sixth oor Letties


/sɪksθ/, /sɪkθ/ adjektief, naamwoord
The ordinal form of the number six.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Letties


adjektief, naamwoordmanlike
ordinal form of the number six
The sixth plea in law, alleging breach of the ‘principle of non-discrimination’
Par sesto pamatu attiecībā uz “nediskriminācijas principa” pārkāpumu


adjektief, naamwoordvroulike
ordinal form of the number six
The sixth plea in law, alleging breach of the ‘principle of non-discrimination’
Par sesto pamatu attiecībā uz “nediskriminācijas principa” pārkāpumu

sestā daļa

one of six equal parts of a whole
The type space between the lines shall be 4,24 mm (one sixth of an inch).
Rindstarpām jābūt 4,24 mm (viena sestā daļa collas).

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
13 By its question, the referring court wishes to know the criteria for determining, for the purposes of the collection of VAT, whether reprographics activities, such as those at issue in the main proceedings, must be classified as a supply of goods within the meaning of Article 5(1) of the Sixth Directive or as a supply of services within the meaning of Article 6(1) of that directive.
aizsargājamo sugu noteikšanaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods Article 1(2) Article 1(4) Article 3, point (d) Article 4(1), first subparagraph Article 4(1), sixth subparagraph Article 4(5) Article 8(2) Article 13(3) Article 13(4) Article 17(3), first subparagraph Article 17(3), second subparagraph, point (b) Article 18(5), first subparagraph Article 18(5), second subparagraph, point (b) Article 28(4), point (b) Article 28(6), point (a), point (ii) [Am.
Piesārņotājviela C SO# Kopīgais organiskais ogleklis (TOC) # Kompetentā iestāde var pieļaut izņēmumus gadījumos, kad kopējais organiskais ogleklis un SO# nerodas no atkritumu sadedzināšanasnot-set not-set
In view of the relevance of the issue raised in the context of the Kingdom of Spain’s sixth ground of appeal, I propose examining it at an early stage.
Abas Puses ir vienojušās, ka Nolīguma grozījumus, kas izdarīti ar šo saskaņoto protokolu, provizoriski piemēro no #. gada #. janvāraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sixth plea, alleging infringement of the provisions of the rules of the European Parliament relating to proceedings which might lead to the disqualification of a Member.
par pasākumiem, ko piemēro Kopienas izcelsmes lauksaimniecības produktiem, ko ieved Jordānas Rietumkrastā un Gazas joslāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In particular, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published the sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (hereinafter the ‘BPM6’) and the United Nations Statistical Commission has revised the international statistical standard for national accounts in its latest version in 2008 of the System of National Accounts.
kuģis atrodas ceļāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
pārbauda iepakojumu stāvokliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
31 On the other hand, Article 17(7) of the Sixth Directive does not lay down any obligation as to the result of the consultation of the VAT Committee, and in particular does not require that committee to take a favourable or unfavourable decision on the national derogating measure.
Aizsardzības līmenisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, with medical authorisation, the staff member concerned may start her maternity leave less than six weeks before the expected date of confinement, ending in this case at the end of a period of 10 weeks after the date of confinement plus the time which the staff member concerned has continued to work as from the sixth week preceding the actual date of confinement.
skaista pilsēta, lieliska atmosfēra, D. Cohn-Bendit nebija tur, tāpēc vienkārši lieliski!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
– In circumstances such as those in the main case, to the extent that the pre-sales transactions are disregarded in application of the principle of prohibition of abuse of law, and subsequent sales of the properties are thus deemed to constitute a first supply thereof, those sales should be assessed for VAT in accordance with applicable national rules, read in the light of EU law, in particular Article 4(3)(a) and Article 13B(g) of the Sixth VAT Directive.
Kompensācija operatoram paliek nemainīga, samazinot produkciju saskaņā ar #.#. punktueurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
49 By its sixth ground of appeal, Feralpi claims that the General Court infringed its right to be heard within a reasonable time, as enshrined in Article 47 of the Charter, in so far as the duration of the proceedings was four years and 10 months, including three years and four months between the end of the written procedure and the hearing being held.
Attiecībā uz kukurūzu un graudu sorgo kompensācijas koriģē no viena tirdzniecības gada novembra līdz nākamā tirdzniecības gada augusta mēnesim, par summu, kas vienāda ar ikmēneša palielinājumu, ko piemēro šajā tirdzniecības gadā noteiktajai intervences cenaieurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Done at Brussels, this twenty-sixth day of June nineteen hundred and ninety-nine, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic, in a single original which shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Council who shall transmit certified copies to all the entities referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 8 contained in Appendix I to this Protocol.
Vīzu politikas saskaņošana jo īpaši nozīmē to, ka Šengenas acquis jāietver noteikumi, kas attiecas uz vīzu izsniegšanas procedūrām un nosacījumiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I will therefore consider the first question referred on the premise that FCE IT is a secondary establishment of FCE Bank in Italy which is not a separate legal entity and which constitutes in that State a fixed establishment within the meaning of Article 9(1) of the Sixth Directive.
