get annoyed oor Spaans

get annoyed

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Nothing to get annoyed about.
No hay por qué enojarse.
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In fact, people tend to get annoyed if I fail to get fired up.
Lo cierto es que, si no me inflamo, la gente suele molestarse.

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to get annoyed
enfadar · enfadarse · enojar · enojarse · molestarse · mosquear · picarse
he gets annoying
se pone pesado
don't get annoyed cross with me
no te enojes conmigo


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I was beginning to get annoyed with myself.
Empezaba a estar molesta conmigo misma.Literature Literature
He saw that it was no use getting annoyed.
Comprendió que no debía enfadarse.Literature Literature
Santiago was trying to be conciliatory to prevent his father from getting annoyed because of politics.
Santiago intentaba mostrarse conciliador para impedir que su padre terminara enfadándose a cuenta de la política.Literature Literature
I mean what single, attractive guy, gets annoyed by a beautiful woman showing interest?
Quiero decir, ¿qué tipo soltero y atractivo, se molestaría por una hermosa mujer que mostraba interés?Literature Literature
What if they get annoyed with the philosopher for blocking their view?
¿Y si se enfadan con el filósofo porque les tapa la vista?Literature Literature
Emma had soon discovered that it was impossible to get annoyed or impatient with Mrs Hervey.
Emma descubrió enseguida que era imposible enfadarse ni impacientarse con la señora Hervey.Literature Literature
We have become accustomed to considerable amounts of waiting, but still get annoyed by unusually long waits.
Estamos acostumbrados a ciertas esperas, pero aún nos molestan las esperas inusualmente largas.Literature Literature
For instance, some tend to get annoyed by every trifle in life.
Por ejemplo, hay quienes tienden a enfadarse por cualquier insignificancia.jw2019 jw2019
He kissed me a lot, until I started to get annoyed, and I told him, so he stopped.
Me besó mucho, hasta que empezó a molestarme y se lo dije, así que paró.Literature Literature
One of them mentioned that you’d been getting annoying e-mails.
Uno de ellos comentó que habías recibido correos electrónicos molestos.Literature Literature
He tried to get annoyed, but what he felt instead was this crazy kind of warmth.
Trató que ese pensamiento le molestara, pero lo que sintió en cambio fue esa clase loca de calor.Literature Literature
She's getting annoyed with me.
Y se está enfadando conmigo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As she was very pretty, he didn’t get annoyed.
Como era muy guapa, no se ha enfadado.Literature Literature
And instead of getting annoyed, she said that she respected my decision.
Y en vez de enfadarse, me respondió que respetaba mi decisión.Literature Literature
She was starting to get annoyed with him now and didn’t mind if it showed.
Estaba empezando a molestarse con él, y no le importó que se diera cuenta.Literature Literature
You’re kind of too perfect with the self-control, and it gets annoying.
Eres demasiado perfecto con el tema del autocontrol, y eso es molesto.Literature Literature
He doesn’t stop, he doesn’t say a word, and he doesn’t get annoyed.
Él no se detiene, no dice nada y no se enfada.Literature Literature
It was almost twelve, and he was getting annoyed by the old man.
Casi eran las doce y el viejo ya lo estaba enfadando.Literature Literature
�They'll probably get annoyed quicker if we pretty much ignore them,� Bobby said.
–Se interesarán más rápido si no les prestamos atención -dijo Bobby.Literature Literature
Sometimes they get annoyed, but by and large, mommies and daddies don't kill each other.
A veces se enojan pero por lo pronto, las madres y los padres no se matan el uno al otro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Okay, this was getting annoying.
De acuerdo, esto se estaba volviendo molesto.Literature Literature
I am like all other girls, and I am twenty-seven years old and getting annoyed about it.
Pero no es así; yo soy como todas las muchachas y con mis veintisiete años comienzo a inquietarme.Literature Literature
Guys, guys, guys, seriously, it' s starting to get annoying
Muchachos, en serio, ya empiezan a irritarmeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Ours, stuck in traffic, was barely moving, and the driver was getting annoyed.
El nuestro, atascado en el tráfico, casi no avanza, lo que hace enojar al conductor.Literature Literature
As I was getting annoyed with my new green friend,
Mientras me enojaba con mi amigo verde,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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