sudski oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Stoga rumunjsko zakonodavstvo prima facie osigurava djelotvornu sudsku zaštitu u odnosu na ta prava.
Thus, Romanian legislation prima facie ensures effective judicial protection with respect of these rights.


Moramo znati gdje boravite svake noći sve do sudske rasprave.
We need to know where you're staying each night until the court hearing.


osiguravanje postupanja u skladu s nalozima ili odlukama u sudskim ili upravnim postupcima.
ensuring compliance with orders or judgements in juridical or administrative proceedings.
Open Multilingual Wordnet

En 7 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

magisterial · forensic · judical · justiciary · legal · judicatory · juridic

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Soortgelyke frases

sudska odluka
judgement · judgment · judicial decision
sudski okrug
Sudski tumač
Court interpreter
sudski postupak
action · action at law · judicial proceedings · legal action · practice
sudska presuda
condemnation · decree
sudski branitelj
defence lawyer
sudskom odlukom
by judicial act
popis sudskih riješenja
sudska istraga
inquest · judicial inquiry


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31 Kao što to proizlazi iz ustaljene sudske prakse, Direktiva 2004/38 ima za cilj olakšati ostvarivanje temeljnog i individualnog prava slobodnog kretanja i boravka na području država članica, koje je izravno dodijeljeno građanima Unije člankom 21. stavkom 1. UFEU‐a, i poduprijeti to pravo (presuda O. i B., C‐456/12, EU:C:2014:135, t. 35. i navedena sudska praksa).
31 As is apparent from settled case-law, Directive 2004/38 aims to facilitate the exercise of the primary and individual right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States that is conferred directly on Union citizens by Article 21(1) TFEU and to strengthen that right (judgment in O. and B., C‐456/12, EU:C:2014:135, paragraph 35 and the case-law cited).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dopisima od 9. i 11. ožujka 2015. rumunjska upravna tijela obavijestila su Komisiju da je u razdoblju od 5. veljače do 25. veljače 2015. sudski izvršitelj od Ministarstva financija zaplijenio dodatni iznos od 9 197 482 RON te da je Ministarstvo financija izvršilo dobrovoljnu isplatu preostalog iznosa (tj.
By letters of 9 and 11 March 2015 the Romanian authorities informed the Commission that in the period 5 February to 25 February 2015, the court-appointed executor seized an additional amount of RON 9 197 482 from the Ministry of Finance and that a voluntary payment of the remaining amount (i.e.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
19. i navedena sudska praksa).
These conditions are cumulative.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
92 Međutim, da bi argument utemeljen na takvom opravdanju mogao biti uspješan, potrebno je, prema ustaljenoj sudskoj praksi, pokazati postojanje izravne veze između porezne prednosti u pitanju i prijeboja te prednosti s pojedinim poreznim predujmom, dok se izravnost te veze mora ocijeniti u odnosu na cilj propisa u pitanju (gore navedena presuda Santander Asset Management SGIIC i dr., t. 51. i navedena sudska praksa).
92 However, for an argument based on such a justification to succeed, a direct link must be established, according to settled case‐law, between the tax advantage concerned and the compensating of that advantage by a particular tax levy, with the direct nature of that link falling to be examined in the light of the objective pursued by the rules in question (Santander Asset Management SGIIC and Others, paragraph 51 and case-law cited).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Prema sudskoj praksi Suda (44) potpora cestovnom prijevozu može se proglasiti spojivom na temelju članka 93. Ugovora samo u dobro definiranim slučajevima koji ne ugrožavaju opće interese Unije.
According to case law of the Court of Justice (44), aid to land transport may be declared compatible on the basis of Article 93 of the Treaty only in well-defined cases which do not jeopardise the general interests of the union.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
U načelu, nacionalno pravo država članica primjenjuje se na uvjete i oblike sudskih naloga koje su države članice dužne predvidjeti na temelju članka 8. stavka 3.
In principle, the conditions and modalities for the injunctions for which the Member States must provide under Article 8(3) of Directive 2001/29, as well as the conditions to meet and procedure to be followed, are a matter for the national law of the Member States.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
34 Uvodno, valja podsjetiti da, u skladu s člankom 2. točkom 7. Uredbe br. 2201/2003, izraz „roditeljska odgovornost” označava prava i obveze koji se odnose na dijete ili njegovu imovinu, koji su sudskom odlukom dodijeljeni fizičkoj ili pravnoj osobi, primjenom prava ili sporazumom s pravnim učinkom. Taj izraz uključuje i prava roditeljske skrbi i odgoja djeteta te prava na kontakt s djetetom.
