rough: (coarse, unrefined) oor Koerdies

rough: (coarse, unrefined)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

qalin; stûr; zivir

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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

rough hands
rough hew
rough sea
rough tongue
rough words
rough country
rough weather
rough leaf
rough luck


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Rough and tumble play.
DengCommentted2019 ted2019
With the help of his dear friend Antonio, he got through a rough patch in his life.
Lema jî Nebûkedneser hîşt wana cem xwe, wekî alîkarî bidine wî.jw2019 jw2019
And rough-and-tumble play is a great learning medium for all of us.
Paşê Akan divêje: “Belê, min gune kir.ted2019 ted2019
So it was a rough estimate.
Çawa dikare bê safîkirinê pirsa cezakirina zara, çaxê malda zirbav yan dêmarî heye?ted2019 ted2019
“No Road Too Rough or Too Long”
Ji kerema xwe re navekî têkevinêjw2019 jw2019
Now the display on your laptop costs, in rough numbers, 10 dollars a diagonal inch.
Mîxayê pêxember digot ku, Mesîh gerekê di Beytlehmêda bê bûyînê û hin jî ewî got ku, ew “ji demên kevin e” (Mîxa 5:2).ted2019 ted2019
I'm the fourth of five children raised by a single mother in a rough neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York.
Cibrayîl milyaket Meryemêra derheqa Îsa pêxembertî kir; Meryem diçe bal meriva xwe Êlîzabêtêted2019 ted2019
And to do this, we built a very rough topographical map of the region around the nuclear power plant.
Padşatiya Xwedê serwêrtiya ezmana ye, Padşayê wî Îsa ye, û dîsa 144 000 meriv hatin jibartinê ku tevî wî padşatiyê bikin (Eyantî 14:1, 4).ted2019 ted2019
The vans were manned by hardy pioneers who could handle the rough conditions and repair the vehicles when they broke down.
Az mîrimjw2019 jw2019
Arthur Willis, in paraphrasing a statement once made in The Golden Age magazine, later declared: “No road too rough or too long for His witnesses.”
Lema jî Îsa şagirtekî xwera got: “Yê ku ez dîtime, Bav dîtiye” (Yûhenna 14:9).jw2019 jw2019
However, this is quite a rough comparison as many other impact factors such as the number and severity of the patients should be included in the evaluation.
Derheqa van pirsa emê di serê mayînda pêbihesin.Tico19 Tico19
So we built a rough prototype of a spectrometer, and you can shine light through different substances that produce different spectrums, so that can help you identify what's in the water.
Gelek çetin e bikin usa çawa rast e.ted2019 ted2019
It's also about 40 percent more efficient than a regular wheelchair, and because of the mechanical advantage you get from the levers, you can produce 50 percent higher torque and really muscle your way through the really, really rough terrain.
Padşatiya Xwedê serwêrtiya ezmana ye, Padşayê wî Îsa ye, û dîsa 144 000 meriv hatin jibartinê ku tevî wî padşatiyê bikin (Eyantî 14:1, 4).ted2019 ted2019
Preschool kids, for example, should be allowed to dive, hit, whistle, scream, be chaotic, and develop through that a lot of emotional regulation and a lot of the other social byproducts -- cognitive, emotional and physical -- that come as a part of rough and tumble play.
Lê ew nayê hesabê wekî şixulê malê tenê ser stûyê jina ye.ted2019 ted2019
So seeing this in practice, this is the Leveraged Freedom Chair that, after a few years of development, we're now going into production with, and this is a full-time wheelchair user -- he's paralyzed -- in Guatemala, and you see he's able to traverse pretty rough terrain.
Lema jî 10 berekêd Îsraêl xwera Yerovam kivş kirin ça padşa. Lê berekêd Binyamîn û Cihûda bin padşatiya Rehobowam dimînin.ted2019 ted2019
Again, the key innovation of this technology is that when he wants to go fast, he just grabs the levers near the pivots and goes through a big angle every stroke, and as the going gets tougher, he just slides his hands up the levers, creates more torque, and kind of bench-presses his way out of trouble through the rough terrain.
Lê eva ne cara pêşin e ku Îsa kesek ji miriya radike.ted2019 ted2019
Now when you're talking about trying to travel long distances on rough terrain, I immediately thought of a mountain bike, and a mountain bike's good at doing this because it has a gear train, and you can shift to a low gear if you have to climb a hill or go through mud or sand and you get a lot of torque but a low speed.
Lê ewî gote Daniyêl: “Gumana min heye, ku Xwedayê tu wîra qulix dikî, wê te xilaz ke”.ted2019 ted2019
So because we tested it with wheelchair users, with wheelchair manufacturers, we got that feedback from them, not just articulating their problems, but articulating their solutions, and worked together to go back to the drawing board and make a new design, which we brought back to East Africa in '09 that worked a lot better than a normal wheelchair on rough terrain, but it still didn't work well indoors because it was too big, it was heavy, it was hard to move around, so again with that user feedback, we went back to the drawing board, came up with a better design, 20 pounds lighter, as narrow as a regular wheelchair, tested that in a field trial in Guatemala, and that advanced the product to the point where we have now that it's going into production.
Kitêba Pîroz rast û bi temamî cabên wan pirsa dide.ted2019 ted2019
18 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.