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¿Imaraykutaq tatas, Baruc ruwasqanpi tʼukurinanku kanman?
I' m on my way to the royal Court to enlist in Gonzalo de Córdoba' s armyjw2019 jw2019
TATAS wawasninkuman ñawiriyta, ukhunchayta ima, yachachisqankuqa, tukuy kawsayninkupi yanapan.
Sex antagonism, I guessjw2019 jw2019
Unay tiempoqa, israelita tatas wawasninkuman leyesta, Jehovap tʼukuna ruwaykunasninta ima yachachinanku karqa, paykunapis “Diospi atieneku[nankupaq]” (Sal.
Hillcrist... you' ve got me beatenjw2019 jw2019
Imaptinchus iskayninku Jehovata imamantapis astawan ñawpaqta munakurqanku, chantapis allin tatas, munakuniyuqtaq kayta munarqanku.
The boy comes tojw2019 jw2019
18, 19. 1) ¿Imatá ruwarqanku ashkha cristiano tatas?
What about you?You had us back in that office a week after he passedjw2019 jw2019
Qhepan yachaqanapitaj yachakusunchej tatas wawasninkuman jovenyashajtinku Diosta sirviyta yachachinankupaj, Jesús jina llampʼu sonqo kayninkuta, munakuyninkuta, wawasninkuta entiendeyta atisqankuta ima rikuchinanku kasqanmanta.
Go to the door.White sign over the doorjw2019 jw2019
BIBLIA NIWANCHEJ: “Tatas, ama wawasniykichejta phiñachiychejchu, ama llakisqalla kanankupaj” (Colosenses 3:21).
Please allow that years of war and prison may change a manjw2019 jw2019
¿Imatá tatas ruwankuman wawasninkuta Jehová cheqanchananpaj?
Ethan said the van was dirty, remember, Ames?jw2019 jw2019
Chaywanpis, ¿imaynatá tatas pachis niyta yachachinkuman?
Are you aware of the consequences of this action?jw2019 jw2019
● ¿Imaraykutaq wakin tatas siminakunku?
Y' all learn something today?jw2019 jw2019
¿Imaynatataq tatas yachachinkuman?
It' s only a matter of time before that boy finishes telling the police who he saw that night at the salvage yardjw2019 jw2019
4 Tatas, wawasniykichejpaj tiempochakuychej.
My mother is still alive,I married a girl who was... normaljw2019 jw2019
¿Imaynatá tatas wawasninkuta yanapankuman Jehovaj kamachisninman tukunankupaj?
Our debate this evening will now become a touch more formal.jw2019 jw2019
¿Imaynatá cristiano tatas rikuchinku Jehová cheqanchajninku kasqanta?
The only way in...... is to rip right through the fabric of realityjw2019 jw2019
Divorciorayku, ¿imatataj mana cristiano kaj tatas ruwayta munarqanku?
They took a report, butthey don' t think he' s missingjw2019 jw2019
Tatas, tantakuykunaman ñawpaqta chayaptiykichik, tukukuptin juk chhikantawan qhiparikuptiykichik ima, wawasniykichikqa qutuchakuypi amigosta tariyta atinqanku.
The special measures relating to this participation shall be established by the Joint Veterinary Committeejw2019 jw2019
¿Imaraykutaj tatas llampʼu sonqo kananku, imapi pantaspapis pantasqankuta ninanku may allin?
I put up with your obsessions,I even encourage them, for one reason, they save livesjw2019 jw2019
18 Tatas, mamas, qankunaqa ni pi jina wawasniykichejman Jehovamanta yachachiyta atiwajchej.
You mean the Enterprise?- That is your name for it.- You mean the Enterprise?jw2019 jw2019
Chaywanpis, tatas, imapichus creesqankuta, wakin raymismanta imatachus yuyasqankuta ima wawasninkuman chiqata willaptinkutaq, wawasqa mana iskaychakuspa, Diospa ñawpaqinpi mana pisipaq qhawakuspa ima wiñanku, tukuy kaytaq paykuna kikinkuta munakunankupaq chantapis kay pachapi imatachus ruwanankuta yachanankupaq yanapan.
hey, so you raised all the money you neededjw2019 jw2019
Izabela sinchi llakiyninta muchunanpaqqa imachus yanapasqanmanta jinata nin: “Qutuchakuypi tatas, mamas ima kapuwan, pikunachus uyariwanku, entiendewanku ima.
So you' re Student Body President?Yepjw2019 jw2019
Tatas wawasninkuta kikillanta qhawankuman chayqa, mana chiqan kaqmanjinachu ruwachkankuman.
The EESC urges that advantage should be taken of the opportunity to harmonise, unify and streamline all the rules and procedures of the GSP system in the new guidelinesjw2019 jw2019
¿Imaynatá Testigo tatas Filipenses 4:5 nisqanman jina ruwankuman?
The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Cerealsjw2019 jw2019
¿Imaynatá tatas yachachinkuman wawasninku Bibliaj nisqanta kasukunankupaj?
Maybe somebody didn' t like their psychic readingjw2019 jw2019
¿Imaynatá cristiano tatas wawasninkuta yanapankuman?
The fact is, young Will has not yet developed the social skills... to adapt to the rarefied atmosphere of Bel- Air Academy... or parties in Malibujw2019 jw2019
Achkha tatas, jinata ninku: “Mana munanichu waway burrojina llamkʼananta, chayqa ñuqallapi tukukuchun”, nispa.
It' s freaky, isn' t it?jw2019 jw2019
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