some day oor Latyn

some day

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis


I want to go to America some day.
Aliquando in Americam ire volo.
Charlton T. Lewis


[ quandō ]
adverb conjunction
Charlton T. Lewis


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Some day I want to go to New York.
haec Valentino absente gesta; qui ubi adventabat furens cunctaque rursus in turbas et exitium conversurus, legiones in Mediomatricos, sociam civitatem, abscessere: Valentinus ac Tutor in arma Treviros retrahunt, occisis Herennio ac Numisio legatis quo minore spe veniae cresceret vinculum sceleris.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
But some days after, Labienus having sent him a reinforcement of horse, he began to besiege the town.
coleret Segestes victam ripam,redderet filio sacerdotium hominum: Germanos numquam satis excusaturos quod inter Albim et Rhenum virgas et securis et togam viderint.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I want to go to America some day.
obsessaque civitas Anemuriensis, et missi e Syria in subsidium equites cum praefecto Curtio Severo turbantur, quod duri circum loci peditibusque ad pugnam idonei equestre proelium haud patiebantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Some day I will return to my country.
Nam ex iniquo progressi loco in summo constiterant; si per declive sese reciperent, nostros ex superiore insequentes loco verebantur; neque multum ad solis occasum temporis supererat; spe enim conficiendi negotii prope in noctem rem duxerant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Take care, Pinocchio! Those bad companions will sooner or later make you lose your love for study. Some day they will lead you astray.
Plotium Grypum, nuper a Vespasiano in senatorium ordinem adscitum ac legioni praepositum, ceterosque sibi fidos apertius monuit, hique omnes de festinatione Primi ac Vari sinistre et Muciano volentia rescripsere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Our troops, as each man's post had been assigned him some days before, man the fortifications; they intimidate the Gauls by slings, large stones, stakes which they had placed along the works, and bullets.
Alexandrea est fere tota suffossa specusque habet a Nilo pertinentis, quibus aqua in privatas domos inducitur, quae paulatim spatio temporis liquescit ac subsidit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Some days after, he received letters from Caesar, by which he learned that Pompey was defeated, and had fled with the loss of all his troops, which news equally affected him with joy and sorrow.
Non erat Othonis mollis et corpori similis animus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For some days before, Caesar, apprehending that our men might be surrounded by sea, had made a double rampart there, that if he should be attacked on both sides, he might have the means of defending himself.
At hostes, ubi primum nostros equites conspexerunt, quorum erat V milium numerus, cum ipsi non amplius DCCC equites haberent, quod ii qui frumentandi causa erant trans Mosam profecti nondum redierant, nihil timentibus nostris, quod legati eorum paulo ante a Caesare discesserant atque is dies indutiis erat ab his petitus, impetu facto celeriter nostros perturbaverunt; rursus his resistentibus consuetudine sua ad pedes desiluerunt subfossis equis compluribus nostris deiectis reliquos in fugam coniecerunt atque ita perterritos egerunt ut non prius fuga desisterent quam in conspectum agminis nostri venissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar said that he could not grant them even that; for he had learned that they had sent a great part of their cavalry over the Meuse to the Ambivariti, some days before, for the purpose of plundering and procuring forage.
Ceterum Italia gravius atque atrocius quam bello adflictabatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"That you may be assured,"" said he, ""that I speak these words with truth; -listen to these Roman soldiers!"" He produces some camp-followers whom he had surprised on a foraging expedition some days before, and had tortured by famine and confinement."
consultatum inde, pro rostris an in senatu an in castris adoptio nuncuparetur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
After a stay of some days in these parts, he named Sextus Caesar, his friend and relation, to the command of Syria and the legions appointed to guard it; and sailed himself for Cilicia, with the fleet he had brought from Egypt.
