ovca oor Engels


Sesalec z rogovi, ki prežvekuje, goji se več različnih vrst zaradi volne, užitnega mesa in kože.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Sloweens - Engels


Kot čreda ovac, ki se pase na ruševinah vasi.
It's like a flock of sheep grazing in the ruins of a village.


female sheep
Prijeten in značilen pookus, ki ga daje mleko ovac pasme Manchega.
Pleasant and distinctive aftertaste produced by the milk of ewes of the ‘Manchega’ breed.


Zmaj se hrani tako s konji kot z ovcami.
The dragon feeds on horse and lamb alike.
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8 Jehova po svojem ,enem pastirju‘, Kristusu Jezusu, sklepa s svojimi dobro hranjenimi ovcami zavezo miru (Izaija 54:10).
8 Through his one Shepherd, Christ Jesus, Jehovah concludes with His well-fed sheep a “covenant of peace.”jw2019 jw2019
Cilj pomoči je nadomestiti stroške testiranja na TSE pri govedu, ovcah in kozah v skladu s členom #(g) Uredbe (ES) št
The objective of the aid is to compensate the costs of TSE tests on cattle, sheep and goats in accordance with Article #(g) of Regulation (EC) Nooj4 oj4
Ker ni dovolj trave, se morajo ovce pasti na poplavnih travnikih in krmiti s sekundarno krmo, kot so rž, ječmen, repa, leča in listje dreves, na primer jesena, bresta, hrasta, mandljevca, oljke in celo vinske trte.“
However, not enough grass is produced and water meadows and secondary forage need to be used – rye, barley, turnips, lentils and the foliage of trees such as ash, elm, oak, almond and olive trees and even vines.’EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Ta naziv še posebej ceni »velika množica« »drugih ovc«.
The “great crowd” of the “other sheep” especially appreciate this term.jw2019 jw2019
Uvoz semen in zarodkov ovc in koz
Import of ovine and caprine semen and embryosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Direktiva #/#/EGS predvideva tudi določitev posebnih zahtev zdravstvenega varstva živali ali jamstev, enakovrednih tistim iz navedene direktive, za uvoz semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov ovc in koz v Skupnost
Directive #/#/EEC also provides for the establishment of the specific animal health requirements or guarantees equivalent to those provided for in that Directive, for imports into the Community of semen, ova and embryos of the ovine and caprine speciesoj4 oj4
49., 50. a) Kako reagirajo te ovce na povabilo k oznanjevanju Kraljestva in komu se pridružujejo?
49, 50. (a) How do these “sheep” who are not spiritual Israelites respond to the Kingdom-preaching, and to whom do they join themselves?jw2019 jw2019
Ovce mlekarice
Milk ewesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Velika procesija, ki koraka proti vzhodnemu koncu Partenona, kaže zahvalno daritev goveda in ovc, medu in vode po bitki, ki ji sledi Erehtejeva zmagoslavna vojska.
The great procession marching toward the east end of the Parthenon shows the post-battle thanksgiving sacrifice of cattle and sheep, honey and water, followed by the triumphant army of Erechtheus returning from their victory.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
— goveda in ovc
— bovine animals and sheepEurLex-2 EurLex-2
za teste pri ovcah in kozah
for tests carried out in ovine and caprine animalsoj4 oj4
Kadar se plemensko govedo, prašiči, ovce, koze in enoprsti kopitarji uporabljajo za odvzem jajčnih celic in zarodkov, ter kadar se plemenski prašiči uporabljajo za odvzem semena za umetno osemenitev, rejska društva in rejska podjetja lahko zahtevajo, da se te plemenske živali identificirajo z eno od metod iz odstavka 1.
Where breeding animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine species are used for the collection of oocytes and embryos, and where breeding animals of the porcine species are used for the collection of semen for artificial insemination, breed societies and breeding operations may require that those breeding animals are identified by one of the methods referred to in paragraph 1.not-set not-set
govedo, ovce, koze
Bovine, ovine, caprineEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Poleg mesa in mesnih proizvodov goveda, prašičev, perutnine in ovac, bi moralo večje število vzorcev obsegati tudi konjsko meso, meso severnih jelenov, koz, kuncev in divjačine.
In addition to meat and meat products originating from beef cattle, pigs, poultry and sheep, significant number of samples should be taken from horsemeat, reindeer meat, goat meat, rabbit meat, venison and game.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. #/# z dne #. decembra # o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. #/# glede datuma uvedbe elektronske identifikacije za ovce in koze je treba vključiti v Sporazum