34 It should be recalled, as a preliminary point, that in accordance with Article 2(7) of Regulation No 2201/2003 the concept of parental responsibility covers all rights and duties relating to the person or the property of a child which are given, inter alia, to a legal person by judgment or by operation of law, and includes rights of custody and rights of access.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Načelo uzajamnog priznavanja proizlazi iz sudske prakse Suda Europske unije.
The principle of mutual recognition derives from the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Naime, iz sudske prakse Suda proizlazi da međunarodni sporazum koji uključuje usklađivanje sustavâ zaštite intelektualnog vlasništva općenito mora biti povezan sa zajedničkom trgovinskom politikom kad je njegova svrha promicanje trgovine.
Indeed, it follows from the Court’s case-law that an international agreement entailing harmonisation of intellectual property protection regimes must, generally speaking, be related to the common commercial policy when the agreement is intended to promote trade.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Iz sudske prakse proizlazi da je u slučaju poreznih sustava, kao što je to predmetni sustav u ovom slučaju, koji se primjenjuju jednom godišnje ili periodično, potrebno razlikovati, s jedne strane, donošenje sustava potpora i, s druge strane, dodjelu godišnjih potpora na temelju navedenog sustava(47).
It is clear from the case-law that, in the case of tax regimes such as the one at issue in the present case, which apply on an annual or periodic basis, it is necessary to make a distinction between, on the one hand, the adoption of an aid scheme, and, on the other, the grant of annual aid on the basis of that regime. (47)EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Nadalje, u skladu sa sudskom praksom Suda, određeni prekogranični interes postoji a da nije potrebno da neki gospodarski subjekt stvarno iskaže svoj interes (presuda od 14. studenoga 2013., Belgacom, C-221/12, EU:C:2013:736, t. 31. i sudska praksa).
Furthermore, in accordance with the Court’s case-law, there may be certain cross-border interest, without its being necessary that an economic operator has actually manifested its interest (judgment of 14 November 2013, Belgacom, C‐221/12, EU:C:2013:736, paragraph 31 and the case-law cited).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
10 – U skladu s ovom uvodnom izjavom, „[j]edinstvena bi pravila trebala povećati predvidivost sudskih odluka te osigurati odgovarajuću ravnotežu između interesa osobe kojoj se odgovornost utvrđuje i osobe koja je pretrpjela štetu [...]“.
10 – According to that recital, ‘[u]niform rules should enhance the foreseeability of court decisions and ensure a reasonable balance between the interests of the person claimed to be liable and the person who has sustained damage ...’.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(9) Člankom 11. točkom (a) Protokola o povlasticama i imunitetima Europske unije propisano je da članovi osoblja „uživaju imunitet od sudskih postupaka u pogledu radnja koje oni poduzimaju u službenom svojstvu, uključujući izgovorene ili napisane riječi[...].
(9) Article 11(a) of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities (PPI) of the European Union stipulates that staff members shall ‘be immune from legal proceedings in respect of acts performed by them in their official capacity, including their words spoken or written.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
51 Usto, u skladu sa sudskom praksom navedenom u točki [44.] ove presude, izvršavanje diskrecijske ovlasti institucija Unije prilikom odabira treće referentne zemlje podložno je sudskom nadzoru.
51 In addition, according to the case-law cited in paragraph 44 of the present judgment, the exercise of the Union institutions’ discretion when selecting the reference third country is subject to review by the Court.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Osoba protiv koje su egipatska tijela pokrenula sudski postupak ili postupak povrata imovine slijedom pravomoćne sudske presude za nezakonito prisvajanje državnih sredstava na temelju Konvencije Ujedinjenih naroda protiv korupcije.
Person subject to judicial proceedings or an asset recovery process by the Egyptian authorities following a final court ruling in respect of the misappropriation of State Funds on the basis of the United Nations Convention against corruptioneurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Iako ni u jednom od tih predmeta vjerodostojnost i ugled Europske unije na međunarodnoj sceni nisu izričito bili u pitanju, iz te sudske prakse znamo da je načelo lojalne suradnje osobito važno u području vanjskih odnosa te da se izričito primjenjuje u pogledu izvršavanja glasačkih prava u području dijeljene nadležnosti(46).
