grantor oor Sjinees


(law) a person who grants something.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


The depository institution may itself be owed money by the grantor.
UN term


Service concession arrangements: grantor


The law should also permit discharge of a registration by agreement of the secured creditor and the grantor.
UN term

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grantor (in a service concession arrangement)
grantor trust


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That is because the mutuality of obligations between the parties (the grantor and the depositary bank) owing money to each other, and typically required for set-off under applicable law, is no longer present
这是因为,在双方(设保人和存款银行)相互欠款的情况下,适用法律一般要求将双方的债务相互抵消,但如今这种互欠债务的对等性已不复存在。MultiUn MultiUn
The law should also permit discharge of a registration by agreement of the secured creditor and the grantor.
法律还应允许有担保债权人和设保人通过约定取消登记。UN-2 UN-2
ii) If the depositary bank has concluded a control agreement evidenced by an authenticated record with the grantor and the secured creditor, according to which the depositary bank has agreed to follow instructions from the secured creditor with respect to the payment of funds credited to the bank account without further consent of the grantor; or
二) 开户银行与设保人和有担保债权人订立了控制权协议,并以经认证的记录为证,根据该协议,开户银行同意在银行账户贷记款的支付方面遵照有担保债权人的指示而无需设保人另行同意;或MultiUn MultiUn
(k) “Equipment” means a tangible asset other than inventory or consumer goods that is primarily used or intended to be used by the grantor in the operation of its business;
(k) “设备”系指设保人主要用于或意图用于其企业经营的除库存品或消费品外的其他有形资产;UN-2 UN-2
If the security right is already in existence, the time at which a registration takes legal effect may also be critical to the resolution of competing rights between a secured creditor and a buyer or lessee of the encumbered asset, or the grantor's unsecured creditors and insolvency representative
担保权已经存在的,登记取得法律效力的时间对于确定有担保债权人与担保资产买受或承租人之间或者设保人的无担保债权人与破产管理人之间的竞合权利也很重要。MultiUn MultiUn
In the absence of insolvency, the secured creditor would have to account to the grantor for the surplus proceeds
在没有发生破产的情况下,有担保债权人必须将盈余收益记在押人账上。MultiUn MultiUn
A security right in intellectual property may also be created under the law of the State in which the grantor is located and may also be made effective under that law against third parties other than another secured creditor, a transferee or a licensee.
知识产权担保权也可以根据设保人所在地国的法律创设,并且也可以根据该法律取得对抗第三方的效力,但第三方不包括另一有担保债权人、受让人或被 许可人。UN-2 UN-2
During the earlier part of the meeting the Commission had discussed the terms “grantor” and “secured creditor” in the draft Registry Guide.
委员会在会议早些时候讨论了登记处指南草案中的术语“设保人”和“有担保债权人”。UN-2 UN-2
The law should provide that after default the grantor is entitled to exercise one or more of the following rights:
法律应当规定,发生违约之后,设保人可以行使以下所列一项或多项权利:UN-2 UN-2
“Security agreement” means an agreement, in whatever form or terminology, between a grantor and a secured creditor that creates a security right.
“担保协议”系指设保人与债权人之间设定担保权的协议,不论其形式或所使用的术语。UN-2 UN-2
The identifier of the grantor;
设保人的身份识别特征;UN-2 UN-2
[Unless otherwise agreed between the grantor and the secured creditor,] the grantor represents at the time of conclusion of the security agreement that:
[除非设保人与有担保债权人之间另有约定],在订立担保协议时,设保人即说明:UN-2 UN-2
This in turn eliminates the delay in extending credit to the grantor that would otherwise result if registration could be made only after the security agreement had been concluded.
预先登记允许潜在的有担保债权人在与潜在的设保人进行谈判的初期阶段确定其相对于事后登记的担保权享有排位第一的优先地位,而这又能避免延迟向设保人提供信贷,如果只是在订立担保协议之后办理登记,这种延迟提供的情况是有可能出现的。UN-2 UN-2
It was also clear that the definition of a competing claimant referred to competition between two or more persons that derived their interest from the same grantor.
