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Su tía se puso de pie con las manos dobladas con recato frente a ella, esperando.
Her aunt stood up straight, her hands folded demurely in front of her, waiting.Literature Literature
Reí con recato para demostrar que no estaba ofendida, aunque mis palabras rozaban la verdad.
I laughed softly to show I felt no injury, though my words were closer to the truth.Literature Literature
Hypolite sonrió con recato y permaneció inmóvil, ufana y profundamente enamorada, absolutamente hechizada.
Hypolite smiled demurely and sat still, proud and deeply in love, thoroughly enchanted.Literature Literature
—Tenemos una estricta política de buenas palabras en mi casa —digo con recato.
“We have a strict clean word policy at my house,” I say primly.Literature Literature
Las paredes estaban revestidas de celosías, como si el edificio intentara tapar su desnudez con recato.
The walls were criss-crossed by trellises, as if the building were trying to cover its own modesty.Literature Literature
—O tal vez es que no me han pillado —dijo Natalie con recato, haciéndole reír.
"""Perhaps it's only that I haven't been caught,"" Natalie said demurely, making him laugh."Literature Literature
—Mi lord —dijo ella en voz baja y con recato— ¡yo estaré siempre en deuda con usted!
“My lord,” she said softly, demurely, “I shall forever be in your debt!”Literature Literature
– Al señor Baird le gusta la rana de Molly -dijo ella con recato-.
‘Mr Baird likes Molly’s frog,’ she said demurely.Literature Literature
Lo dijo con recato, pero Lena había visto un brillo en sus ojos, como si se sintiera insultada.
Her tone was demure but Lena had seen a flash in her eyes, as if she had been insulted.Literature Literature
—Todo esto es parte de un plan divino —dijo Kay con recato, mientras aferraba el picaporte.
“This is all part of a divine plan,” Kay said almost primly, and took hold of the hoop-shaped handle.Literature Literature
—El señor Hermon siempre se portó como un caballero —respondió Weaver con recato—.
‘Mr Hermon always behaved like a gentleman,’ Weaver said demurely.Literature Literature
Estaba sentada con recato en su escritorio, tomando café y mirando por encima del papeleo.
She was sitting demurely at her desk, sipping coffee, and looking over paperwork.Literature Literature
Religiosamente, con recato científico, toda la platea lagrimeaba de ternura.
Religiously, with scientific decorum, the whole audience sobbed tenderly.Literature Literature
Por más que en Casa Ardua no haya ningún cerdo, añadiré con recato.
Not that there are any swine at Ardua Hall, I will add coyly.Literature Literature
La que más interrogantes despertaba era ella: una desconocida alta, limpia y vestida con recato.
Mostly their doubts were directed at herself: a strange woman, tall and clean and primly dressed.Literature Literature
- Eso era algo que debían decidir tú y mi padre -replicó Adelisa con recato
‘That was a matter for you and my father to decide,’ replied Adelisa demurely.Literature Literature
—Su excelencia —saludó Wyndham con recato mientras ambos hombres se sentaban—, bienvenido a casa.
“Your Grace,” Wyndham greeted warily as both men sat down.Literature Literature
—Debe de haber sido terrible para ellas perder a su padre —dijo con recato.
“It must be dreadful for them to lose a parent,” she said quietly.Literature Literature
Allí estaba la cantante Lola Flores, vestida con recato, así como Miguel Ríos, el rockero de Granada.
The singer Lola Flores was there, demurely clad, as was Miguel Ríos, the Granada rocker.Literature Literature
En vez de mirar al suelo con recato y humildad, la criada lo estudiaba detenidamente, sin disimular.
Rather than look demurely, meekly, at the ground, the maidservant studied him forthrightly.Literature Literature
Ella comprendió, aunque se sentó con recato en el enorme sofá desmontable.
She understood, though she sat demurely on the huge sectional sofa.Literature Literature
Moviendo con recato la cabeza, volvió a mirar a Robert, en aquella ocasión, con un destello de interés
With a demure turn of her head, she looked Robert over again, this time with a spark of interest.Literature Literature
—Las cosas bellas ayudan a que cualquiera parezca bella —dijo Amisha con recato.
“Beautiful things help to make anyone look beautiful,” Amisha now said with modesty.Literature Literature
—Te felicito, Paul —dijo Sofía con recato, consciente de que el embajador británico estaba junto a ella—.
“I do commend you, Paul,” Sophie said demurely, conscious of the British ambassador beside her.Literature Literature
Su religión no les imponía comportarse con recato ante los hombres.
They were not Muslims and their religion did not require them to behave in a reserved manner toward men.Literature Literature
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