immediately oor Navajo


/ɪˈmiːdiətli/ bywoord, samewerking
In an immediate manner; instantly or without delay.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo


in an immediate manner


in an immediate manner



tʼah kodą́ą́ʼ

in an immediate manner

tʼáá áko

in an immediate manner

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quickly, immediately, rapidly, fast, promptly
hah, or hahí
rapidly, quickly, immediately


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I turned immediately to the Savior Jesus Christ in my thoughts and felt my anguish melt away and a great hope spring up in my heart.
T’́áá hozhǫ́’í olta’ bá go eiya.LDS LDS
(Johns Hopkins Medicine) The body immediately springs into action to stop the bleeding, widen the blood vessels, repair the wound, and strengthen the tissue.
At’ééké yázhí doo yá’át’ééhgóó bił haz’ą́ą lei’ baa náániit’áázh.jw2019 jw2019
The room was exceedingly light, but not so very bright as immediately around his person.
Éí biniinąą hooghandí saad hólǫ́ łeh nt’ę́ę́’.LDS LDS
“While I was thus in the act of calling upon God, I discovered a light appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my bedside, standing in the air, for his feet did not touch the floor.
10 Háálá dził éí adadoodįįł dóó dah daaskʼidę́ę éí nahjįʼ kódadoolnííł, ndi shijoobaʼii éí doo nahjįʼ kódoolníił da, doo ndi sheʼakʼéhwiinidzin bee nihił ałhadadiʼnishtʼánę́ę doo nahjįʼ kódoolníił da, Bóhólníihii nihaa joobaʼígíí ání.LDS LDS
We may immediately say, “To Jehovah,” and that is the best answer.
Áádóó tʼáá hooshchʼįʼ hodiiyeel.jw2019 jw2019
Almost immediately, I began to feel reassured that all would be well.
14 Tó Yíląąd Yę́ędą́ą́ʼ Haʼátʼííshąʼ Bitsʼą́ą́dóó Bíhwiidiilʼááł?LDS LDS
But rather than give in, he showed courage and immediately rejected her. —Genesis 39:10, 12.
Díijį́, shí íinisingo t’áa háiida nigháidę́ę́ díí ádzaaí bich’į’ haadzííh—dóó t’áa’ániiltso shį́į́ eíí ákodeidzáá.jw2019 jw2019
Consider your mate’s feelings, and immediately end any relationship that would make your mate uncomfortable
Haash yitʼéego ni God bichʼįʼ ádaaʼidíítʼaał?jw2019 jw2019
How do we know that Jesus did not become King when he was on earth or immediately after he was resurrected?
Naaki Góneʼ Náánádáhígíí, ádaa hodzódlí yee ahadaʼdeestʼáanii dóó bąąhági átʼéii yaa deíkáahii éí tsehégod dookʼą́ą́ł nahalingo adahididookʼą́ą́ł—Elijah éí tʼah doo tʼáá íiyisíí báhádzid iiłkááh góneʼ ńdoodááł—Malachi 4 bił ahąąh naaʼnil.jw2019 jw2019
8 Things did not immediately work out as Jehovah wanted.
Háshinee’ sáani dóó at’ééké, nihí t’áánołá’í dasoozį́įgo Bitsi’ yił’aha’deest’ánígíí nilį́.jw2019 jw2019
(b) Why did Jehovah not kill the rebels immediately?
T’áa shǫǫ nitse’, dóó ha’ísiid ałtsojį’ hool’áágoo bee nik’i’hozhdoodlíił eíí niyáá hayóleeł.jw2019 jw2019
“After this communication, I saw the light in the room begin to gather immediately around the person of him who had been speaking to me, and it continued to do so until the room was again left dark, except just around him; when, instantly I saw, as it were, a conduit open right up into heaven, and he ascended till he entirely disappeared, and the room was left as it had been before this heavenly light had made its appearance.
22 Daalʼaadii Doo Nídaaldzidgóó NidaʼnitinLDS LDS