Standartmetode svina paraugu ņemšanai un koncentrācijas mērījumiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(VAT – Article 11(4) of the Second Directive – Article 6(2) and Article 17(2) and (6) of the Sixth Directive – Right to deduct input tax – Exclusions by national rules prior to the Sixth Directive – Amendment of the rules after the entry into force of the Sixth Directive – Use of goods and services for the private purposes of the taxable person)
Šajā sakarā Itālijas iestādes ir apgalvojušas, ka pasākums ir paredzēts visiem uzņēmumiem, kas izveido atsevišķus ieguldījumu uzņēmumus ar mērķi ieguldīt līdzekļus galvenokārt maza un vidēja kapitāla uzņēmējsabiedrībās, kuras ir reģistrētas regulētā Eiropas tirgū, un tādēļ tas ir uzskatāms par vispārēju pasākumuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As the Commission correctly points out in its written observations, it would be a betrayal of those mechanisms if the power to collect VAT were delegated to the country of dispatch, contrary to the division of powers of taxation provided for in the Sixth Directive.
Mašīnas jāprojektē un jākonstruē tā, lai, atrodoties vadītāja vietā, vadītājs un operatori nav pakļauti apdraudējumam nejauši saskarties ar riteņiem vai kāpurķēdēmEurLex-2 EurLex-2
VAT is only “due” within the meaning of Article 17(2)(b) of the Sixth Directive if the taxable person has a legally enforceable obligation to pay the amount of VAT which he seeks to deduct as input VAT.
un ka šo dokumentāciju uztur tā, lai nodrošinātu atbilstību šīs apakšsadaļas prasībām; pēc pieprasījuma apkalpes loceklim nodrošina pieeju šīs dokumentācijas kopijaiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The euro area is entering its sixth year of uninterrupted economic growth, and the negative output gap is closing.
Budžeta izstrādes posmsEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Sixth plea in law, alleging that the Commission drew an inaccurate conclusion with regard to the measure contested by the applicant.
Abi sekretāri sasauc sanāksmes katrs savai Pusei, vienojoties ar priekšsēdētājuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
42 That applies to the claim by the Portuguese Republic that the General Court ought to have favoured an interpretation of the sixth paragraph of Article 263 TFEU that did not result in its action being time-barred, since, in any event, the meaning of that provision, read in the light of the third subparagraph of Article 297(2), is clear, and its wording does not give rise to doubts as regards its interpretation.
ja uzņēmums ir saņēmis mājputnus vai inkubējamās olas no uzņēmuma, kuru tur aizdomās par putnu gripas vai Ņūkāslas slimības infekciju vai tāda šajā uzņēmumā patiesi pastāveurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
3 Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax (OJ 2006 L 347, p. 1) repealed and replaced from 1 January 2007, pursuant to Articles 411 and 413 thereof, European Union law on VAT, in particular the Sixth Directive.
Komisija uzskata, ka šajā lietā ir pamatoti valsts atbalsta esību vērtēt, piemērojot privātā kreditora principuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 3(2), Article 12(4), Article 14(1), Article 15(2), Article 24(4), Article 26(1) and in the sixth paragraph of Article 32 shall be conferred on the Commission for a period of five years from ... [date of entry into force of this amending Regulation].
pilnībā izraisījusi trešās personas darbība vai bezdarbība ar nolūku radīt starpgadījumunot-set not-set
I would add that Article 6(4) of the Sixth VAT Directive achieves this without distorting the reality of the service supplied by Lebara, and to whom the service is supplied.
ņemot vērā Eiropas Kopienas dibināšanas līgumu, un jo īpaši tā #. panta #. punktu, #. panta #. punktu un #. pantu saistībā ar #. panta #. punktu #. panta #. punkta pirmo daļuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sixth plea in law, alleging that the Resolution Scheme was adopted and endorsed by the European Commission in violation of the applicants’ right to be heard, in accordance with Article 41 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the case law of the Court of Justice.
Komisijas Regula (ES) Nr. #/# (#. gada #. augusts), ar ko groza ar Regulu (EK) Nr. #/# #./#. tirdzniecības gadam noteiktās reprezentatīvās cenas un papildu ievedmuitas nodokļus dažiem cukura nozares produktiemeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Twenty-five years amount to more than half of the lifetime of the European (Economic) Community, and practically the whole of the period during which the Sixth Directive has been in force in Italy.
Hroniska toksicitāteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
While the prevention of tax evasion is an objective recognised and encouraged by the Sixth VAT Directive, (49) and while Member States have legitimate interests in taking steps to prevent possible tax evasion, the United Kingdom has not provided any evidence to suggest that there is a real risk of tax evasion here.
Savas prasības pamatojumā prasītās atsaucas uz to, ka Atlases komisijas sastāvā nav ievērots nediskriminācijas princips, ka kandidātu galīgā atlase neatbilda prasībām, kas noteiktas konkursa paziņojumā, un ka Atlases komisija ir pārsniegusi savas pilnvaras, publiskās administrācijas sfērā veiktajā konkursā pieņemot kandidātus, kuriem ir augstākā juridiskā izglītībaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
87 Sixth, as regards the Kingdom of Spain’s claims concerning the lack of a guarantee that the machine translation system, which was not operational when the contested regulation was adopted, will function properly, it must be observed that what is, in fact, called into question is the choice of the EU legislature to have provided for a transitional period of 12 years for the introduction of the component of the language arrangements which involves machine translation of patent applications and specifications into all the official languages of the European Union.
motivācijas vēstule angļu, franču vai vācu valodāEurLex-2 EurLex-2
203 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.