say oor Sorani Koerdies


/seɪ/ Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord, samewerking
(impersonal) to have a common expression; used in singular passive voice or plural active voice to indicate a rumor or well-known fact.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sorani Koerdies


to communicate verbally or in writing


to communicate verbally or in writing

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sorani Koerdies

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Jesus had much to say to his apostles that night.
وە بەم کارەش ١٠٠قات دەگەڕێتەوە سەر دەرامەتە سروشتیەکانjw2019 jw2019
What did Jehovah’s prophets say about the Messiah and the things he would experience?
منیش دهستم کرد به کۆکردنهوهی ئهو بهخشیشانه و موچەم وەردەگرتjw2019 jw2019
They even say that the foundation of this new world is being laid right now!
موشیا سافدی: بەڕاستی پیاوێکی گەڕۆک بووjw2019 jw2019
“Draw close to God,” James says, “and he will draw close to you.” —James 4:8.
وە دواتر یاسایەکمان دانا کە ئەوەیەjw2019 jw2019
“When praying,” he said, “do not say the same things over and over again.”
بۆ نەهێشتنی ئەو نەخۆشییەjw2019 jw2019
8 Also, 1 John 3:10-12 says: “The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother.
کهواته دووباره، ئهمه یهکێکی تره له جوڵه فێڵاوییهکانjw2019 jw2019
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: When you get married, you become “one flesh” with your mate.
دهتوانی ... نهخێر كاتمان نیهjw2019 jw2019
Instead, when considering all the wonderful aspects of the human body, reasonable persons say, as did the psalmist: “I shall laud you [God] because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.
چرکە ساتێکی نا ئاسای بووjw2019 jw2019
Would you say . . .
لەبری ئەوە جواندرسۆن چووە ناوjw2019 jw2019
A second journalist said that when he arrived at the protest in Akre on March 27, Asayish officers ignored his press pass, saying he could not film.
ئەم سایتە ٥٠٠٠ و نیو پرسیار وەر دەگرێت لە ڕۆژێکدا
“Jehovah of armies has sworn, saying: ‘Surely just as I have figured, so it must occur; and just as I have counseled, that is what will come true.’”—Joshua 23:14; Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 14:24.
هەوڵمان دەدا برینەکانی خۆمان ماچ بکەین و چاک ببینەوەjw2019 jw2019
The Bible says that he was distressed because of “those who were treating them abusively.” —Judges 2:18, New World Translation.
لە تەمەنی ٢٥ ساڵیدا دەکوژراjw2019 jw2019
Would you say it is . . .
کە وا بوو منداڵە ٨ ساڵانەکە چی دەکات؟jw2019 jw2019
“Be wise,” God says, “and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.”
کە چەند سەرەداوێکی دابووە دەستمانjw2019 jw2019
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani wrote a public letter to world leaders asking for help on 14 March 2020, saying that his country is struggling to fight the outbreak due to lack of access to international markets as a result of the United States sanctions against Iran.The outbreak has prompted calls for the United States to adopt social policies common in other wealthy countries, including universal health care, universal child care, paid family leave, and higher levels of funding for public health.
ئەو چوار منداڵە بە کۆمەڵێک دەورەدراون کە نزیکەی ١٦ منداڵ دەبنTico19 Tico19
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “They will become one flesh.”
لە جیاتی ئەوەی هەوڵی دۆزینەوەی حاڵەتەکە بدەین کە چۆن بووjw2019 jw2019
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Make sure of the more important things.”
دەبوایە لە سیستەمی چاودێری کردنی شەلەلدا بچوینایە بۆ ٤ ملیۆن ماڵ، دەرگا بە دەرگاjw2019 jw2019
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) says while it is not entirely clear how easily the disease spreads, one person generally infects two to three others.The virus survives for hours to days on surfaces.
ئەگەر بەختتە هەبێ هەمو ئەو شتانە لە کۆتاییدا دەکەیتTico19 Tico19
It was time to go home, and time for Sara to say goodbye to her new friends.
یاساکانی (مورس) ژمێریاری ئاسان کردووهCovidBook CovidBook
The Bible says that “man’s wickedness was great on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.”
وە هندستان دواین شوێن بوو کە ئەو نەخۆشییەی تێدا مایەوەjw2019 jw2019
God’s Word says that a husband should love his wife as his own body and that a wife should have deep respect for her husband.
دواتر خۆم و یەکێک لە هاوڕێکانم گەڕاینەوەjw2019 jw2019
God’s Word says: “They have acted ruinously on their own part; they are not his children, the defect is their own.”—Deuteronomy 32:5.
دەربارەی جیاوازی رەگەز و یاریjw2019 jw2019
Residents say the Turkish Armed Forces have declared the areas surrounding their outposts out of bounds for civilians.
بۆیە نووسم وە هەموو هەفتەیەک سەرسام دەبوون پێم
However, the Scriptures say: “Trembling at men is what lays a snare, but he that is trusting in Jehovah will be protected.”
لە %١ خەڵک کۆنتڕۆڵی خواردن و خزمەتگوزاریەکانی %٤٠ کردووەjw2019 jw2019
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Care for everything honestly, not only in the sight of Jehovah but also in the sight of men.”
وه یارمهتیم دابن که بهکاری بهێنن وهک ڕێگهیهک بۆ گۆڕینی جیهان .jw2019 jw2019
90 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.