numerously oor Sweeds


In a numerous manner; manifoldly.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds


It has facilitated numerous purchases of sensitive materials for Iran's nuclear and missile programmes.
Den har underlättat talrika uppköp av känsliga material till Irans kärntekniska program och robotprogram.
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

numerical integration
numerisk integrering
numerical linear algebra
Numerisk linjär algebra
Arabic numeral
arabisk siffra
ternary numeral system
with numerous clauses
Roman numerals
Romerska siffror · romerska siffror
numeral system
cardinal numeral
grundtal · kardinaltal


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
There have been numerous opportunities for Jehovah’s servants in the Philippines to demonstrate this.
För tretton år sedan var jag en mycket grön parlamentsledamot.jw2019 jw2019
The Court also detected numerous errors of legality and regularity in the expenditure included in the declarations leading to payments by the Commission in 2004 ( see paragraphs 5.19 to 5.27 and 5.35 to 5.36 ).
med de iakttagelser som utgör en del av beslutet om ansvarsfrihet för genomförandet av budgeten för Europeiskabyrån för nät- och informationssäkerhet för budgetåretelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Rather, it destroys the immune system, thereby exposing the patient to numerous other diseases.
Jag vet inte vad jag ska sägaLiterature Literature
"Contouring control" (2) means two or more "numerically controlled" motions operating in accordance with instructions that specify the next required position and the required feed rates to that position.
Eftersom det inte alltid är möjligt att helt ersätta djurförsök med en alternativ metod, bör det anges i bilaga # om den alternativa metoden helt eller delvis ersätter djurförsökEurLex-2 EurLex-2
, the EU Treaty, the Presidency Conclusions of the Tampere European Council and the Hague Programme; further regrets the fact that, among its numerous analyses of specific crimes, Europol has so far produced only one analytical document in this field;
Är vi ett företag nu?not-set not-set
This subsidy amount (numerator) has been allocated over the total export turnover during the review investigation period as appropriate denominator in accordance with Article # of the basic Regulation, because the subsidy is contingent upon export performance and it was not granted by reference to the quantities manufactured, produced, exported or transported
Jag är heller inte så förtjust, i kylanoj4 oj4
Numerator/Denominator where both Numerator and Denominator are numerical characters or alphabetic expression “Actual”, e.g. 30/360 or Actual/365
HENNES MAJESTÄT DROTTNINGEN AV NEDERLÄNDERNAeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Since light commercial vehicles are becoming increasingly numerous on the roads, which also increase the risk that they get involved in accidents, the fitting of speed limiters on such vehicles should also be examined along the lines already identified by the Commission[7], taking into account also the environmental and climate co-benefits.
Älskling, det är för tre dagar!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
6.5 The EU already possesses numerous instruments for R+D+I cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean.
Det är omöjligt!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
According to the defendant, the disadvantages suffered by pregnant women in the undertaking are numerous:
Om däremot replikatkärl inte används bör antalet fiskar i kontrollgruppen vara lika stort som antalet vid varje testkoncentrationEurLex-2 EurLex-2
- a fourth level consisting of headings identified by a four-digit numerical code (classes).
Partiets egenskaper, mot bakgrund av resultatenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Justification The European Community promotes the intra-Community and international mobility of students and teachers through numerous programmes.
Död sen längenot-set not-set
The revival of Hinduism from its nadir during the Kalabhras spurred the construction of numerous temples and these in turn generated Shaiva and Vaishnava devotional literature.
Vi betonar alltid behovet av att uppnå nolltullar inom varje sektor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Numerous studies and practical experience show that there is a large potential for energy savings here, probably larger than in any other sector [3].
Vad heter du?- Emilio CabreraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Computer controlled or “numerically controlled” Electron Beam Welding Machines, and specially designed components therefor.
Jag insåg snart att det inte var motsägelsefulltEurLex-2 EurLex-2
7 numerals + dash + 1 numeral
Hon börjar nog misstänka någotEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Rather than filling them with hope, it has given birth to numerous superstitious practices.
Förståsigpåare går med nedkippad häl.Med hälen frijw2019 jw2019
Whereas the European Council has examined the correction of budgetary imbalances on numerous occasions, particularly at its meeting on 25 and 26 June 1984;
Om landet i väst börjar groEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In view of this —and in view of the numerous pagan customs associated with Christmas— many today do not join in the celebration.
Jag anser också att det är en framgång att utöka reformens flexibla och progressiva karaktär till förmån för producenterna, och jag anser att det är bra om vi är djärva när det är dags att undersöka nya användningsområden och variationer för tobaken.jw2019 jw2019
Until 31 December 2020, no vessel shall engage in bottom fishing activities in the area of Division 3O illustrated in Figure 4 of the CEM and defined by connecting the coordinates specified in Table 6 of the CEM in their numerical order and back to coordinate 1.
Hälsa din makeEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
considers that an overhaul of the Common Agricultural Policy after # is essential to enable the European Union to face up to the numerous challenges and issues in this area of activity, which has very significant human, social, economic, environmental and territorial consequences, as well as contribute more effectively to the priorities set out in the Europe # strategy document (smart growth, sustainable growth, inclusive growth), in which the European agri-food sector should have a higher profile, in view of its strategic role for the EU in connection with these priorities
Paolo Costa redogjorde för sina betänkanden (A#-#/# och Aoj4 oj4
I should like to draw the Commission's attention to the fact that numerous articles in the Greek press refer to (a) complaints from the President of the Union of Greek Coastal Shipowners concerning lack of transparency in tendering procedures, (b) a complaint from a shipowner concerning blackmail and bribery surrounding State aid for non-profitable ferry services, (c) a ruling by the Hellenic Competition Commission against the company 'Sea Star', which controls ANEK, a company receiving State aid, and (d) an increase in State aid - 100 million euro this year and a further 200 million over the last five years - allocated directly without any transparency.
Jag är nyfikennot-set not-set
The Parliament had not explained anywhere in the Contested Decision the reasons why it considered that the numerous documents submitted by the appellant did not prove that the items set out at paragraph 25 were used in accordance with the PEAM rules, nor the respects in which the Parliament considered them to have been wrongly claimed under Article 14 of the PEAM rules or to have been misused or used for improper purposes.
Kommissionens förordningar (EG) nr #/# och (EG) nr #/# innehåller närmare bestämmelser om genomförandet av den andra etappen i det arbetsprogram som avses i artikel #.# i direktiv #/#/EEG och en förteckning över de verksamma ämnen som skall bedömas för att eventuellt införas i bilaga I till direktiv #/#/EEGEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Basic earnings per share shall be calculated by dividing profit or loss attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent entity (the numerator) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (the denominator) during the period.
Och nu är det dagsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Not only have we failed to achieve the main purpose of the Structural Funds, i.e. to help reduce regional disparities and achieve economic and social cohesion; in numerous cases, the situation has worsened and the gulf between the regions lagging behind and the developed areas has widened both in rural areas, especially island and mountain regions, and also in urban areas, which are plagued by mass and long-term unemployment, poverty, and a scarcity, or in many cases, a total lack of basic infrastructures.
TOVIAZ säljs också i plastburkar (HDPE) om # eller # depottabletterEuroparl8 Europarl8
221 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.