rumors are circulating that ... oor Spaans

rumors are circulating that ...

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circulan rumores de que ...

Rumors are circulating that a political career is in the not-too-distant future for Kingsly.
Circulan rumores de que hay una carrera política en un futuro no muy lejano para Kingsly.

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Rumors are circulating that some witches have had visions of you doing that.
Circulan rumores de que algunos brujos han tenido esa visión.Literature Literature
Rumors are circulating that a political career is in the not-too-distant future for Kingsly.
Circulan rumores de que hay una carrera política en un futuro no muy lejano para Kingsly.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
REPORTER: Rumors are circulating that you may be called before the House Committee on Racial Identity.
Circulan rumores de que le llamarán ante el Comité de Identificación Racial.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Several rumors are circulating that GM is on the verge of bankruptcy.
Circulan varios rumores de que GM está al borde de la quiebra.Literature Literature
Rumors are circulating that the king did not order the sword that you made for him.”
Corre el rumor de que no fue ni mucho menos el joven rey quien os hizo el encargo de la espada que confeccionasteis.Literature Literature
Rumors are circulating that imprisoned Syrian-Palestinian software engineer Bassel Khartabil, also known as Bassel Safadi, has been secretly sentenced to death by the Syrian government.
Están circulando rumores acerca de que el ingeniero de software sirio de origen palestino Bassel Khartabil, también conocido como Bassel Safadi, habría sido secretamente condenado a muerte por el gobierno sirio.gv2019 gv2019
Rumors are circulating, and that’s all I can say about that.”
Corren rumores, y eso es todo lo que puedo decir sobre el tema.Literature Literature
Can it be, she replied, that you are ignorant of the rumors that are circulating?
—Pero —les dijo—, ¿es que ignoráis los rumores que circulan en Burdeos?Literature Literature
The rumors are still circulating that Jason has lost two major roles because of his sexcapades making the rounds.
Los rumores todavía están circulando que Jason perdió dos papeles grandes por sus sexcapadas haciendo las giras.Literature Literature
Phantom says that rumors are circulating to the effect that it may have been murder.
Phantom asegura que circulan rumores de que podría haber sido asesinado.Literature Literature
No, that's when the civilian-oversight committee meets next, and there are rumors circulating that you broke Trippi's jaw.
No, porque es cuando el comité de supervisión civil tendrá su próxima reunión y hay estos rumores circulando de que tú rompiste la mandíbula de Trippi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There are rumors circulating that your personal life and your home are in disarray, and this makes me feel very unsettled.
Hay rumores de que su vida privada y su hogar son un caos. Eso hace que me sienta muy intranquila.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There are rumors circulating that your new husband likes to...well, hit women.
Circulan rumores de que a tu nuevo marido le gusta... bueno, pegarles a las mujeres.Literature Literature
You must know that they are worried about the rumors that circulate about you.
También debes saber que están inquietos por los rumores que circulan sobre ti.Literature Literature
I try not to think about the rumors that are circulating about me outside the school gates.
—Procuro no pensar en los rumores que circulan sobre mí fuera de la verja del instituto—.Literature Literature
That would dispel all the rumors that are circulating about being taken prisoner in Russia.
Y ello disiparía todos los rumores que circulan sobre caer prisionero en Rusia.Literature Literature
You wouldn’t believe the rumors that are circulating about John Miller.
No creerías los rumores que circulan sobre John Miller.Literature Literature
“But I’ve no doubt that rumors are circulating through the whole of Cadbury already.”
Aunque supongo que ya estarán circulando los rumores por todo Cadbury.Literature Literature
This reminds me, there is a rumor circulating that you are a witch.
Eso me recuerda otra cosa: corre el rumor de que eres una bruja.Literature Literature
Rumors are beginning to circulate, you must know that.
Los rumores empiezan a circular, debería usted saberlo.Literature Literature
It has come to my attention that there are rumors circulating about the two of us.
Ha llegado a mi conocimiento que hay algunos rumores que circulan acerca de nosotros dos.Literature Literature
People are beginning to have doubts and rumors are circulating about a possible violent earthquake that would cause buildings and dams to collapse.
La gente ha empezado a dudar, está circulando... un rumor acerca de un violento terremoto... que podría llegar a causar tremendos daños y víctimas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
People are beginning to have doubts and rumors are circulating about a possible violent earthquake that would cause buildings and dams to collapse.
La gente está empezando a tener dudas y rumores Están circulando acerca de un posible violento terremoto. Que causaría que edificios y presas colapsaran.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There are rumors that a plant called Zughaan is circulating on the black market.
Hay rumores de que una planta llamada Zughaan está circulando en el mercado negro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I told her that so many political rumors are circulating one no longer knows what to believe.
Le dije que ahora circulan tantos rumores políticos que uno ya no sabe en cuál creer.Literature Literature
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