inherently oor Kroaties


/ɪnˈhɛrəntli/ bywoord
In an inherent way; naturally, innately, unavoidably.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


But they still don't have the inherent gifts that you have.
No, oni još uvijek ne ima inherentne darove da imate.


Caring for the poor and needy is inherent in the ministry of the Savior.
Briga za siromašne i potrebite je svojstvena službeništvu Spasitelja.


It's very important, it's inherent, there's nothing I can do about it.
To je vrlo važno, to mi je prirođeno i ništa tu ne mogu.

En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

po sebi · u sebi · suštinski · bitno

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

inherent hazard
vlastita opasnost
inhere in
biti inherentan · biti svojstven · pripadati
inherent flexibility
inherentna fleksibilnost
inherently benign
koji sam po sebi nije opasan
inherent nature
unutarnja narav
bitan · imanentno · implicitan · inherentan · nerazdvojiv · prirođen · prisutan · svojstven · temeljan · vezan
inherent error
svojstvena pogreška
inherent aptitude


Advanced filtering
Such a measure falls under measures taken to ‘eliminate or reduce risks as far as possible’ by means of ‘inherently safe machinery design and construction’.
Naime, takva mjera ulazi u mjere kojima se nastoji „ukloniti ili smanjiti rizik u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri“ „izradom nacrta i konstrukcije strojeva koja je sama po sebi sigurna“.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In that case, the quantities of respectively transferred and received inherent CO2 shall be identical.
U tom slučaju količine prenesenog i primljenog inherentnog CO2 moraju biti identične.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
In the telecommunications sector, it is inherent in interconnection that parties will obtain certain customer and traffic information about their competitors.
U telekomunikacijskom sektoru, međusobnom povezivanju je svojstveno da stranke stječu određene podatke o korisnicima i prometu svojih konkurenata.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Leases where the lessor retains a significant portion of the risks and rewards inherent to ownership are classified as operating leases.
Najmovi kod kojih najmodavac ima znatan udio rizika i koristi od vlasništva razvrstavaju se u poslovne najmove.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In its observations, the German Government recalls that Article 4(2) TEU in fact requires the legislature of the Union to respect the national identity of Member States inherent in their fundamental political and constitutional structures, as regards local and regional autonomy included.
U okviru svojeg očitovanja njemačka vlada podsjeća na to da članak 4. stavak 2. UEU-a u biti obvezuje zakonodavca Unije da poštuje nacionalni identitet država članica koji je svojstven njihovim temeljnim političkim i ustavnim strukturama, uključujući i one koje se tiču lokalne i regionalne samouprave.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Does the CO2 released into the atmosphere as part of the conditioning of natural gas (in the form of sour gas) in the “Claus process”, whereby the CO2 inherent in natural gas is separated from the gas mixture, constitute an emission which, for the purposes of the first sentence of Article 3(h) of [Decision 2011/278], occurs as a result of the process referred to in Article 3(h)(v)?
Je li u slučaju CO2 izdvojenog iz smjese plinova i ispuštenog u atmosferu, u kontekstu obrade prirodnog plina (koji je u obliku kiselog plina) tijekom ‚Clausova postupka’ koji podrazumijeva izdvajanje CO2 koji je prirodno prisutan u prirodnom plinu, riječ o emisijama koje u smislu prve rečenice članka 3. točke (h) Odluke [2011/278] nastaju zbog postupka navedenog u članku 3. točki (h) podtočki v.?Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
As I considered in point 49 above, unless there is a case-by-case analysis of all the relevant factors in the light of the inherent purpose of the concept of ordinary course of trade referred to in point 43 above, the existence, within the context of a sale, of subjective factors of this type prevents the sale from being categorised as ‘ordinary’.
Doista, kao što sam to istaknuo u gornjoj točki 49., ako se ne provede analiza svakog pojedinačnog slučaja svih relevantnih elemenata u svjetlu cilja svojstvenog pojmu uobičajenog tijeka trgovine spomenute u gornjoj točki 43., prisutnost jednog takvog subjektivnog čimbenika u okviru prodaje sprečava da ta prodaja bude kvalificirana kao „uobičajena“.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
