控え室 oor Engels


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waiting room


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スタジアムの控え室で他の旗手に会いました 選手3人と女優のスーザン サランドンとソフィア ローレンです
In the green room of the stadium, I met the other flag bearers: three athletes, and the actresses Susan Sarandon and Sophia Loren.ted2019 ted2019
He concludes, "The early modern Atlantic can even be read as a natural antechamber for American‐led globalization of capitalism and serve as an historical challenge to the coalescing New Europe.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
万寿 元年 ( 1024 年 ) の 豊明 節会 に お い て は 、 任務 と し て 五節 舞 の 舞姫 を 貢進 する も 、 病 を 口実 に その 舞姫 の 控え室 に 籠も っ て しま う と い う 事件 を 引き起こ し て い る ( 『 小右記 』 ) 。
In the Toyoakari no sechi-e ( a seasonal court banquet , which took place the day after Niiname-sai festival in November ) in 1024 , he paid a tribute of Maihime ( dancing girl ) for Gosechi no mai Dance ( dance performance as part of a harvest festival ) as his duty ; however , he created an incident where he confined himself in the anteroom for the Maihime on the excuse of his illness ( " Shoyuki " ) ( The Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke ) .KFTT KFTT
始めの頃はよく控え室で 長いこと静かに泣いていたものです
I spent a lot of time in those early years weeping silently in dressing rooms.ted2019 ted2019
Built of white and blue marble and richly decorated with delicate carvings, the stand had two waiting rooms alongside with mosaic floors and marble benches.jw2019 jw2019
諸侯 控え室 - 三 渓 園 ( 横浜 市 中 区 ( 横浜 市 ) )
Lord 's Antechamber - Sankei-en ( Naka Ward , Yokohama City )KFTT KFTT
In the green room I received my uniform.ted2019 ted2019
また 、 相撲 で 、 力士 が 土俵 に 向か い 、 また 控え室 に 戻 る ため の 道 も 花道 と い う 。
Hanamichi also means the path where a Rikishi ( a Sumo wrestler ) walks when he goes to dohyo ( the Sumo ring ) and returns to a waiting room .KFTT KFTT
She practically never leaves the studio, and even suggested that her dressing room be equipped so that she could live here during the picture.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In the anteroom, competitors who had made it through the preliminaries formed a circle and rose up together to win the semifinal and the final.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
ツアーに含まれるもの: インタラクティブな展示エリア Tunnel Clubホスピタリティ・エリア アウェイチームの控え室 一軍チームのウォームアップ・エリア ホームチームの控え室 プレイヤーズ・トンネル ピッチ際への訪問 選手の控えベンチ プレス・カンファレンス・ルーム 試合後のインタービューエリア CityStore(スタジアム・ツアー参加者全員を対象に10%ディスカウント) ご注意:上記の内容は予告なしに変更になる場合がありますのでご了承ください。
Your tour will include: Interactive exhibition The Tunnel Club hospitality area Away Team dressing room First Team warm-up area Home Team dressing room Players Tunnel Pitch-side visit Players dugout Press Conference room Post-match interview area CityStore (10% discount to all Stadium Tour customers) Please note, all areas are subject to availability.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
控え室では呼ばれるまで静かに待つ 日本企業の全てではありませんが、面接を行う前に控え室として応接スペースや通路の椅子に通されることがあります。
In the Waiting room, wait quietly until you are called Although it is not in all Japanese companies, you may be passed to a waiting room or to a chair in an aisle before the job interview.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
If your revealed card's Level is higher than your opponent's revealed card's Level, you may choose 1 of your opponent's Character with Cost 0 or lower at Front Row, and place it into Waiting Room.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
し かし、控え室に戻り、研究会の委員と話したときでも、ここまでの事態になるとは思いも よらなかった。
But even when I talked with the other members of the research group after we went back to the waiting room, I had no idea that the situation would prove as serious as turned out to be the case.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The waiting room feature will be enabled and the teacher will be allowed into the Zoom room first and asked to let students in from the waiting room.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
4) 上記のフィーチャーパフォーマンスとエンハンスメントは、振り付けとコスチューム、楽器、 2) ステージ、照明、サウンドシステム、控え室、駐車料金、交通費はお客様の負担となります。 プロダクションマネージャーが含まれます。
4) All above feature performance and enhancements complete with choreography, 2) Clients responsible for: stage, lighting and sound system, dressing room, parking costumes, instruments and production manager. fee, travel expenses.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
で、このグリフォンマスクに何の頼みなのだ?」 試合を終えたばかりのプロレスラーの控え室
So, what does that does that have to do with old Tizoc here?°... The pro wrestlers°« locker room, just after the match has ended.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
We also require access to a waiting room 2 hours prior to the start of the lesson.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
There is a rumor that Umeboshi was always available on the dining table in the Japanese soccer team’s waiting room during the previous world cup.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The Masturbation scene is pirated in Kamerakozou in the waiting room and be going to get back tape, but be taken adversely!JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
小休止に最適なリフレッシュコーナーやホワイエ(休憩コーナー ) 、 講師控え室、パーティールームが、会議・セミナーのスムーズな進行をバックアップします。
The Refresh Corner is suitable for short breaks, and the foyer (rest corner) and lecturer anteroom as well as the party room all provide backup support for the smooth progress of conferences and seminars.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
(ご親族の皆様にも、その旨をお伝えください。 ) ※ お着替えの部屋がございませんので、皆様お着替えを済まされてお控え室にご集合ください。
(Please tell that to your relatives as well. ※ There is no room for changing clothes, please gather clothes and gather in the waiting room.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
The Kobayashi and Yamashita pair had a waiting room next to it but 3 of them, U Cho Meijin Oza, Izumi Kobayashi the Strongest Woman Player and Ayumi Suzuki 3dan are members of a society for the study of Go and since Keigo Yamashita 9dan had not arrived, 3 of them had lunch peacefully in the Suzuki and Cho pair's waiting room.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
Examinees should arrive at the waiting room 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the oral examination.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
RPGなら人類最強の職業グラディエイターの控え室を発見 かつてキプロス南西部に存在した古代都市「クリオン」の古代遺跡は、見晴らしの良い高台にあって、ヘレニズム時代、ローマ時代、初期キリスト教時代の遺跡を見ることができます。
Discovering the Waiting Room of the Strongest of Humanity in RPG; Gladiators Located in the southwestern part of Cyprus, the ruins of the ancient city "Kourion" are situated on an elegant hill where you can see the ruins of Hellenistic times, Roman times and early Christian times.JParaCrawl3 JParaCrawl3
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