hard science fiction oor Koreaans

hard science fiction

A subgenre of science fiction that focuses on technical detail and scientific accuracy.

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하드 SF

science fiction with emphasis on scientific or technical detail, or on scientific accuracy

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Designers in hard science fiction may design flora and fauna towards the end of the worldbuilding process, thus creating lifeforms with environmental adaptations to scientifically novel situations.
하드 SF의 디자이너들은 세계 설정 과정의 막바지에 식물상과 동물상을 디자인하여, 소설의 상황에 환경적으로 적응한 생물들을 창조할 수 있다.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For fans, of course, science fiction is not hard science but entertainment.
팬들에게 있어서 물론 공상 과학물은 딱딱한 과학이 아니라 오락입니다.jw2019 jw2019
It's not fiction, it's not story tales, it's not make- believe; it's cold, hard science.
그것은 허구가 아닙니다, 이야기가 아닙니다, 믿게 하려는게 아닙니다;QED QED
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