After Adam and Eve abandoned him, God immediately made arrangements for humans to have a friendship with him again
Nléí na’nitiní nishłį́nę́ędą́ą́’ akǫ́ǫ́ naajidááh bohooł’ąą’ bibéésh bee hane’é shá ayíilaa dóó biiskání bich’į’ béésh nségiz, ndi’ ółta’ binaaltsoos yinaalnish dóó haa’áshį́į́ diináál bi’dóo’niid.jw2019 jw2019
14 When Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph, he immediately rejected her.
Ákosh haʼátʼíí hoł bééhoozin?jw2019 jw2019
6 And now when Alma heard this, he turned him about, his face immediately towards him, and he beheld with great joy; for he beheld that their aafflictions had truly bhumbled them, and that they were in a cpreparation to hear the word.
Átaa’ adaa nda’oozką́nii íiłní:LDS LDS
When a disaster strikes, Jehovah’s Witnesses immediately organize assistance to bring relief to their brothers who are affected.
2 Áko éí hodeeyáádą́ą́ʼ, dóó kojįʼ daʼíchíhígíí biyiʼjįʼ, Diyin God yá dahalneʼii, Jew dineʼé yichʼįʼ yááłtiʼ, dóó tʼáá yichʼįʼ yááłtiʼgo, ńléí sodizin bá hooghan tʼáá aaníinii dóó Diyin God bidineʼé yaa náhidookah; ahodoolzhishjįʼ éí kéyah bił ahadaʼdeestʼánę́ę bikáaʼjįʼ ahą ándoolníiłgo, dóó kéyah bee ahaʼdeetʼánígi bikááʼgóó tʼáá ałtsogo kéédahatʼį́į dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
Some of John’s disciples immediately followed Jesus.
Christ ayóóʼóʼóoʼniʼ yee hooʼáał doo.jw2019 jw2019
24 And secondly, he doth arequire that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bbless you; and therefore he hath paid you.
Dóó tʼáadoo leʼé ádaalyaahą́ą, tʼáá ádaalyaahą́ągi ádaatʼée dooleeł ńtʼę́ę́ʼ; dóó hoolʼáágóó, doo nińtʼiʼ da dooleeł ńtʼę́ę́ʼ.LDS LDS
He calls out to the gatekeepers below, and they respond immediately by closing the city gates and locking them from the inside.
Łą́ dine’ yaah áko daniizį́į́’ díí niłt’óólgo dóó ayóó’óó’ní iisizį́į́nii, hané bee nihił hodiishnį́ ałkidą́ą́ naahaiyaadą́ą́’ áhoot’ííd.jw2019 jw2019
They shifted their focus from Jehovah to their immediate comforts and fleshly concerns
Éí bąą Diyin Bizaad tʼáá aaníigo yee naʼnitinígíí hazhóʼó bíhoołʼaah.—Acts 17:11 yíníłtaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
John’s dress and appearance made it immediately apparent that he lived a simple life, completely devoted to doing God’s will
Éí biniinaa Eva dóo bił hats’íi da.jw2019 jw2019
Although we are currently concentrating our efforts on completing the previously announced temples and will not be announcing any new temples in the immediate future, we will continue the process of determining needs and of finding locations for temples yet to come.
5 Dóó aa hojoobaʼígíí bikʼidahojídlí, háálá éí nahasdzáán daabí dooleeł.LDS LDS
12, 13. (a) Why did Jehovah not destroy the rebels immediately?
Náánáłaʼ naaltsoos Oodlání bichʼįʼ ádaalyaajw2019 jw2019
2 And it was noised abroad among the people immediately, before it was yet dark, that the multitude had seen Jesus, and that he had ministered unto them, and that he would also show himself on the amorrow unto the multitude.
Ndagaʼ.LDS LDS
7 For immediately after I had learned these things of you I inquired of the Lord concerning the matter.
(2 Corinthians 4:3, 4; 11:13-15) Łaʼ oodląʼ ałʼąą ádaatʼéhígíí anaaʼ, diné naaltseed, áłchíní atílʼı̨́ dóó yééʼ yee atídaʼałʼı̨́ daʼatahgo baa dahaneʼ.LDS LDS
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