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be the consequence

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Charlton T. Lewis

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To so great height was their expectation raised, that they were carried away, heart and soul, each to different objects, what would become of the Corfinians, what of Domitius, what of Lentulus, what of the rest; what event would be the consequence of another.
Inter quae perfuga Batavus adiit Cerialem, terga hostium promittens, si extremo paludis eques mitteretur: solidum illa et Cugernos, quibus custodia obvenisset, parum intentos.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Despite being forgiven, the conflicting consequences of our sins remain.
ut imperium evertant libertatem praeferunt: si perverterint, libertatem ipsam
If, in spite of these premises, human rights are being violated in various ways, if in practice we see before us concentration camps, violence, torture, terrorism, and discrimination in many forms, this must then be the consequence of the other premises, undermining and often almost annihilating the effectiveness of the humanistic premises of these modern programmes and systems.
Caesen[n]io Paeto et Petronio Turpiliano consulibus gravis clades in Britannia accepta; in qua neque A. Didius legatus, ut memoravi, nisi parta retinuerat, at successor Veranius, modicis excursibus Silu[r]as populatus, quin ultra bellum proferret, morte prohibitus est, magna, dum vixit, severitatis fama, supremis testamenti verbis ambitionis manifestus: quippe multa in Neronem adulatione addidit subiecturum ei provinciam fuisse, si biennio proximo
As only two legions remained in the camp, the second, fearing they should be left alone, and their sentiments should be consequently manifested, did the same.
Hi primum navigia hostium lapidibus ac fundis a mole repellebant ac multum proficere multitudine telorum videbantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes.
Inter multa incepta, quae undecies sollemnia saecularia mortis Sancti Methodii suggerunt, illud peculiare momentum habet, quod fideles Cecoslovachiae effecturi sunt Valehradii die septimo proximi mensis Iulii.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Of these Eporedirix, on learning the design of Litavicus, lays the matter before Caesar almost at midnight; he entreats that Caesar should not suffer their state to swerve from the alliance with the Roman people, owing to the depraved counsels of a few young men which he foresaw would be the consequence if so many thousand men should unite themselves to the enemy, as their relations could not neglect their safety, nor the state regard it as a matter of slight importance.
Passim et sine custode transeunt: et, cum ceteris gentibus arma modo castraque nostra ostendamus, his domos villasque patefecimus non concupiscentibus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Indeed, the affirmation of the person is in great measure to be referred back to the family and consequently to the fourth commandment.
igitur Zorsines, diu pensitato Mithridatisne rebus extremis an patrio regno consuleret, postquam praevaluit gentilis utilitas, datis obsidibus apud effigiem Caesaris procubuit, magna gloria exercitus Romani, quem incruentum et victorem tridui itinere afuisse ab amne Tanai
I am aware of the ways in which charity has been and continues to be misconstrued and emptied of meaning, with the consequent risk of being misinterpreted, detached from ethical living and, in any event, undervalued.
In the discussion, suggestions for future research are
For all men who walk this earth daily commit at least venial sins;(11) thus all need the mercy of God to be set free from the penal consequences of sin.
Haut perinde Germanos vulnera, luctus, excidia quam ea species dolore etira
It began with a rally on May 4, 1886, but the consequences are still being felt today.
Sed certe dimissis per agros nuntiis sibi quemque consulere iussit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The holy Mother of God will consequently be the Bishop's teacher in listening to the word of God and promptly putting it into practice, as a faithful disciple of the one Teacher, in firm faith, confident hope and ardent charity.
sed hostes, donec agmen per saltus porrigeretur, immoti, dein latera et frontem modice adsultantes, tota vi novissimos
Some even declared to Caesar, that when he gave orders for the camp to be moved and the troops to advance, the soldiers would not be obedient to the command, nor advance in consequence of their fear.
Consul egregiae tum spei filiam iuveni mihi despondit ac post consulatum collocavit, et statim Britaniae praepositus est, adiecto pontificatus sacerdotio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This phenomenon, which is becoming ever more frequent, cannot fail to concern pastors of souls, also because it may be based on widely varying factors, the consequences of which may perhaps be containable by suitable action.
Sub idem tempus Achaia atque Asia falso exterritae velut Nero adventaret, vario super exitu eius rumore eoque pluribus vivere eum fingentibus
To look upon it in any other light will be to open the door to many evil consequences.
HS LX, quod advexerat Domitius atque in publico deposuerat, allatum ad se ab IIII viris Corfiniensibus Domitio reddit, ne continentior in vita hominum quam in pecunia fuisse videatur, etsi eam pecuniam publicam esse constabat datamque a Pompeio in
Consequently, the relief must be made after 260 CE.
Regio enim quam hi duo populi habitant bonam partem testis fuit apostolatus Sanctorum Cyrilli et Methodii et extremum spiritum atque exanimatum corpus excepit horum Fratrum maioris natu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So that the goal of this journey might be clear and consequently the way plainly indicated, the Synod was right to begin by considering in depth the original design of God for marriage and the family: it "went back to the beginning," in deference to the teaching of Christ.[ 19]
Transigite cum expeditionibus, imponite quinquaginta annis magnum diem, adprobate rei publicae numquam exercitui imputari potuisse aut moras belli aut causas rebellandi.'
Consequently, Mary must be on all the ways for the Church's daily life.
At illi itinere totius noctis confecti subsequi non poterant, atque alii alio loco
Consequently, the fundamental orientation can be radically changed by particular acts.
Ipse hostili modo Cordubensium agros vastat, aedificia
Owing to this their Christian lives may be endangered, as the true values and excellences of the new culture they are seeking may escape them and they may be, in consequence, seduced by the doctrines of materialism and may succumb to the blandishments of atheistic coteries.
adsumuntur e civitate clarissimus quisque et alii per
The all - determining "concern" for having supplants the primacy of being, and consequently personal and interpersonal values are interpreted and lived not according to the logic of giving and generosity but according to the logic of selfish possession and the exploitation of others.
quo initio invidiae non eiusdem ait mactare divo Augusto victimas et posteros eius
If, then, a remedy is desired, let it be sought for in a restoration of sound doctrine, from which alone the preservation of order and, as a consequence, the defense of true liberty can be confidently expected.
De pastorali momento Visitationis «ad limina Apostolorum», de qua in articulis a 28 ad
It is a question of understanding the reason for and the consequences of the Creator's decision that the human being should always and only exist as a woman or a man.
Binis cohortibus ad impedimenta tuenda relictis reliquum exercitum in copiosissimos agros Biturigum inducit, qui, cum latos fines et complura oppida haberent, unius legionis hibernis non potuerint contineri quin bellum pararent coniurationesque
The texts of Sacred Scripture never address the question of deliberate abortion and so do not directly and specifically condemn it. But they show such great respect for the human being in the mother's womb that they require as a logical consequence that God's commandment "You shall not kill" be extended to the unborn child as well.
Legiones Scipionis comperit longius in agris frumentari, et cum eo contendere conaretur, animadvertit copias hostium his legionibus occurrere suppetias. Quae res eius impetum
Consequently, “the Eucharistic mystery cannot be celebrated in any community except by an ordained priest, as the Fourth Lateran Council expressly taught”.61
Reliquae propinquam fugam ad oppidum capiunt; quas protexerunt ex molibus atque aedificiis imminentibus et nostros adire propius
151 sinne gevind in 21 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.