Juxta Hermunduros Narisci, ac deinde Marcomanni et Quadi agunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We add a special prayer with the greatest love: may all the citizens whom a single love of this country inspires, and whom this occasion of public thanksgiving joins in a brotherly fashion, be bound together some day by one and the same faith in the blessed embrace of Mother Church.
quo interfecto dum rem familiarem eius acriterrequirit, accusatorem concivit Fabium Romanum, ex intimis Lucani
For Pompey, after the first day's delay, and the fatigue which he endured for some days in vain, though he exerted himself by forced marches, and was anxious to overtake us, who had got the start of him, on the fourth day desisted from the pursuit, and determined to follow other measures.
Ac velim impetratum ab aliquo vestrum ut causas huius infinitae differentiae scrutetur ac reddat, quas mecum ipse plerumque conquiro.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"What an extent of plain, he would say, ""lies open into which the flocks and herds of the Roman soldiers may some day be sent! Let them by all means keep retreats for their cattle, while men are starving; only let them not prefer a waste and a solitude to friendly nations."
Ego autem exspectabam, ut incusato Asinio et Caelio etCalvo aliud nobis agmen produceret, plurisque vel certe totidem nominaret, ex quibus alium Ciceroni, alium Caesari, singulis deinde singulos opponeremus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
That very day some three thousand persons were baptized.
Huic mandat ut exploratis omnibus rebus ad se quam primum
Some of These Days
fuerat in matrimonio Tiberii florentibus Gaio et Lucio Caesaribus spreveratque ut inparem; nec alia tam intima Tiberio causa cur Rhodum abscederet.langbot langbot
Altogether on that day some 240 Poles died.
Iustitias vestras iudicabo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In contrast, however, some present-day cultural tendencies have given rise to several currents of thought in ethics which centre upon an alleged conflict between freedom and law.
Aggerabatur nihilo minus caespes iamque pectori usque adcreverat, cum tandem pervicacia victi inceptum
Afranius and Faustus were taken among the rest, with their wives and children: but some few days after, a mutiny arising among the soldiers, Faustus and Afranius were slain.
sed Tacfarinas perculsis Numidis et obsidia aspernantibus spargit bellum, ubi instaretur cedens ac rursum in terga remeans.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There are millions of souls, they too redeemed by Christ, entrusted by Him to your care and for whom He will some day ask you to render an account; there are millions of individual men often in such sad and miserable living conditions that they have not even that minimum of well-being indispensable to protect their very dignity as men.
Per idem tempus Asia atque Achaia exterritae sunt acri magis quam diuturno rumore, Drusum Germanici filium apud Cycladas insulas mox in continenti
The quantity was very small, both from the nature of the land (for the country is rough and mountainous, and the people commonly import what grain they use); and because Pompey had foreseen what would happen, and some days before had plundered the Parthini, and having ravaged and dug up their houses, carried off all the corn, which he collected by means of his horse.
Qui, etsi magno aestu fatigati (nam ad meridiem res erat perducta), tamen ad omnem laborem animo parati imperio paruerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And the seventh day came; and some of the people going forth to gather, found none.
Classicus nobilitate opibusque ante alios: regium illi genus et pace belloque clara origo, ipse e maioribus suis hostis populi Romani quam socios iactabat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The solemnity of Pentecost - the beginning of the Church's mission - is celebrated in some communities as a "Day of Suffering for the Missions."
medium omne tempus per varias curas egere, ignavissimus quisque caesorum apud Vetera exemplo paventes, melior pars rubore et infamia: quale illud iter? quis dux viae? et omnia in arbitrio eorum quos vitae necisque dominos
He was also an enthusiastic member of the Regent Street Polytechnic Water Polo team during his undergraduate dayssome would say too enthusiastic, spending more time in the water than at study.
"abeunte dehinc ancilla, ""tu quoque me deseris?"" prolocuta respicit Anicetum, trierarcho Herculeio et Obarito centurione classiario comitatum: ac si ad visendum venisset, refotam nuntiaret, sin facinus patraturus, nihil se de filio credere; non imperatum parricidium."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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