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No nekoliko godina poslije, tijekom Rekonstrukcije, bezobzirno su potisnuti.
But they were unceremoniously pushed out years later during Reconstruction.Literature Literature
Njihovi proizvodi su zbog većih serijskih količina bili znatno jeftniji i kao takvi potisnuli su instrumente naših domaćih majstora te su oni vremenom prestajali proizvoditi .
Their products were significantly cheaper due to higher volume series and as such pushed the instruments of local artists , and they eventually stopped producing .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Promjena život mogao potisnuti pozivaju ubiti za razdoblje od vrijeme.
A life change could suppress the urge to kill for a period of time.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tu je uključeno i mnogo potisnutog bijesa.
A lot of suppressed anger is involved.Literature Literature
Oscilirajući potisni kompresori, koji stvaraju pritisak > 15 bara, kapaciteta ≤ 120 m3/sat
Reciprocating displacement compressors having a gauge pressure capacity > 15 bar, giving a flow per hour ≤ 120 m3EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Budući da je aspirin od zatvoru će potisnuti groznicu.
Because the aspirin from the jail would suppress the fever.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Harald prema tim riječima osjeća sve jače gađenje, tjeskobu koju ne može potisnuti.
At what she has just said Harald feels a rising disgust, distress that he cannot suppress.Literature Literature
A i na kojima se mogu ispitivati rakete ili motori na kruto ili tekuće gorivo koji imaju potisak veći od 68 kN ili na kojima se može istodobno mjeriti tri aksijalne potisne komponente.
A., which have the capacity to handle solid or liquid propellant rockets, motors or engines having a thrust greater than 68 kN, or which are capable of simultaneously measuring the three axial thrust components.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Konačno je Teodozije Veliki [379-395. n. e.], u posljednjoj četvrtini četvrtog stoljeća, učinio kršćanstvo službenom religijom Carstva te potisnuo državno pogansko obožavanje.”
Finally, in the last quarter of the 4th century, Theodosius the Great [379-395 C.E.] made Christianity the official religion of the Empire and suppressed public pagan worship.”jw2019 jw2019
Ova stavka ne obuhvaća tunelske peći s valjčanim transportom, tunelske peći s pomičnim vozilom, tunelske peći s transportnim trakom, potisne ili komorne peći, posebno projektirane za proizvodnju stakla, keramičke stolne posude ili strukturne keramike.
This item does not cover tunnel kilns with roller or car conveyance, tunnel kilns with conveyor belt, pusher type kilns or shuttle kilns, specially designed for the production of glass, tableware ceramics or structural ceramics.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Filtracijska membrana se potisne do dna konične posude od 15 ml pomoću tučka i čvrsto pritisne te pomiče stalnim pokretima tučka naprijed nazad koji se nalazi iznutra u presavijenoj filtracijskoj membrani, u skladu s uputama proizvođača.
The filtration membrane is pushed at the bottom of the 15 ml conical tube with the help of the pestle and strongly pressed by doing successive back and forth movements with the pestle which should be positioned inside the filtration membrane folding according to the manufacturer’s instructions.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sebičnost, želja da proslavimo sebe ili uobraženi ponos može potisnuti ljubav, tako da nam to ‘ništa ne pomaže’ (Priče Salamunove 11:2; 1. Korinćanima 13:3).
Selfishness, a desire to glorify ourselves, or presumptuous pride can crowd out love, so that we are “not profited at all.” —Proverbs 11:2; 1 Corinthians 13:3.jw2019 jw2019
U protestantskoj tradiciji došlo je do toga, da je Očevo postojanje potisnuto na položaj skoro potpune nepoznatosti.
In the Protestant tradition, this has led to the Father’s being relegated to a position of near-total obscurity.jw2019 jw2019
Države članice i Komisija trebale bi poticati razvoj i korištenje programa koji pouzdano mogu dokazati da proizvodnja određenog iznosa sirovina za proizvodnju biogoriva u određenom projektu nije potisnula proizvodnju u druge svrhe.
Member States and the Commission should encourage the development and use of schemes which can reliably prove that a given amount of biofuel feedstock produced in a given project did not displace production for other purposes.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Regan je osječala takvu krivnju da je sve potisnula.
Regan's guilt was so great, she repressed everything.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rotirajući potisni kompresori, s jednom ili više osovina
Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft or multi-shaftEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Cinizam slobodno potisni zajedno s osjećajima.
So take your Vulcan cynicism and bury it... along with your repressed emotions.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"„Želim potisnuti te Ruse"", rekao je čovjek."
“I want these Russians pushed back,” said the man.Literature Literature
Shvatio sam zašto sam to potisnuo.
I just realized why I blocked it out.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
„Ovo ne rješava ništa, i ako vam je stalo do Sarah, prijeći ćete preko toga, danas ćete to potisnuti.
“This isn’t solving anything, and if you care about Sarah, you’ll put it away, you’ll suck it up for the day.Literature Literature
Mjerila obuzdavanja žrtava, potencijalno oružje, izvor potisnutog bijesa, stresa, dokaz samouništavanja, i trofeji svojih ubojstava.
Means of subduing the victim, potential weapon, source of displaced rage, stressor, evidence of a self-destructive spiral, and trophies of his kills.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Je li nemoguće da te Dominij vrbovao, a da si ti to potisnuo?
But... as a doctor isn't it in the realm of medical possibility that the Dominion did recruit you and you have blocked it out of your memory?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Jedna stara religija koja je potisnuta u pozadinu."""
“It’s an early religion that got-pushed into the corner.”Literature Literature
Odlučan da se ne prepustim tjeskobi, potisnuo sam svoje osjećaje.
Determined not to give in to my anguish, I shut down my emotions .Literature Literature
Emocije poput straha , tuge , ljutnje , mržnje , zavisti te razne druge emocionlno- mentalne traume potisnute i blokirane , gomilaju se u tijelu i probavnom sustavu .
Emotions like fear , sorrow , anger , hate , envy and many other emotional-mental traumas that are suppressed and blocked , get accumulated in the body and the digestive system .hrenWaC hrenWaC
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