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to fix the mind upon a goal


have set as one's purpose; intend



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5 Hvussu vit bøta um framløguna: Fyrst og fremst mugu vit kunna okkum væl við greinina, sum vit ætla at vísa til.
5 How to Prepare Your Presentation: First of all, you must be thoroughly familiar with the article you choose to feature.jw2019 jw2019
Lat áhoyrararnar siga frá, hvussu teir hava brúkt ella ætla at brúka jw.org, tá ið teir lesa persónliga og saman við familjuni.
Invite audience to comment on how they have used jw.org, or plan to use it, for personal and family study.jw2019 jw2019
Nógv nýta ein spurning í innganginum, sum kann rudda slóð fyri tí evninum, tey ætla sær at tosa um.
Many open with a question that focuses on the talking point they plan to use.jw2019 jw2019
Vit ætla framvegis at taka okkum av hesum og eru samstundis sannførdir um, at Jehova kann hjálpa, uttan mun til hvussu nógvir andstøðingarnir eru, ella hvussu viðbreknir tænarar hansara kunnu sýnast.
As we deal with these situations, we are confident that, when it comes to helping, it does not matter to Jehovah how many the opposers are or how vulnerable his servants seem to be.jw2019 jw2019
Teir ætla sær hjálpa okkum.
They want to help us.jw2019 jw2019
Summir boðarar velja kanska slett ikki at tosa saman, tí teir vilja savna tankarnar um tað, teir ætla at siga
Some publishers may even prefer to suspend conversation altogether so that they can collect their thoughts about what they want to sayjw2019 jw2019
Onkur av teimum gomlu helt, at hann sjálvur man ikki ætla, at nakar skal koma í kirkjuna til sín.
They decide to attend church with each other to see if God is mad at them, believing they will die if He does not want them to go to each other's church.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tá hann kemur, ætla tær at heiðra hann við at lýsa vegin fyri brúðarfylginum við lampum sínum, meðan hann leiðir brúðrina til húsið sum er innrættað til hennara.
When he arrives, they will light the processional route with their lamps, thus honoring him as he brings his bride to the house prepared for her.jw2019 jw2019
(The Catholic Encyclopedia) Vit ætla okkum ikki at líkjast teimum, gera vit? —
Do we want to be like them?—jw2019 jw2019
Spyr stutt áhoyrararnar, hvørjar greinar, spurningar og skriftstøð teir ætla sær at brúka.
Briefly ask the audience which articles, questions, and scriptures they intend to use.jw2019 jw2019
klagar maðurin, og spyr so speiskur: „Ætla tit við at verða lærisveinar Hansara?“
Sarcastically, he asks: “You do not want to become his disciples also, do you?”jw2019 jw2019
Bjóða síðani nøkrum børnum, sum tú hevur tosað við frammanundan, upp á pallin, og set teimum hesar spurningar: Hvørji fýra ting skulu vit minnast til, tá ið vit ætla okkum at svara?
Then invite selected children to the platform and ask them: What are the four steps to prepare a comment?jw2019 jw2019
Ert tú ikki? — Kanska ætla nøkur eisini at gera tær fortreð, um tey sleppa.
Aren’t you like them?— There are those who want to hurt you too.jw2019 jw2019
2 Hvussu vit fyrireika okkum: Góð fyrireiking byrjar við, at vit seta okkum væl inn í bøkurnar og bløðini, sum vit ætla okkum at brúka.
2 How to Prepare: Good preparation starts with becoming acquainted with the literature we plan to offer.jw2019 jw2019
15 Tá nøkur kristin tóku sær fyri at fylgja trúarsiðum, sum Gudi ikki dámdi, spurdi Paulus: „Hvussu kunnu tit nú fara aftur til hin veika og fátæka barnalærdóm, sum tit aftur av nýggjum ætla at træla undir!
15 When some Christians began to practice religious customs that did not please God, Paul asked: “How is it that you are turning back again to the weak and beggarly elementary things and want to slave for them over again?jw2019 jw2019
Eftir sabbatin ætla tær so at viðgera likam Jesusar enn meir so tað kann varðveitast í longri tíð.
After the Sabbath, they plan to treat Jesus’ body further in order to preserve it for a longer period of time.jw2019 jw2019
Tá ið fólkið savnaðist, vendi Elias sær til teirra og segði: „Hvussu leingi ætla tit at halta til báðar síður?
As those people thronged, Elijah approached them and spoke: “How long will you be limping upon two different opinions?jw2019 jw2019
1 Uttan mun til hvønn lesnað, vit ætla okkum at bjóða fólki í boðanini, er tað gott at vera til reiðar at lesa eitt hugvekjandi skriftstað fyri teimum, ið vilja lurta.
1 Regardless of what literature we plan to offer in the ministry, it is beneficial to select a thought-provoking scripture to share with those who will listen.jw2019 jw2019
Hav eina stutta samrøðu, tá ið stykki 2 er viðgjørt, við tveir boðarar, sum ætla sær at vera hjálparpionerar í mars. Annar av teimum arbeiðir fulla tíð, og hin hevur avmarkingar vegna ringa heilsu.
After considering paragraph 2, briefly interview two publishers who plan to auxiliary pioneer during March, one who works full-time and one who has limitations because of poor health.jw2019 jw2019
Hav eina samrøðu við tveir ella tríggjar boðarar, sum ætla sær at vera hjálparpionerar í august, hóast teir hava vánaligu heilsu ella nógv um at vera.
Interview two or three publishers who plan to auxiliary pioneer in August despite being infirm or having a busy schedule.jw2019 jw2019
Í greinini á síðu 3-5 í Ríkisins Tænastu fyri februar mánað, vórðu vit eggjað til at skriva tey, ið vit ætla at bjóða við, á ein lista.
The February Our Kingdom Ministry insert encouraged each of us to make a list of those we plan to invite to the Memorial.jw2019 jw2019
• Les uppískoytið til Ríkisins Tænastu fyri november 1992 aftur, og ven teg í, hvussu tú saman við læknum, Barnavernd og dómarum kanst ætla um læknaviðgerð til barnið hjá tær.
• Review the September 1992 Our Kingdom Ministry insert, rehearsing how to reason with doctors and judges regarding treatment for your child.jw2019 jw2019
Tað mugu vit vera til reiðar at gera, tað sama hvørja útgávu vit annars ætla okkum at bjóða fólki.
We must be prepared to do this regardless of the publication being offered.jw2019 jw2019
Hvar ætla tey sær, og hví fara tey at ferðast nú Maria er so tætt komin at eiga?
Where are they going, and why are they making a trip when Mary is about ready to give birth?jw2019 jw2019
Gev eitt stutt yvirlit yvir bløðini, og spyr síðani áhoyrararnar, hvørjar greinir teir ætla at brúka í økinum, og hví.
After giving a brief overview of the magazines, ask the audience which articles they plan to feature in the territory and why.jw2019 jw2019
72 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.