adversity oor Letties


/ædˈvɜ(ɹ)s.ɪ.ti/ naamwoord
The state of adverse conditions; state of misfortune or calamity.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


In what ways have you been supported by friends when you have faced adversity?
Kā jūs ir atbalstījuši draugi, kad jūs piemeklēja nelaime?



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The Member State concerned shall without delay notify these measures to the other Member States, and to the Commission, which may decide that the Member State concerned must amend or abolish such measures, insofar as they distort competition and adversely affect trade in a manner which is at variance with the common interest
Visa apspriežu laikā izpaustā informācija ir konfidenciālaeurlex eurlex
20 In its decision rejecting T-Mobile Austria’s latter application, the TCK took the view that neither national legislation nor EU law require that party status be granted to an undertaking providing electronic communications networks or services which fears that the modification of the ownership structure of competing undertakings may adversely affect its economic situation, in the procedure concerning the authorisation of that modification.
Saldētavas un ledusskapjus ieteicams neizmantot citiem vīrusiem kā tikai klasiskajam cūku mērim vai citiem materiāliem, kas nav saistīti ar klasiskā cūku mēra diagnostikuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effect and that in any case the immobilizer or vehicle still complies with the requirements; or
ir sākušies ar konkrēto kuģi saistīti būvniecības darbi, vaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A breach should be considered as adversely affecting the personal data or privacy of a data subject where it could result in, for example, identity theft or fraud, physical harm, significant humiliation or damage to reputation.
Ņemot vērā datubāzes ieviešanu, kas aptvertu visus inspekciju ziņojumus, saskaņā ar Komisijas izteiktajiem atzinumiem dažos tās paziņojumos (piemēram, paziņojumā par nopietniem pārkāpumiem) #. gada pavasarī Komisija uzsāka debates ar dalībvalstīmnot-set not-set
This description should explain the extent to which significant adverse effects are reduced or offset and should cover both the construction and operational phases.
Uzskata, ka visām Padomēm jāizmanto horizontāla pieeja, risinot jaunatnes problēmas, jo tās jāiekļauj visos ES izskatāmajos jautājumosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Adverse Reactions (frequency and seriousness
Ja ir paredzēts, ka uzlaboto rādītāju pieeju izmantos ES mātesuzņēmums, kas ir kredītiestāde, un tā meitasuzņēmumi vai ES mātesuzņēmuma, kas ir finanšu kontrolakciju sabiedrība, meitasuzņēmumi, iesniegumā jāiekļauj apraksts par metodoloģiju, ko izmanto operacionālā riska kapitāla sadalījumam starp dažādām grupas vienībāmEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
(b) the ability of the instrument to absorb losses would not be adversely affected by the discretion referred to in paragraph 1, or by the form in which distributions could be made;
Attiecībā uz šīm personām jānorāda, ka to pieprasījumi neatbilda atbrīvojuma regulas #. panta #. punktā noteiktajiem atbilstības kritērijiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The counterpart funds generated by the import programmes shall be used to finance measures aimed at mitigating the adverse social repercussions of structural adjustment, and, in particular, for job creation.
Grūtniecība Ja pretepilepsijas zāles ir iedarbīgas, grūtniecības laikā to lietošanu pārtraukt NEDRĪKSTEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dogs infected with adult heartworms tolerated up to # times the recommended dose, every # weeks for # treatments, without any adverse effects
Tajā ietilpst līdzekļu piešķiršana Eiropas Bēgļu fondam, atbalsts citām imigrantu pārvietošanas shēmām un līdzekļu piešķiršana ES Frontex aģentūrai, lai no nākamā gada janvāra būtu iespējams paplašināt tās pastāvīgo darbību Dienvideiropas piekrastes ūdeņosEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Effects on biological methods for sewage treatment must be reported where the use of plant protection products containing the active substance can give rise to adverse effects on sewage treatment plants.
Saldētavas un ledusskapjus ieteicams neizmantot citiem vīrusiem kā tikai klasiskajam cūku mērim vai citiem materiāliem, kas nav saistīti ar klasiskā cūku mēra diagnostikuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(3) Because of the exceptionally adverse weather during 2000, the limits on increases in natural alcoholic strength laid down in Annex V(E) do not permit the production of wine in the wine-growing regions of the United Kingdom for which there would normally be market demand.
Nav pieredzes par INTEGRILIN un zemas molekulmasas heparīnu lietošanuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If disclosure would adversely affect the confidentiality of commercial or industrial information of the organisation where such confidentiality is provided for by national or Community law to protect a legitimate economic interest, the organisation may be permitted to index this information in its reporting, e.g. by establishing a base line year (with the index number #) from which the development of the actual input/impact would appear
Ievešanas atļauju pieteikumus, kas #. gada #. un #. janvārī iesniegti saskaņā ar Regulas (EK) Nr. #/# #. panta #. punktu, pieņem, piešķirot apmērā, kas nepārsniedz #,# % no pieprasītā daudzuma. janvārim paredzētā # tonnu norma ir izpildītaoj4 oj4
Notes the current trend towards moving from defined benefit pension systems to defined contribution pension systems and is concerned about the observed decline in employer contributions that accompanies this trend; emphasises the need for strengthened participation and contribution levels of employees in existing pension schemes in order to ensure adequate retirement income for individuals and emphasises the need for continued adequate contributions by employers, particularly in defined contribution pension schemes; is concerned that the envisaged revision of IAS 19, as for example in the case of the possible abolition of the so-called "corridor-approach" could entail significant changes to pension systems that need to be carefully assessed, especially regarding possible adverse effects on the attractiveness of defined benefit schemes;
