la costurera oor Engels

la costurera

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels


La costurera tomó las medidas de Mary.
The dressmaker took Mary's measurements.


No, dejé a mamá en el limbo, en la costurera.
No. I left mother in limbo at the seamstress's.

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Su madre, la costurera, siempre identifica su ropa de esa manera.
His mother, the seamstress, always marks her clothes this way.Literature Literature
La costurera real debería tener montones.
“The royal seamstress ought to have loads.Literature Literature
¡ Que venga la costurera!
May I see the seamstress?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
La costurera tomó las medidas que necesitaría para hacer los otros vestidos.
The seamstress took her measurements to use in making the other dresses.Literature Literature
Pero deberíais haber dejado que la costurera hiciera el escote como en el dibujo.
But you should have let that seamstress do the neckline like the picture.Literature Literature
La costurera estaba trabajando ahora en los bordados, que eran muy finos y complicados.
The seamstress was now working on the embroidery, which was very fine and complicated.Literature Literature
—mantengo el rostro inclinado hacia la costurera que trabaja a mis pies.
I keep my face turned down to the seamstress working at my feet.Literature Literature
Incluso a la media luz de la vela pudo verse que la costurera palidecía.
Even in the half-light it was possible to see that the seamstress had gone quite pale.Literature Literature
Reflexionó sobre si debía pedirle a la costurera del kibutz que le metiera un poco las mangas.
He pondered whether he should ask the kibbutz seamstress to take it in, make it more suited to his size.Literature Literature
Es de la costurera
It' s from the seamstressopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
—La muchacha de la costurera; la han enviado para que Miss Julia se probara un vestido.
"""Young lady from the dressmaker's, sent over to have Miss Julia try on a dress they making for her."Literature Literature
Sólo una cuenta de la costurera
Just a bill from the dressmakeropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Confeccionado por la costurera de Su Alteza Real, sin duda.
Made by His Royal Highness’s own seamstresses, no doubt.”Literature Literature
¿ Mandarás a alguien a la costurera?
Will you send someone to the dressmaker?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
La Costurera se encargará de ustedes a partir de ahora –explica el Ladrón–.
“The Seamstress will take care of you from here,” the Thief says.Literature Literature
Ayer ha mordido un dedo a la costurera; ahora acaba de romper un espejo.
Yesterday she bit the sewing-maid's finger, now she has just broken a looking glass.Literature Literature
No es con la garganta, dijo la costurera.
‘They make it not with the throat,’ said the seamstress, ‘but with their feathers.Literature Literature
Una antigua historia sobre el dios de la muerte y la costurera.
An old tale about the god of death and the seamstress.Literature Literature
Momentos más tarde, la costurera llamó y trajo un lavabo de agua caliente para que se lavara.
Moments later, the seamstress knocked and brought in a basin of warm water to wash up with.Literature Literature
—¿Nos queda tiempo para pasarnos por la costurera a recoger mi traje de dama de honor?
"""Do we have time to stop by the seamstress to pick up my bridesmaid dress?"""Literature Literature
Cinco días después llegó otra vez la costurera.
Five days later the seamstress arrived again.Literature Literature
Sería mejor para todos ellos que la Costurera muriese.
It would be better for all of them if the Seamstress died.Literature Literature
—Mejor déjala —dijo la costurera más joven—.
"Better leave her be,"" said the younger seamstress."Literature Literature
No te creerías lo que me costó librarme de las garras de la costurera por unos minutos.
"""You would not believe the lengths I had to go to to escape the seamstress's clutches for even a few minutes."Literature Literature
La costurera miraba asombrada, pero como le dieron veinte luises no hizo observación alguna.
The laundress looked on in astonishment, but as she had been promised twenty louis, she made no remark.Literature Literature
1939 sinne gevind in 487 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.