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The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia states: “In the colloquial speech of Jesus’ time, ʼabbāʼ was primarily used as a term of informal intimacy and respect by children of their fathers.”
Тиймээс бид ийм цахим хэлэлцүүлгүүдийг дэмжиж байсан.jw2019 jw2019
According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia, celebrating Christmas was first mentioned “in the Chronograph of Philocalus, a Roman almanac whose source material can be dated to 336 [C.E.].”
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A science encyclopedia says: “The nature and origin of the ice nuclei, which are necessary to induce freezing of cloud droplets at temperatures about -40°F (-40°C), are still not clear.” —Psalm 147:16, 17; Isaiah 55:9, 10.
та үүнийг бухын зодоон, фламенго бүжгэнд одоо хүртэл сонсдог.jw2019 jw2019
(The World Book Encyclopedia) Who is “He”?
Энэ дэлхий дээрх бусармаг зүйлсийг бишгүйдээ л харсан.jw2019 jw2019
“Voyages of discovery,” explains The World Book Encyclopedia, “showed that the world was round, not flat as most people had believed.”
нэг асуулт асууя.jw2019 jw2019
One encyclopedia estimates that up to 60 million people died in World War II.
Эд бүгд ирээдүйн энх тайвныг бүтээх бүрдэл хэсэг болно гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна.jw2019 jw2019
The Encarta Encyclopedia states: “Among the Jews, many adults considered teachers the guides to salvation and urged children to honor their teachers even more than their parents.”
Тэр охид сар бүр цус алдаж, гэдэсний булчин нь татаж өвддөгийгjw2019 jw2019
The same science encyclopedia says: “Because of the complexity of atmospheric motions and the enormous variability in vapor and particle content of the air, it seems impossible to construct a detailed, general theory of the manner in which clouds and precipitation develop.”
Яагаад гэвэл энэ асуулт хүүхдүүдэд юу болж болох тухай нь мөрөөдөхөд тусалдаг чjw2019 jw2019
Insight on the Scriptures —A two-volume Bible encyclopedia that includes explanations of people, places, and terms found in the Bible
өнцгүүдийг зүлгэснээр зөвхөн агуулга нь төдийгүйjw2019 jw2019
The Encyclopedia Canadiana observes: “The work of Jehovah’s Witnesses is the revival and re-establishment of the primitive Christianity practised by Jesus and his disciples . . .
Энэ хэдэн энгийн үгсjw2019 jw2019
The aforementioned encyclopedia more recently noted that national anthems “are expressions of patriotic feeling and often include an invocation for divine guidance and protection of the people or their rulers.”
ИМ: Надад энэ асуултыг олон хүн тавьдаг.jw2019 jw2019
What does one encyclopedia say about the human body?
Рональд Рейгань үүнийг олонд ил болгож,jw2019 jw2019
The World Book Encyclopedia defines freedom as “the ability to make choices and to carry them out.”
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Each one is an archive of our culture, through our ripped-up media and matter, whether it's encyclopedias or dictionaries or magazines.
Медиа лабораторид бид зөвхөн техник хийдэггүй.ted2019 ted2019
Well, a recent encyclopedia asks: “Is light a wave or a particle?”
3D пиксел шиг бидний орон зайд хөдөлдөг.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, one Bible encyclopedia states: “‘Clean’ and ‘unclean’ are terms seldom related to mere questions of hygiene, but are mainly religious concepts.
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Catholic theologian Augustine of Hippo (354-430 C.E.) “held to the conviction that there will be no millennium,” says The Catholic Encyclopedia.
Тэднээс хэр их аз жаргалтай байгааг асууж дугтуй өгөв.jw2019 jw2019
Says The World Book Encyclopedia: “In general, people forget more and more as time passes. . . .
оролцуулсан байгалийн нөхцлүүд рүү харлаа.jw2019 jw2019
Says The World Book Encyclopedia: “A man and woman who marry hope to share a sexual relationship and a permanent romantic attraction.”
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Says The World Book Encyclopedia: “People sometimes call the human body a machine —the most wonderful one ever built.
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According to The Catholic Encyclopedia, during the Reformation the forcible imposition of a religion on a people was expressed by the motto: Cuius regio, illius et religio (In essence, this means: “Whoever rules the land also decides its religion.”)
Энэ хэр хэцүү вэ?jw2019 jw2019
(The World Book Encyclopedia) A secular teacher is entrusted with the minds of young people and can influence them for years to come.
надад том шагнал болдог.jw2019 jw2019
“Through the use of this one word,” states one Bible encyclopedia, God’s servants can express “the confidence, strong approval, and earnest hope that is in their hearts.”
Хаалгандаа дохиололтой,jw2019 jw2019
9 Pointing to yet another danger, The Encyclopedia of Alcoholism says: “Studies have shown that alcohol causes degeneration of driving skills, including reaction time, coordination, attention, visual awareness and judgment.”
Монреалын Протоколоор озоны давхаргыг гэмтээдэгjw2019 jw2019
The Bible has also been translated more times, and into more languages, than any other book.”—“The World Book Encyclopedia.” 1
капиталын татвар.jw2019 jw2019
41 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.