testimonial oor Fins


adjektief, naamwoord
A statement, especially one given under oath; testimony

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Fins


written recommendation
A testimonial from the mendacious Mr. Compton.
Valheellisen Herra Comptonin suositus.


tribute of someone's service


football: match played in tribute to a player

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Soortgelyke frases

testimonial immunity
todistajan koskemattomuus
Testimony of Truth
Tutkielma totuudesta
lausuma · lausunto · merkki · todistajanlausunto · todiste · todisteellisuus · todistus · tunnustus


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.
Pilailetko?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
3:1-7, AS) Therefore Jehovah declared he would rise up against the hypocritical religionists as a witness and would deliver his testimony and execute his fiery judgment.
Palkkio kävisijw2019 jw2019
A woman gains a testimony of temple ordinances.
Millainen päivä sinulla on ollut?LDS LDS
Can you tolerate watching bad guys walk, because their testimony convicts even worse guys?
Esittelijöiden ja asiantuntijoiden palkkiot määräytyvät viraston ja asianomaisen henkilön tai tarvittaessa viraston ja asianomaisen henkilön työnantajan välisten kirjallisten sopimusten mukaisestiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What testimony would you bear?
Tuletko mukaan?LDS LDS
Ethel, could you please read Page 132 of the official testimony?
Korvataan johdantohuomautuksen ensimmäinen kohta seuraavastiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Latter-day prophets have counseled parents to hold a weekly family home evening to teach their children the gospel, bear testimony of its truthfulness, and strengthen family unity.
Lääkärit kielsivät polttamastaLDS LDS
According to testimonies and reports, the militants operating under the command of Sultani Makenga have conducted rapes throughout Rutshuru territory against women and children, some of whom have been as young as 8 years old, as part of a policy to consolidate control in Rutshuru territory.
Olo on kuin uudesti syntyneellä!EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Well, we here at Sun Microsystems saw your testimony, and we were pretty impressed.
Punoitus on piilossaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dow also proposes that oral testimony be taken from the persons whom the Commission identifies either expressly in footnote 218 to the contested decision or by reference to Dow’s letter of 26 July 2004 as forming part of the relevant reporting lines.
aineet, jotka saattavat liekin vaikutuksesta räjähtää tai jotka ovat dinitrobentseeniä herkempiä iskuille tai hankaukselleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
He also has a testimony of paying tithing because his young family has never been in need.
Tämä paikka on ihan syvältäLDS LDS
* Share your testimony that the living prophets and apostles are special witnesses of Christ.
Paras huumeen toimitustapa elimistöönLDS LDS
Gladstone, English statesman)* This is typical of the testimony of many thoughtful persons.
Annan täyden tukeni ilmailun ilmastonmuutosvaikutusten torjumiseksi toteutettaville toimille.jw2019 jw2019
The first time I knew I had a testimony of Joseph Smith was when I was just 11 years old and my parents took me to Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
Tämä artikla ei vaikuta eläinten ravitsemisen valvontaan sovellettaviin tarkempiin sääntöihinLDS LDS
I bear testimony of Him, the Savior of all mankind, and of this work in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Sinusta tulisi kohtalainen lyöjäLDS LDS
What Is Pure Testimony?
IRAlla on tapana pudottaa neljä tai viisi ruumista vuodessa New YorkiinLDS LDS
You add great strength to the Church when you use your testimony, talents, abilities, and energy to build the kingdom in your wards and branches.
Pieni ilmakupla ampullissa on normaalia eikä vaikuta annokseenLDS LDS
Accepting the words spoken, gaining a testimony of their truthfulness, and exercising faith in Christ produced a mighty change of heart and a firm determination to improve and become better.
Alat, joita tuki koskeeLDS LDS
There was something different about the brief testimony of this frightened new elder.
Komission päätös, tehty # päivänä joulukuuta #, Euroopan atomienergiayhteisön liittymisestä ydinaineita ja ydinlaitoksia koskevista turvajärjestelyistä tehtyyn yleissopimukseenLDS LDS
A friend of mine recently wrote to me, confiding that he was having a difficult time keeping his testimony strong and vibrant.
Ei sen näin pitänyt mennä!LDS LDS
As Patrick Reynolds, the tobacco fortune heir, stated in his testimony to a U.S. Congress subcommittee: “I believe that cigarette advertising is promotion of a poisonous product and that it is moral, right and good to eliminate all advertising of cigarettes.”
En, vieraani tuovat pullon viiniä ja harrastavat seksiä kanssanijw2019 jw2019
Mr E.’s testimony does not therefore contradict the Commission’s findings in that regard.
Sinäkin siis näet sen?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
So it is not to a newborn baby Jesus that these witness-bearers offer testimony, but it is to the reigning King Jesus the Messiah.
Laita kenkäsi ulos yöksi niin ne on kiillotettu aamuksi!jw2019 jw2019
If you feel that you do not yet have the depth of testimony you would wish, I admonish you to work to achieve such a testimony.
Jokainen ehdotus arvioidaan digitaalisen sisällön jatko-ohjelman työohjelmassa vahvistettujen arviointiperusteiden mukaisestiLDS LDS
Calls on Europol and the Member States to strengthen their action against recruiters, whether via a proactive approach or on the basis of a victim’s testimony, in accordance with Article 9 of Directive 2011/36/EU; stresses that recruiters use a variety of channels, including social networks and internet sites (online recruitment agencies); calls on the Commission to expand the mandate of Europol’s EU Internet Referral Unit (IRU) in the fight against trafficking in human beings;
ottaa huomioon, että tämän uuden suhteen alkajaisiksi parlamentin toimivaltainen valiokunta sai virastolta vastaukset sille esittämiinsä kysymyksiineurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
202 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.