Even though in none of these cases was the credibility and reputation of the European Union on the international scene specifically at stake, we do know from that case-law that the principle of sincere cooperation has a particular significance in the area of external relations and that it specifically applies as regards the exercise of voting rights in an area of shared competence. (46)Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Razumno je zadržati šestomjesečno vremensko ograničenje u kojem podnositelj zahtjeva može pristupiti postupku i u kojem razmatranje zahtjeva mora biti završeno na upravnoj i sudskoj razini.
Maintaining the 6-month time limit for an applicant to access the procedure and for concluding the examination of applications at administrative and judicial level is reasonable.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
( 24 ) Iz odluke kojom je upućeno prethodno pitanje zaključujem da se, u skladu s člankom 8. točkom (f) Vw‐a, za državljanina treće zemlje koji zatraži azil smatra da zakonito boravi u Nizozemskoj dok se ne donese odluka o njegovu zahtjevu za dozvolu boravka i da se, na temelju njegova zahtjeva (ili sudskog naloga), njegovo protjerivanje odgađa dok se ne donese odluka o zahtjevu za azil.
( 24 ) I understand from the order for reference that under Article 8(f) of the Vw a third-country national who applies for asylum is considered to be lawfully resident in the Netherlands while a decision on his application for a residence permit is pending, and that, on the basis of his application (or a court order), his deportation is to be deferred until a decision on the asylum request is taken.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
(8) U skladu s člankom 81. stavkom 2. točkom (h) i člankom 82. stavkom 1. točkom (c) Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije Unija pruža potporu osposobljavanju sudaca i sudskog osoblja kao alata za poboljšanje pravosudne suradnje u građanskim i kaznenim stvarima na temelju načela uzajamnog priznavanja presuda i sudskih odluka.
(8) Pursuant to Articles 81(2)(h) and 82(1)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, the Union shall support the training of the judiciary and judicial staff as a tool to improve judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters based on the principle of mutual recognition of judgments and of judicial decisions.not-set not-set
Sudski nalog ti je dao kontrolu nad njenim medicinskim odlukama zato što nije imala supruga ili potomka.
Your court order gave you control over Megan's medical decisions because she didn't have a spouse or offspring.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Vijeće nije pronašlo naznake da se nisu poštovala prava gđe Samire Bent Mohamed Ben Rhoume Trabelsi na obranu ili njezino pravo na djelotvornu sudsku zaštitu.
The Council has found no indication that the rights of defence or the right to effective judicial protection of Ms Samira Bent Mohamed Ben Rhouma Trabelsi were not respected.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Ne dovodeći u pitanje članak 83., kada nije moguće koristiti način osiguravanja povrata iz stavka 1., a dužnik ne plati dug unatoč formalnoj opomeni koju mu je poslao računovodstveni službenik, računovodstveni službenik izvršava odluku o povratu koja je osigurana u skladu s člankom 72. stavkom 2. Financijske uredbe ili sudskim postupkom.
Without prejudice to Article 83, where the recovery method referred to in paragraph 1 cannot be used and the debtor has failed to pay in response to the letter of formal notice sent by the accounting officer, the accounting officer shall enforce a recovery decision secured either in accordance with Article 72(2) of the Financial Regulation or by legal action.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Načelo učinkovite sudske zaštite od sada predstavlja vodeće načelo pravnog sustava Zajednice, koje je danas zaštićeno člancima 6. i 13. EKLJP-a, a kojim se svakomu jamči pravo da radi utvrđivanja njegovih prava i obveza njegov slučaj ispita sud, pri čemu pristup sudu, da bi bio učinkovit, mora svakomu zajamčiti jasnu i učinkovitu mogućnost da osporava akt koji zadire u njegov pravni položaj.
It is now enshrined in Articles 6 and 13 of the ECHR, which guarantee everyone the right to a hearing by a tribunal having jurisdiction to determine any issue as to his rights or obligations, on the basis that access to a tribunal, if it is to be effective, requires that everyone has a clear and effective opportunity to challenge acts that have adversely affected his legal situation.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Načelo pravila od interesa za javnost razvio je Sud u svojoj sudskoj praksi u vezi s člancima 43. i 49. Ugovora i uključuje, inter alia, pravila o zaštiti potrošača, zaštiti maloljetnika i kulturnoj politici.
The notion of rules of general public interest has been developed by the Court of Justice in its case law in relation to Articles 43 and 49 of the Treaty and includes, inter alia, rules on the protection of consumers, the protection of minors and cultural policy.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
202 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.