health-environment relationship oor Sweeds

health-environment relationship

Relationship between the quality of the environment and the health conditions of individuals.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

förhållandet hälsa-miljö

Relationship between the quality of the environment and the health conditions of individuals.

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Training, education, information and publications in relation to personal health, motivation, family, environment, relationships and careers
Har hon förändrats?tmClass tmClass
In particular, a better understanding of the environment as a determinant of health will require integrated molecular biological, epidemiological and toxicological approaches to investigate health-environment relationships, including studies of modes of action of chemicals, combined exposures to pollution and other environmental and climate related stressors, integrated toxicological testing as well as alternatives to animal testing.
Vi förväntar också av er att ni engagerar er för en god sammansättning av kommissionen så att vi även via er får inflytande över funktionsproblem hos individuella kommissionärer.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Education, on-line publishing services and the publication of on-line magazines and journals relating to personal health, motivation, family, environment, relationships and careers
När det gäller alla andra fall med konsekvenser för uppgiftsskyddet bör datatillsynsmannen ges möjlighet att ge rekommendation om de val som dessa kommittéer görtmClass tmClass
The Action Plan is an effective means of marshalling all the agents involved in the sectors of the environment, health and research at Member State and Community level, with a view to taking the environment-health relationship into account even more effectively when formulating environmental policy.
Inom sektorn Power Turbo-Systems kan personalminskningarna på [...] % (från [...] till [...] anställda) anses stå i proportion till den överkapacitet som framgår av de senaste uppskattningarna av Alstoms kapacitetsutnyttjande, vilka gjorts av Frankrike ([...] % i augusti #) och av kommissionens expert ([...] % under # och [...] % underEuroparl8 Europarl8
The value added at European level is to generate synergies and facilitate the sharing of data and methodologies in order to increase the understanding of the environment and health relationship.
Reseersättningar vid årlig ledighetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
17. The Commission's intention to establish a European Integrated Environment and Health Monitoring and Response System which will generate synergies and facilitate the sharing of data and methodologies in order to increase the understanding of the environment and health relationship;
Vi kan inte förlora mer tjejer i den här stanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As a consequence, the relationship between environment and health has, to date, been insufficiently addressed.
Det är inte krig härEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Points out that the WHO is doing useful work on the environment and health and stresses the importance of international cooperation to ensure that the relationship between the environment and health is better investigated and effective measures are introduced;
Ni anser att en man är det han säger, eller hur, översten?not-set not-set
Points out that the WHO is doing useful work on the environment and health and stresses the importance of international cooperation to ensure that the relationship between the environment and health is better investigated and effective measures are introduced
Jag skulle därförvilja ställa följande frågor till kommissionenoj4 oj4
The relationship between a poor environment and health risks is now clear.
Jag går inteEuroparl8 Europarl8
The latest developments and the initiatives taken by the Commission on the specific issues of the environment-health relationship are very significant; they show that alongside the cooperation developing on a mid- to long-term basis between the environment, health and research sectors, it is possible to take immediate measures to further incorporate the health dimension into environment policy, with benefits to both the environment and health.
Allt jag sett är en kille som nästan tog kål på sitt teamEuroparl8 Europarl8
The Committee of the Regions welcomes the important public health element in the Fifth Framework for Research and Technological Development (1998-2002) and this includes research into the relationship between health, environment and food: the control of viral diseases and research into the problems of the ageing population.
Mot bakgrund av de berörda frågornas komplexitet godkänner kommissionen slutligen att man stryker det tidiga genomförandet av dessa åtgärder, även om det i mina ögon är grundläggande att varje medlemsstat antar ett nationellt program för tillämpning av den lagstiftning vi föreslår genom denna förordning.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
We also have to take into account consumption patterns, the issue of waste and the complex relationship between the environment, biodiversity and health.
Du är min vänEuroparl8 Europarl8
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for the constructive discussion we have had on the important issue of the relationship between the environment and health.
Vad händer, broder?Europarl8 Europarl8
When investigating the relationship between environment and health, high volume chemicals on which very little information is available at the present, but for which a significant exposure is expected, should also be considered.
Vad heter du?- Emilio CabreraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Finally, let me thank the rapporteur, Mrs Ries, for her report, her excellent work and the enormous interest she has shown in the issue of the relationship between the environment and health.
Förvaras vid högst # °CEuroparl8 Europarl8
That is why we emphasise the importance, too, of the relationship between the state of people's health and the environment in which they live.
Förväntningarna på Lissabonstrategin uppfylls inteEuroparl8 Europarl8
The prestigious US scientific journal Environmental Health Perspectives, produced by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the government agency responsible for studying the relationship between human health and the environment, has published a research paper on waste water in a number of European cities that was produced by the Mario Negri Institute in Milan.
Puccinski, den djäveln.- Vem, farbror Pooch?not-set not-set
(7) Whereas, in their Resolution of 11 November 1991 on health and the environment(5), the Council and the Ministers for Health, meeting within the Council, invited the Commission, in close cooperation with the competent authorities of the Member States, to take stock of the knowledge and experience available in the Member States, the Community and international organisations regarding the relationship between health and the environment;
Dörren är en risk.-Inte allsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
7. Whereas, in their resolution of 11 November 1991 on health and the environment (5), the Council and the Ministers for Health, meeting within the Council, invited the Commission, in close cooperation with the competent authorities of the Member States, to take stock of the knowledge and experience available in the Member States, the Community and international organisations regarding the relationship between health and the environment;
Måste jag visa dig hur man spelar?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Stresses the direct connection between the state of the human environment and human health; calls on the Commission, with the aim of implementing the 'health in all policies' approach, to draft studies indicating the causal relationship between change in the quality of the environment and change in the state of people's health;
Detaljerade bestämmelser för framläggande av budgetuppgifter inom ramen för stabilitets- och tillväxtpakten fastställs i rådets förordning (EG) nr #/# av den # novembernot-set not-set
Stresses the direct connection between the state of the human environment and human health; calls on the Commission, with the aim of implementing the ‘health in all policies’ approach, to draft studies indicating the causal relationship between change in the quality of the environment and change in the state of people's health;
Sökanden är en juridisk person vars verksamhet särskilt består i pågående tester och vidare forskning och utveckling av en alternativ cementprodukt känd som energetiskt modifierat cementEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Stresses the direct connection between the state of the human environment and human health; calls on the Commission, with the aim of implementing the health in all policies approach, to draft studies indicating the causal relationship between change in the quality of the environment and change in the state of people's health
Dubbelsidig kopieringoj4 oj4
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