When the State acts as a regulator, it can decide legitimately not to maximise the revenues which could otherwise have been achieved without falling under the scope of State aid rules, provided that all the operators concerned are treated in line with the principle of non-discrimination, and that there is an inherent link between achieving the regulatory purpose and the foregoing of revenue (83).
Kada država djeluje kao regulator, ona može zakonito odlučiti da neće maksimizirati prihode koji bi se u inače mogli ostvariti, a da pritom ne uđe u područje primjene pravila o državnim potporama, pod uvjetom da se prema svima predmetnim subjektima postupa u skladu s načelom nediskriminacije i da postoji jasna poveznica između ostvarivanja regulatorne svrhe i odricanja od prihoda (83).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
To this end, the EESC deems that the regulation in hand should at least lay down a series of basic rules inherent to contractual relations between service providers and users, as well as a blacklist of prohibited clauses as a result of the limitation of the right to porting, in keeping with the parameters set out in its opinion on self-regulation and co-regulation in particular.
U tom kontekstu EGSO smatra da bi se predmetnom uredbom trebao utvrditi barem niz temeljnih pravila u vezi s ugovornim odnosima između pružatelja usluga i korisnika, kao i crna lista zabranjenih odredbi u pogledu ograničenja prava na prenosivost, u skladu s parametrima navedenima u njegovu mišljenju o samoregulaciji i koregulaciji.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(39) Whereas ordre public and morality correspond in particular to ethical or moral principles recognised in a Member State, respect for which is particularly important in the field of biotechnology in view of the potential scope of inventions in this field and their inherent relationship to living matter; whereas such ethical or moral principles supplement the standard legal examinations under patent law regardless of the technical field of the invention;
(39) Javni red i moral posebno odgovaraju etičkim ili moralnim principima priznatim u nekoj državi članici te je poštovanje tih principa posebno važno u području biotehnologije u svjetlu potencijalnog niza izuma na tom području te njihovog inherentnog odnosa prema živoj tvari; budući da takvi etički ili moralni principi nadopunjuju standardna pravna razmatranja u skladu s patentnim zakonom, bez obzira na tehničko područje izuma.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Caring for the poor and needy is inherent in the ministry of the Savior.
Briga za siromašne i potrebite je svojstvena službeništvu Spasitelja.LDS LDS
The independence of the European Central Bank and of the national central banks of the European System of Central Banks in the performance of their powers, tasks and duties conferred on them by the Treaties, as well as the independence of national central banks inherent in the constitutional structures of the Member State or third country concerned, should be fully respected in the implementation of this Regulation.
Prilikom provedbe ove Uredbe u potpunosti se poštuje neovisnost Europske središnje banke i nacionalnih središnjih banaka Europskog sustava središnjih banaka u izvršavanju njihovih ovlasti, zadaća i dužnosti koje su im povjerene Ugovorima te neovisnost nacionalnih središnjih banaka koje su sadržane u ustavnim strukturama predmetne države članice ili treće zemlje .EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Inherent CO2
Inherentni CO2Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Furthermore, the introduction of a new simplified system of surrender of sentenced or suspected persons for the purposes of execution or prosecution of criminal sentences makes it possible to remove the complexity and potential for delay inherent in the present extradition procedures.
Nadalje, uvođenje novog pojednostavljenog sustava predaje osuđenih ili osumnjičenih osoba u svrhe izvršenja kaznenih presuda ili kaznenog progona omogućuje ukidanje zamršenosti i opasnosti od kašnjenja koji postoje kod sadašnjih postupaka izručivanja.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
56 According to the Court’s case-law, the intended use of a product may also constitute an objective criterion for classification if it is inherent to the product, and that inherent character must be capable of being assessed on the basis of the product’s objective characteristics and properties (judgment of 17 July 2014, Sysmex Europe, C‐480/13, EU:C:2014:2097, paragraph 31 and the case-law cited).
