese.Literature Literature
Becca said with her hands outstretched in front of her, palms up, and Angel burst out laughing.
disse Becca con le mani tese di fronte a lei, palmi in su, e Angel scoppiò a ridere.Literature Literature
He saluted with outstretched arm and a resounding “Heil Hitler!”
Salutava col braccio teso e con uno squillante «Heil Hitler».Literature Literature
The secretary of state entered the room, directing the oversized smile straight at her, hand outstretched.
Il segretario di Stato entrò nella stanza e le rivolse un ampio sorriso, la mano tesa per stringere la sua.Literature Literature
Tom Cullen spent the morning running up and down the rows of corn, his arms outstretched, scaring up droves of crows.
Tom Cullen passò la mattina a correre su e giù per i filari di granturco, a braccia tese, a spaventare i corvi.Literature Literature
Filled with remorse, Guilford took a step toward the boy, his hand outstretched in reconciliation.
Pieno di rimorso, Guilford fece un passo verso il bambino, la mano tesa in segno di rappacificazione.Literature Literature
She’s holding a small black object in her outstretched hand.
Ha un piccolo oggetto nero nella mano tesa in offerta.Literature Literature
The other two forms bent toward her like reeds, arms outstretched.
Le altre due forme si protesero verso di lei come canne, tendendo le braccia.Literature Literature
She held the pose, chin up, hand outstretched to whoever it was that was breaking her heart and then she shrugged.
Tenne la posa, mento in su, mano tesa verso chiunque fosse colui che le stava spezzando il cuore e poi si scosse.Literature Literature
Her nose is up to the air, and she is long and beautiful as an outstretched wing.
Col naso rivolto all’insù, è lunga e bella come un’ala spiegata.Literature Literature
Wren, a few paces behind her, put one foot carefully in front of the other, arms outstretched, tightrope walking.
Wren, alcuni passi dietro di lei, camminava con un piede davanti all’altro, le braccia allargate, come su una fune.Literature Literature
The black-and-white cat backed well away from my outstretched hand and gave me a noncommittal gaze.
Il gatto bianco e nero arretrò decisamente sottraendosi alla mia mano tesa, scoccandomi un’occhiata inespressiva.Literature Literature
The image of Cucub, arm outstretched to hand him back his knife, suddenly became clouded.
L’immagine di Cucub, col braccio teso che gli restituiva il coltello, si stava annebbiando.Literature Literature
Doc starts to hand the patches to me, but Bartie snatches them from his outstretched hands.
Doc fa per passarmeli, ma Bartie glieli strappa dalle mani.Literature Literature
In a minute he was asleep, legs outstretched, his feet on the hearth like a soldier on campaign.
Si addormentò subito, le gambe tese, i piedi sul camino, come un soldato durante una campagna militare.Literature Literature
You dropped this, by the way,” Catalina said, and in her outstretched hand Gran saw the brass C.
Ah, a proposito, ti è caduta questa» disse Catalina, e nella mano che gli tendeva Gran vide la C di ottone.Literature Literature
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kedar frozen in time, his outstretched hand as still as a statue’s.
Con la coda dell’occhio intravidi Kedar bloccato nel tempo, la mano tesa immobile come quella di una statua.Literature Literature
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