撕裂 oor Engels



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高加索 白人 腹部 和 脸部 有 严重 的 撕裂
White Caucasian male with severe lacerations on his face and abdomen.
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(to) split (tr.)
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mangle · tear · rip · to rip · crack · separate · avulsion · crackles · to rip apart · to tear

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我 觉得 rnachuquei 该 ozelo 撕裂
I think I hurt my ankle.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
夫妻、父母子女、兄弟姊妹四散流离。 整个社会均被撕裂
Our whole society was torn apart.jw2019 jw2019
“Remember the suffering of our hearts, the painful and lacerating pain we felt in listening to the convulsive sobs of our young children crying at their destinyMultiUn MultiUn
On the October 23, 4th day of the journey Bombard had to mend a torn old sail, while the backup sail was blown away.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
This is an enormously complex challenge that is necessary because of the trauma inflicted on societies as a result of the often protracted armed conflicts that have torn them apartMultiUn MultiUn
“On the heels of the divisive US elections, President Obama should speak directly about respecting the rights of migrants and asylum seekers already in Europe and increasing refugee resettlement in the EU, the US, and beyond.”hrw.org hrw.org
当时荣任王室总管的以利亚敬、书记舍伯那、记事官约亚出去跟他对话。 之后,三个人都撕裂衣服,去见希西家王,将西拿基立的代表御前总长所说的话告诉王。 希西家王就差以利亚敬、舍伯那和祭司中的长老去见以赛亚,请他求问耶和华。(
Acting in this official capacity, Eliakim, Shebna the secretary, and Joah, apparently the recorder, came out to speak with Rabshakeh, who had come to Jerusalem with a heavy military force to demand the surrender of the city.jw2019 jw2019
Each passing year witnesses the deepening of the injustice imposed upon the Palestinian people, including the Palestine refugees, further trampling of their human dignity and further shredding of the fabric of Palestinian society.UN-2 UN-2
We must see that there is more that binds us together than tears us apart.UN-2 UN-2
Culture is the lifeblood of a nation; its removal rips out the nation's heart and obliterates its pastMultiUn MultiUn
Later, High Priest Caiaphas affected great indignation and outrage by ripping his garments over Jesus’ admission that he was the Son of God.jw2019 jw2019
The result of mechanical processes by which end-of-life tyres are fragmented, ripped or torn into irregular pieces, typically of 20–400 mm in any dimension.UN-2 UN-2
但,如果排斥力很強, 強到讓橡膠帶的延伸 超出它的彈性極限, 真的將它撕裂了,會如何?
But what if the repulsive force is so strong that it stretches the rubber band past its elastic limit, and actually tears it?ted2019 ted2019
▪ 圣经说参孙撕裂狮子“如同撕裂山羊羔一样”。
▪ The Bible says that Samson ripped apart a lion “just as someone tears a male kid in two.”jw2019 jw2019
Upon hearing this, Ezra ripped his garment and his sleeveless coat apart, pulled out some of the hair of his head and his beard, and kept sitting stunned until the evening grain offering.jw2019 jw2019
但是加拿大也是很重要的 因为它战胜了一个目前 正在撕裂其它许多国家的问题: 移民
But Canada's also important because of its triumph over a problem currently tearing many other countries apart: immigration.ted2019 ted2019
这个我们让我们集结在一起 推翻独裁者的工具 最终也将我们撕裂
The same tool that united us to topple dictators eventually tore us apart.ted2019 ted2019
A common sign of grief among the Jews, as well as among other Orientals, particularly upon hearing of the death of a near relative.jw2019 jw2019
It risks tearing apart a great nation of Africa, seriously destabilizing the region and endangering international peace and securityMultiUn MultiUn
The fistula, or tear, happens during an obstructed labour when the tissue between a woman's vagina and bladder and/or rectum is torn.WHO WHO
还没等我反应过来是怎么回事, 一只手捂住了我的嘴, 使我无法呼吸, 身后的年轻人把我拽倒在地, 不停的将我的头部砸向地面 直到我的脸开始流血, 用脚踢我的背部和颈部, 他开始对我性侵, 撕裂我的衣服并让我闭嘴, 当时我挣扎着想要呼救。
As I turned the corner onto my street, my house in sight up ahead, I heard footsteps behind me that seemed to have approached out of nowhere and were picking up pace.ted2019 ted2019
One prisoner interviewed in the Tacumbú solitary confinement wing said that one of the guards had put a rifle in his mouth for having tried to escape, gashing his mouth.UN-2 UN-2
Culture is the lifeblood of a nation; its removal rips out the nation’s heart and obliterates its past.UN-2 UN-2
While the Greek crisis is tearing at the seams of the eurozone, the Turkish economy is booming.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Throughout the world, war, poverty, natural disasters and economic crises are tearing families apart.UN-2 UN-2
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