56 U skladu s ustaljenom sudskom praksom Suda, namjena proizvoda može predstavljati objektivan kriterij razvrstavanja ako je svojstvena tom proizvodu te se ta svojstvenost može ocijeniti s obzirom na njegove osobine i objektivna svojstva (presuda od 17. srpnja 2014., Sysmex Europe, EU:C:2014:2097, t. 31. i navedena sudska praksa).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Furthermore, it is appropriate to extend the definition of inherent CO2 beyond the limits of CO2 contained in fuels to CO2 contained in any source stream to be monitored.
Nadalje, primjereno je proširiti definiciju inherentnog CO2 izvan ograničenja CO2 sadržanog u gorivima na CO2 koji je sadržan u bilo kojem toku izvora koji se prati.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
A single figure cannot fully capture the complexity inherent in spending tens of billions of euros.
Pojedinačna brojka ne može u potpunosti prikazati složenost koju podrazumijeva trošenje desetaka milijardi eura.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
In the absence of uniform EU-wide procedural standards, the additional inherent complexity and cost of pursuing a cross-border claim, resulting from the lack of familiarity of the parties with a foreign procedural law, the need for translation and interpretation and the need to travel for oral hearings, would amplify the disproportionate costs and length of litigation as compared to domestic disputes.
Kada ne bi bilo ujednačenih postupovnih standarda koji se primjenjuju u cijelom EU-u, dodatna svojstvena složenost i trošak prekogranične tužbe, koji su rezultat neupoznatosti stranaka sa stranim postupovnim pravom, potrebe za pismenim i usmenim prevođenjem i potrebe putovanja na usmene rasprave, povećali bi nerazmjernost troškove i trajanje spora u odnosu na domaće sporove.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I believe you see the effect of the dynamic processes inherent in the motion of rarefied gas.
Mislim da vidite učinke procesa dinamike fluida tipičnih za pokrete razrijeđena plina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Furthermore, in accordance with the principle of equal treatment of the Member States, the Commission is under an obligation to remain neutral and it is in a position to offer a better overview of the issues inherent to the euro area and to stimulate a more balanced dialogue among the various players involved.
Osim toga, u skladu s načelom jednakog postupanja prema državama članicama, Komisija je obvezna biti neutralna i može stvoriti bolji opći pregled pitanja povezanih s europodručjem i uravnoteženiji dijalog među različitim sudionicima(68).EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
39 It follows from the foregoing that the non-payment is characterised by the inherent uncertainty that stems from its non-definitive nature (judgment of 12 October 2017, Lombard Ingatlan Lízing, C‐404/16, EU:C:2017:759, paragraph 30).
39 Iz prethodno navedenog proizlazi da neplaćanje odlikuje neizvjesnost koja je inherentna njegovoj nekonačnosti (presuda od 12. listopada 2017., Lombard Ingatlan Lízing, C-404/16, EU:C:2017:759, t. 30.).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
There were two dangers inherent in negotiating.
Postojale su dvije opasnosti kod pregovaranja.Literature Literature
‘branch’ of a financial or credit institution means a place of business which forms a legally dependent part of a financial or credit institution and which carries out directly all or some of the transactions inherent in the business of financial or credit institutions;
„podružnica” financijske ili kreditne institucije znači mjesto obavljanja djelatnosti koje je pravno ovisan dio financijske ili kreditne institucije i koje izravno obavlja sve ili pojedine transakcije koje su dio poslovanja financijskih ili kreditnih institucija;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Finally, as the Council rightly pointed out, even if EIH had been able to rely on Article 32(2) of Regulation No 961/2010, this would not have precluded its listing since it satisfied the conditions laid down in Article 16 of that regulation, a restrictive measure such as that, inherently a temporary precautionary measure, (88) not necessarily having to be construed as penalising EIH’s liability for the infringements of the regulation it committed.
Uredbe br. 961/2010 nije prepreka njegovu uvrštavanju na popis jer on ispunjava uvjete za to iz članka 16. navedene uredbe, a takva mjera ograničavanja, po naravi zaštitna mjera(88), nije nužna za izricanje sankcije za vlastitu odgovornost EIH‐a zbog povrede Uredbe koju je počinio.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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