竞合求偿的定义也明确提到两或多从同一设保人获取利益的竞合。UN-2 UN-2
The grantor may also sell assets that are subject to existing security rights
人还可以出售受现有担保权制约的资产。MultiUn MultiUn
To the extent that the fruits are in kind (e.g. increase in animals, stock dividends), the grantor may use and exploit them under the same terms and conditions as initially encumbered assets.
在孳息为实物孳息(例如,动物数目的增加、股息)的限度内,设保人可以按照最初定为担保资产时的相同条款和条件,对其加以使用和利用。UN-2 UN-2
In some States, the grantor may waive or agree to vary the secured creditor’s post-default obligations only after a default has occurred.
在有些国家,设保人仅在发生违约后才可免除或同意更改有担保债权人的违约后义务。UN-2 UN-2
Here a distinction must be drawn between present assets of the grantor and future assets
在此必须区分设保人的现有资产和未来资产。MultiUn MultiUn
Allowing multiple security rights in the same asset in this manner enables a grantor to use the value inherent in the asset to obtain credit from multiple sources, thereby unlocking the maximum borrowing potential of the asset
允许以这种方式在同一笔资产上设立多项担保权,使设保人能够使用资产的固有价值从多个来源取得信贷,从而使资产发挥出最大的借贷潜能。MultiUn MultiUn
This approach does not have a negative impact on the grantor, who would typically know the identity of the actual secured creditor from their dealings, or third parties, as long as the representative is authorized to act on behalf of the actual secured creditor (see Registry Guide, paras. 186 and 187).
只要授权该代理人代表事实上的有担保债权人行事(见《登记处指南》第186段和187段),这种做法不会对设保人产生消极影响,后者通常可以从其交往或从第三方那里知悉事实上的有担保债权人的身份(见《登记处指南》,第186和187段)。UN-2 UN-2
The law should provide that the name or other identifier of the grantor entered on a registered notice is sufficient only if the notice can be retrieved by searching the registry record according to the correct name or other identifier of the grantor.
法律应规定,如果按照设保人正确的名称或其他身份标识查询登记处记录即可检索所登记的通知的,则在登记的通知中所输入的设保人名称或其他身份标识具有充分性。UN-2 UN-2
Recommendations # and # read together, in effect generally result in the application of the law of grantor's location to the creation, third-party effectiveness, priority and enforcement of a security right in intangible assets
建议 # 和 # 放在一起的实际结果一般是对无形资产担保权的设定、第三效力、优先权和强制执行适用设保人所在地法。MultiUn MultiUn
An acquisition security right in a tangible asset other than consumer goods has priority as against a competing non-acquisition security right created by the grantor, even if a notice of that security right was registered in the general security rights registry before registration of a notice of the acquisition security right, provided that:
除消费品以外的其他有形资产上购置款担保权享有相对于由设保人设定的相竞非购置款担保权的优先权,即使该担保权在普通担保权登记处办理通知登记的时间早于购置款担保权,但须符合下列任何一项条件:UN-2 UN-2
As a result, unless the secured creditor authorized the granting of licences unaffected by the security right (which will typically be the case as the grantor/licensor will rely on its royalty income to pay the secured obligation), the licensee would take the licence subject to the security right
因此,除非有担保债权人授权发放许可而不受担保权的影响(这种情况通常是,设保人/许可权人依赖其使用费收入支付担保债务),否则被许可使用人取得的许可附带担保权。MultiUn MultiUn
In the case of goods other than inventory or consumer goods, the law should provide that an acquisition security right has priority over a non-acquisition security right in the same goods (even if a notice of that security right was registered in the general security rights registry before registration of a notice of the acquisition security right), if: (i) the acquisition financier retains possession of the goods; or (ii) notice of the acquisition security right was registered within a period of [the same number of days specified in recommendation 127] from the delivery of the goods to the grantor.
对于非库存品或非消费品货物,法律应规定,购置担保权相对于同一货物上的非购置担保权享有优先权(即便在登记购置担保权通知之前先已在一般担保权登记处登记该担保权的通知),但条件是:(一)购置款融资保留对货物的占有;或者(二)购置担保权的通知是在从向设保人交付货物后的[建议127中指明的相同天数]一段时期内登记的。UN-2 UN-2
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