ņemot vērā Protokolu par Tiesas Statūtiem, kurš grozīts ar Padomes #. gada #. novembra Lēmumu #/#/EK, Euratom, ar ko izveido Eiropas Savienības Civildienesta tiesu, un jo īpaši protokola I pielikuma #. panta #. punktunot-set not-set
The Kingdom of Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany provided the following information: (1) the annual probability of the significant wave height's exceeding two metres is less than 10 % on the identified routes; (2) the ships to which the derogation would apply are engaged in regular services; (3) the voyages do not exceed thirty miles from the point of departure; (4) the sea area where the passenger ships are sailing is provided with shore-based navigational guidance and reliable weather forecast services as well as adequate and sufficient search and rescue facilities; (5) the profile of the journey and the schedule of the voyages are not compatible with registering passenger details in a synchronised way with land transport; and (6) the derogation request would not have any adverse effect on competition.
Šajā regulā paredzētais režīms aizstāj pārējos noteikumus par saimniecisko režīmu izvešanai pārstrādei, ko #. pantā minētajiem izstrādājumiem dalībvalstis piemēro patlabaneurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
In particular, these imbalances are characterised by a large stock of external, public and private debt (of both households and non-financial corporations), which makes Ireland vulnerable to adverse shocks.
pakalpojumu sniegšanas līgumu izdevumieurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In accordance with Article 2(1) of that administrative regulation (Rangschikkingsbesluit Natuurschoonwet 1928), four conditions must be satisfied. The immovable property must cover at least 5 hectares; the land and water areas of the immovable property must form a contiguous area; at least 30% of the surface area of the immovable property must be covered by woodland or other areas of nature; the use of the immovable property is not to adversely affect the natural heritage.
E-#/# (EN) Iesniedzis: Graham Watson (ALDE) Padomei (#. gada #. novembrisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Adversities and suffering can cause an individual to lose his mental balance.
Ierīcēm, kuras ražotājs paredzējis pašpārbaudei, t. i., lietošanai mājas apstākļos, jāatbilst tādām pašām attiecīgo ierīču profesionālās lietošanas KTS prasībām attiecībā uz jutīgumu un specifiskumujw2019 jw2019
the nature, frequency and duration of observed adverse reactions
In order for its species to be added to Annex IV, an aquatic organism must have been used in aquaculture in certain parts of the Union for a long time (with reference to its life cycle) with no adverse effect, and its introduction and translocation must be possible without the coincident movement of potentially harmful non-target species.
Vietējās pierobežas satiksmes atļaujas ieviešananot-set not-set
The Community shall endeavour to remove or to limit any significant adverse effects on financial service suppliers of Chile of:
Atlīdzība par vispārējas nozīmes pakalpojumiem/nav atbalstaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, when a producer organisation delivers to the Member State proof that due to natural disasters, adverse climatic events, diseases or pest infestations, despite having undertaken the risk prevention measures it is not able to respect the recognition criteria laid down in Article 154(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 in respect of the minimum volume or value of marketable production laid down by Member States, the Member State may, for the year in question, derogate from the minimum volume or value of marketable production for this producer organisation.
Pušu stāvoklis esošās tehnoloģijas tirgū ir svarīgs novērtēšanas kritērijs gadījumā, kad sadarbība pētniecības un attīstības jomā skar būtisku uzlabojumu esošajā tehnoloģijā vai jaunā tehnoloģijā, kas var aizstāt esošo tehnoloģijueurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
The reputation and trade of all Union wine present in the USA market is adversely impacted as a result.
profesionālu palīdzību: terminoloģiju, datu bāzes, dokumentāciju, mašīntulkošanu, mācības un līgumtulku reģistrus, kā arī amatpersonu komandējumus uz Centra posteņiemEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
That case-law has, since the judgment in the leading case, Van Gend und Loos, (42) been founded on the consideration, inter alia, that the Community cannot be made to bear the adverse consequences of infringements.
Ja pārvadātājs pieļauj būtiskus trūkumus sabiedrisko pakalpojumu sniegšanas saistību izpildē, uzskata, ka ar to līgums ir izbeigts bez iepriekšēja brīdinājuma, ja vien mēneša laikā pēc oficiāla brīdinājuma saņemšanas pakalpojumu sniegšana netiek atsākta atbilstīgi minētajām sabiedrisko pakalpojumu sniegšanas saistībāmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
6.1.1. Consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effect and that the device still complies with the requirements; or
Eiropas Parlaments #. gada #. februārī pieņēma rezolūciju par klimata pārmaiņām, kurā norādīja, ka viens no mērķiem ir panākt, lai pasaules vidējā temperatūra nepaaugstinātos vairāk par # °C, salīdzinot ar rādījumiem pirms industrializācijas, un kurā mudināja ES saglabāt vadošo pozīciju sarunās par starptautisko saistību noteikšanu klimata pārmaiņu ierobežošanai laikposmam pēc #. gada un arī turpmākajās apspriedēs ar starptautiskajiem partneriem saglabāt tikpat augstus mērķus, un tas uzsvēra nepieciešamību līdz #. gadam visās rūpnieciski attīstītajās valstīs panākt kopējo emisiju samazinājuma apjomu par # %, salīdzinot ar emisiju apjomu #. gadā, lai līdz #. gadam panāktu #–# % samazinājumuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If effective action has been taken in compliance with a recommendation under Article 126(7) of the Treaty and unexpected adverse economic events with major unfavourable consequences for government finances occur after the adoption of that recommendation, the Council may decide, on a recommendation from the Commission, to adopt a revised recommendation under Article 126(7) of the Treaty.
Komisija ir nolēmusi, ka pārējie ieguldījumi koksa rūpnīcā ITL #,# miljardu (# euro) apmērā būtu veikti jebkurā gadījumā ekonomisku iemeslu dēļ vai rūpnīcas inventāra nolietojuma dēļEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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