ijazah oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Indonesies - Engels


Anda hanya perlu berenang tujuh meter untuk ijazah Anda.
You only need to swim seven metres for your diploma.


Terutama oleh para lulusan seminari teologia dari Susunan Kristen yang menerima ijazah pelantikan dan menjadi ulama-ulama yang digaji.
Particularly by Christendom’s theological-seminary graduates who receive a certificate of ordination and become paid clergymen.


Aku ingin mendapat ijazah dan menjadi orang mapan.
I wanna get my degree and become, you know, something substantial.
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Pangeran Akihito kuliah sebentar di Jurusan Ilmu Politik di Universitas Gakushuin di Tokyo dan tidak menerima ijazah.
He briefly studied at the Department of Political Science at Gakushuin University in Tokyo, though he never received a degree.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sebagai laporan penutup dari acara tersebut, ketua menyampaikan salam dari tempat-tempat yang jauh dan dekat kemudian membagikan ijazah serta mengumumkan tempat penugasan utusan injil mereka.
In the wrap-up of the program, the chairman shared greetings from near and far and then presented the diplomas and announced the missionary assignments.jw2019 jw2019
Waktunya telah tiba bagi para siswa untuk menerima ijazah.
The time had come for the students to receive their diplomas.jw2019 jw2019
Dan Sam tidak hanya akan mendapat ijazah SMA, dia juga akan mendapat kehidupan yang sukses.
And Sam wasn't just gonna get a high school diploma, he was being set up for a life of success.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Karena saya memberikan kesaksian di sekolah, pihak berwenang sekolah menolak memberi saya ijazah.
Because I witnessed at school, the school authorities refused to give me a diploma.jw2019 jw2019
Problem langsung Kemungkinan besar kamu akan lebih sulit mendapat pekerjaan, dan kalaupun dapat, mungkin gajinya lebih rendah daripada yang bisa kamu peroleh kalau berijazah.
Immediate problems You will likely find it more difficult to get a job, and if you do get one, it will probably be lower paying than one you might have obtained if you had completed your schooling.jw2019 jw2019
Nilai ujian untuk dapat memperoleh ijazah adalah 35, yang merupakan angka rata-rata.
The test grade needed to obtain the diploma is 35, which is the average score.jw2019 jw2019
Tunjukkan beberapa benda yang mewakili saat-saat dalam kehidupan Anda ketika Anda harus memperlihatkan kesabaran (sebagai contoh, ijazah perguruan tinggi, cincin pernikahan, atau tanda nama misionaris).
Show several objects that represent times in your life when you had to demonstrate patience (for example, a college diploma, a wedding ring, or a missionary nametag).LDS LDS
Pada usia lima puluhan, Michael Gates Gill sudah punya segalanya: rumah besar di pinggiran kota, seorang istri dan beberapa anak, gaji enam digit, dan ijazah dari salah satu universitas Ivy League.
Michael Gates Gill had it all by his fifties: a mansion in the suburbs, a wife and loving children, a six-figure salary, and an Ivy League education.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
kamu berada di jalan-jalan, tapi ayo kita ingat, kamu tak punya ijazah, kamu tidak ada punya kaki, kamu tak punya pekerjaan.
You're in the streets, but let's remember, you got no diploma, you got no feet, you got no job.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Siswa-siswi akan mengikuti uji standardisasi yang diadakan oleh UCSCAM, yang dikenal sebagai Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) (Ijazah Pengujian Bersama) di Menengah Junior 3 (setara Penilaian Menengah Rendah) dan Menengah Senior 3 (setara tahap A).
Students will sit a standardised test conducted by UCSCAM, which is known as the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) in Junior Middle 3 (equivalent to PMR) and Senior Middle 3 (equivalent to A level).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Saya akan mendapatkan ijazah saya besok.
I'm going to get my diploma tomorrow.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dia menerima ijazah SMA-nya dari Chukyo High School pada tanggal 15 Maret, 2009.
She received her high school diploma from Chukyo High School on 15 March 2009.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aku ada upacara pemberian ijazah, makan siang, dan kemudian kembali ke Benning.
I got a commencement, a lunch, and then back to Benning.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ia senang melihat kegembiraan di wajah para lulusan saat ia menyerahkan ijazah kesarjanaan.
She loved seeing the excitement in the faces of the graduates as she handed out degrees.imf.org imf.org
Setelah khotbah ini, para siswa menerima ijazah, dan tempat penugasan mereka diumumkan kepada hadirin.
After this talk, the students received their diplomas, and their assignments were announced to the audience.jw2019 jw2019
Di Den Haag, ia meninggalkan sekolah menengah tanpa meraih gelar ijazah.
In The Hague, she left middle school without a diploma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kau masuk ke sini dengan ijazah SMA?
And you got into this school with a G.E.D.?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kemudian, ke-24 pasangan suami-istri menerima ijazah mereka masing-masing, dan negeri tempat tugas mereka pun diumumkan.
Then, each of the 24 couples received their diplomas, and the country to which they were assigned was announced.jw2019 jw2019
Ketika hamil tiga bulan, dia kembali menduduki pemeriksaan ijazah, tapi gagal untuk kedua kalinya tanpa meningkatkan nilai nya.
When three months pregnant, she resat the diploma examination, but failed for the second time without improving her grade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mereka berupaya memperoleh dokumen, ijazah, dan kartu identitas palsu agar dapat masuk ke suatu negeri secara ilegal atau mendapatkan pekerjaan atau kedudukan padahal mereka tidak memenuhi persyaratan.
They obtain fraudulent documents, diplomas, and identity papers to enter a country illegally or to get a job or a position for which they are not qualified.jw2019 jw2019
Dia baru lulus SMA dan membawa ijazahnya untuk diperlihatkan kepada kakeknya yang telah lumpuh selama beberapa waktu.
She had just graduated from high school and had taken her diploma to show to her grandfather, who had been incapacitated for some time.jw2019 jw2019
Jika Anda pergi ke balapan ini, tidak mendapatkan ijazah saya.
IF I DON'T PASS THIS CLASS, I DON'T GRADUATE.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mendapatkan Ijazah Pendidikan Umum setelah keluar dari sekolah.
Got her GED after dropping out of high school.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Setelah menyelesaikan studinya, karamoko memperoleh sebuah serban dan suatu ijazah, lisensi untuk mengajar, dan dituangkan dalam mencari instruksi lebih lanjut atau untuk memulai sekolah sendiri di sebuah desa terpencil.
Having completed his studies, a karamoko obtained a turban and an ijazah, his license to teach, and set forth in search of further instruction or to start his own school in a remote village.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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