Council Regulation (EC) No #/# of # December # amending Regulation (EC) No #/# as regards the date of introduction of electronic identification for ovine and caprine animals is to be incorporated into the Agreementoj4 oj4
(b) premik ovc s samo enim alelom ARR s kmetijskega gospodarstva je dovoljen samo neposredno za zakol za prehrano ljudi ali za namene uničenja; vendar
(b) sheep carrying only one ARR allele may be moved from the holding only to go directly for slaughter for human consumption or for the purposes of destruction; however,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Kako si pridobe »druge ovce« čistost pred Jehovo, toda za kaj morajo prositi Boga?
What gives the “other sheep” a clean standing before Jehovah, but for what do they need to ask God?jw2019 jw2019
Ovc in koz se ne sme uvajati na gospodarstva za ovce ali koze, uradno proste bruceloze, razen če:
Ovine or caprine animals may not be introduced into an ovine or caprine holding which is officially free from brucellosis unless they either:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Testiranje zahtev z namenom, da bi se povečale omejitve na okuženih gospodarstvih, se je izkazalo za izjemno težavno pri velikih čredah ovc, zato mora biti spremenjeno.
Testing requirements to permit the lifting of restrictions on infected holdings have proven to be excessively onerous for large flocks of sheep and should be amended.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ali pa bo pustil drugih 99 ovc na varnem in se odpravil iskat tisto eno?
Or would he leave the 99 sheep in a safe place and go looking for just the one?jw2019 jw2019
(15)Da bi se zagotovili točnost in zanesljivost razvrščanja trupov goved, starih osem mesecev ali več, ter trupov prašičev in ovac, bi morale navedeno razvrščanje izvajati osebe, usposobljene za razvrščanje, ki imajo potrebno dovoljenje ali odobritev, ali pa bi se razvrščanje moralo izvajati z uporabo odobrene metode razvrščanja.
(15)In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the classification of carcasses of bovine animals aged eight months or more, of pigs and of sheep, that classification should be carried out by qualified classifiers having the necessary licence or approval or by using an authorized grading method.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Ker je danes Božji sodni dan tako blizu, bi pravzaprav moral ves svet ‚molčati pred obličjem Gospoda Jehova‘ in prisluhniti temu, kar On govori po ‚mali čredi‘ Jezusovih maziljenih sledilcev in njihovih družabnikih, ‚drugih ovcah‘.
In fact, with God’s day of judgment so near today, all the world should ‘keep silent before the Sovereign Lord Jehovah’ and hear what he says through the “little flock” of Jesus’ anointed followers and their companions, his “other sheep.”jw2019 jw2019
Zadevni gospodarski sektorji: Kmetje in podeželska podjetja so opredeljeni kot osebe ali podjetja, ki gojijo in spravljajo združljive kulture, zelenjadnice na njivah, različne solate, okrasne rastline (vključno z drevesi iz drevesnic, cvetjem in čebulicami), semena za travnike in trate, ki gojijo govedo, ovce, koze in prašiče, proizvajajo mlečne izdelke, ki gojijo perutnino in pridobivajo jajca, ki ponujajo prenočišča z drugimi storitvami na kmetijah (prenočišča z zajtrkom), prenočišča apartmajskega tipa, oskrbo konj in jahalne konje ali turistične zanimivosti na kmetiji
Sector(s) concerned: Farmers and land based rural businesses are defined as those growing and harvesting combinable crops, field vegetables, salad crops, ornamentals (including nursery stock, flowers and bulbs), herbage seeds and turf, beef sheep, pigs, dairy products, poultry and eggs, serviced tourist accommodation on farms (bed and breakfast) self catering tourist accommodation, provision of horse livery and riding stables or farm-based visitor attractions.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(17) „shema pomoči za ovce/koze“ pomeni shemo pomoči iz člena 111 Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003;
(17) ‘Ovine/caprine aid scheme’: shall mean the aid scheme referred to in Article 111 of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Kendrick pravi: »Prijazni ljudje brez težav postanejo častne ovce.
Says Kendrick: “Friendly humans effectively become honorary sheep.jw2019 jw2019
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