distinguermi oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Italiaans - Engels

first-person singular infinitive of distinguersi

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– Non ho mai preteso di distinguermi.
“I never claimed to be unique.Literature Literature
Inutilmente agitai le mani e gridai; da quell’altezza, era impossibile distinguermi da un cumulo di rocce.
My waving and screaming were to no avail; from his altitude, I was indistinguishable from a pile of rocks.Literature Literature
Ma mi chiamavano Giovane Graffia, per distinguermi dall'altro, capite.
But they called me Young Scratch, to distinguish me, you understand, from the other one.Literature Literature
Voglio che nessuno possa distinguermi da un vero smoke jumper.
I didn’t want anyone to know the difference between a real smoke jumper and me.Literature Literature
In effetti non ho fatto molto per distinguermi, finché non ho superato l’esame di ammissione all’Accademia.»
I didn’t actually do much to distinguish myself until I took the Academy’s entrance exam.”Literature Literature
Oh, caro, non riesci a distinguermi da tua madre, eh?
Oh, dear, can ' t you even tell me from your own mother?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Beh, ti ricordi di una sola cosa che ho fatto per distinguermi sul campo?
Well, can you think of one thing I did to distinguish myself on the field?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Questo piccolo intervallo non riesce a distinguermi dal niente in cui dovrò andare.
This little interval does not succeed in distinguishing me from the nothingness into which I shall go.Literature Literature
Non ero sicura che potesse distinguermi dagli altri.
I wasn’t at all sure he could tell me from the others.Literature Literature
Guardandomi nello specchio non avrei saputo distinguermi da un etrusco nativo.
Looking at myself in a mirror I could no longer distinguish myself from a native Etruscan.Literature Literature
Si china e mi bacia la punta del naso, come se potesse distinguermi nel buio.
He bends and kisses the tip of my nose, as if he can see every one of my features in the dark.Literature Literature
No, non è che io voglia distinguermi da loro; ma sarei presuntuoso se volessi essere uguale a loro.
No, it’s not that I want to differentiate myself from them; but I would be arrogant if I wanted to be their equal.Literature Literature
Hitler in particolare aveva puntato lo sguardo su di me e si copriva gli occhi per distinguermi meglio.
Hitler in particular had focused on me and was shading his eyes to try to get a clearer view of me.Literature Literature
Sa, per distinguermi.
you know, look distinguished.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mi chiamavano così, Buck, e così mi chiamano ancora, per distinguermi da lui (abbiamo lo stesso nome).
Buck is what I was called and still am, to distinguish me from him (our name is the same).Literature Literature
Nulla doveva più distinguermi dalla massa.
Nothing should henceforth distinguish me from the crowd.Literature Literature
Ma mi chiamavano Giovane Graffia, per distinguermi dall’altro, capite.
But they called me Young Scratch, to distinguish me, you understand, from the other one.Literature Literature
Veramente credevo che la mia voglia di distinguermi ti attirasse.
But I thought my standing apart appealed to you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ha detto che da quel momento in poi chiunque avrebbe potuto distinguermi dagli altri uomini, in modo da essere avvisato.
She said that from now on I would be marked out from other men and that this would serve as a warning to all women.Literature Literature
Sto cercando di distinguermi dalla massa.
I'm trying to separate myself from the pack.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ci sono delle volte in cui ho la sensazione che non riesca a distinguermi da Nynia.
There are times when I get the feeling he can't tell me from Nynia.Literature Literature
Il suo incantesimo mutaforma era così buono che neanche l’addestratore riusciva a distinguermi dagli altri...
His Hound disguise was so good, not even their handler could tell me apart from the others—Literature Literature
Avevo sperato di distinguermi in altri modi.
I had hoped to distinguish myself in other ways.Literature Literature
Mi ero preoccupata di distinguermi in tanti modi, ma mai in questo.
I’d worried about standing out in other ways, but never this one.Literature Literature
Royce è un nome di famiglia che mi venne dato per distinguermi, dato che anche mio padre si chiamava William.»
Royce was a family name I was given growing up since my father was also William.”Literature Literature
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