候补委员 oor Engels


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Alternate Member

Alternate member” means alternate member of the Committee

alternate member

The members and alternate members shall remain in office until their successors are elected.

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New elections of Sub-Commission members and alternates will be held in 2002, during the fifty-eighth session of the Commission on Human Rights.UN-2 UN-2
(a) 从正在向市场经济过渡的《公约》附件一所列缔约方(附件一缔约方)中选举两名委员和两名候补委员;
(a) Two members and two alternate members from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties) that are undergoing the process of transition to a market economy;UN-2 UN-2
Except for the D-2 and D-1 Selection Panel, the quorum for each Panel shall consist of three voting members or alternate members.UN-2 UN-2
Alternate member.UN-2 UN-2
For each member of the Committee, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol shall elect an alternate member.UN-2 UN-2
The CMP, by its decision 9/CMP.1, established the JISC and subsequently elected members and alternate members of the JISC in accordance with paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the JI guidelines.UN-2 UN-2
Requests States when nominating and electing members and alternates to the Sub-Commission:UN-2 UN-2
The CMP, by decision 9/CMP.1, established the JISC and subsequently elected members and alternate members of the JISC in accordance with paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the JI guidelines.UN-2 UN-2
Acknowledges the continued interest of the Compliance Committee in having any legal arrangements for privileges and immunities adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol cover members and alternate members of the Committee;UN-2 UN-2
Recalling Commission on Human Rights resolutions 1996/25 of 19 April 1996, 1997/22 of 11 April 1997 and 1998/26 of 17 April 1998 and resolution 1998/28 of 17 April 1998, in which the Commission called upon the Sub-Commission and its members to further enhance cooperation with mechanisms of the Commission and, within their competence, with all relevant bodies, including human rights treaty bodies; Commission resolution 1999/81 of 28 April 1999, in which the Commission welcomed the Sub-Commission’s efforts to enhance such cooperation; and Commission resolution 2002/66 of 25 April 2002, in which it reaffirmed that the Sub‐Commission could best assist the Commission by providing it with independent expert studies carried out by its members or alternates,UN-2 UN-2
第六条监督委员会委员及候补委员应由上文第 # 段所指各有关集团提名,并由《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议选举产生。
Members, including alternate members, of the Article # upervisory Committee shall be nominated by the relevant constituencies referred to in paragraph # above and be elected by the COP/MOPMultiUn MultiUn
遵约委员会各委员的任期长短也适用于其候补委员; 候补委员的连续任期不能超过两任
The length of term for each member of the Compliance Committee also applies to his or her alternate member; Alternate members are not to serve for more than two consecutive terms as alternate membersMultiUn MultiUn
为了确保在短期通知内召开的委员会会议和讨论能够达到作出决定所需要的法定多数,委员会还建议,如果参加遵约委员会会议的旅行时间为 # 个小时或更长时间,委员和候补委员应乘坐公务舱旅行。
To ensure that a quorum to adopt decisions is reached for Committee meetings and deliberations that may be held at short notice, the Committee also recommended that, when the duration of a journey to meetings of the Compliance Committee is nine hours or longer, members and alternate members should travel business classMultiUn MultiUn
In the absence of a member from a meeting of the Committee, his/her alternate shall serve as the member for that meetingMultiUn MultiUn
Pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 1986/35, members of the Sub‐Commission are elected for a term of four years, and half of the membership and the corresponding alternates, if any, are elected every two years.UN-2 UN-2
在 # 年 # 月 # 日举行的全体会议第四次会议上,委员和候补委员按照《议定书》缔约方会议第二届会议批准的誓词宣誓就职。
In the fourth meeting of the plenary of the Compliance Committee, held on # eptember # the members and alternate members had taken their oath of service, in accordance with the text approved at the second session of the CMPMultiUn MultiUn
“委员会”指第二节第 # 段规定设立的成员委员会; “全体会议”指第三节规定的委员会全体会议; “事务组”指第四节和第五节规定的促进事务组或执行事务组; “主席团”指按照第二节第 # 段组成的委员会主席团; “联合主席”指按照第三节第 # 段在委员会全体会议联合行事的执行事务组主席和促进事务组主席; “委员”指根据第二节第 # 段当选的委员会委员; “候补委员”指根据第二节第 # 段当选的候补委员; “缔约方”指《联合国气候变化框架公约》的《京都议定书》的缔约方; “有关缔约方”指第六节第 # 段规定的所提出的履行问题涉及的缔约方; “外交代表”指一缔约方派驻秘书处东道国的代表团团长或代表团指定外交成员; “高级代表”指国家元首或政府首脑、外交部长、外交代表或由国家元首或政府首脑正式授权的外交代表或另一人,或区域经济一体化组织主管部门正式授权的外交代表或另一人; “指派代表”指有关缔约方按照第八节第 # 段指派在履行问题的审议中作为其代表的人; “秘书处”指第十七节所述的秘书处。
e) “Co-chairpersons” means the chairperson of the enforcement branch and the chairperson of the facilitative branch acting together in the plenary of the Committee in accordance with section III, paragraphMultiUn MultiUn
“I will disclose to the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and to the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee any direct and indirect interest whatsoever that I or my immediate family have in any matter under discussion by the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee which may constitute a conflict of interest or which may be incompatible with the requirements of integrity and impartiality expected of a member/alternate member of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee and I will refrain from participating in the work of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee in relation to any such matterMultiUn MultiUn
The use of electronic means of decision-making on the above-mentioned occasions enabled the meetings of the enforcement branch to proceed when urgent and unforeseeable circumstances resulted in the late withdrawal of members and alternate members from attendance at scheduled meetings.UN-2 UN-2
(d) 执行事务组第二十一次会议期间,在到场的委员和候补委员投票的同时,还采用电子方式收集额外投票,使执行事务组能够就以下事项做出决定:关于立陶宛的专家意见;依照程序与机制第十节第2段做出的关于恢复立陶宛参加《京都议定书》第六、第十二、第十七条之下各项机制的资格的决定;关于审查和评估斯洛伐克根据执行事务组的最后决定提交的计划的决定;
(d) At the twenty-first meeting of the enforcement branch, in conjunction with those members present and voting, electronic means were used to collect additional votes to enable the enforcement branch to take: a decision on expert advice with respect to Lithuania; a decision under section X, paragraph 2, of the procedures and mechanisms reinstating Lithuania’s eligibility to participate in the mechanisms under Articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Protocol; and a decision on the review and assessment of the plan submitted by Slovakia pursuant to the final decision of the enforcement branch;UN-2 UN-2
The evidence shall be submitted to the plenary for its consideration, unless the member or alternate member informs the bureau that he or she will refrain from participating in the work of the Committee in relation to the matter to which the evidence relatesMultiUn MultiUn
根据经济及社会理事会第 # 号决议,小组委员会委员当选后将任职 # 年,半数委员和可能有的相应候补委员将每两年选举一次。
Pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution # members of the Sub-Commission are elected for a term of four years, and half of the membership and the corresponding alternates, if any, are elected every two yearsMultiUn MultiUn
(b) 执行事务组第二十三次会议期间,在到场的委员和候补委员投票的同时,还采用电子方式收集额外投票,使执行事务组能够作出捷克斯洛伐克不再存在执行问题的决定;并同意将对《议事规则》的拟订修正案提交全体会议下一次会议审议,修正案涉及执行事务组按照《程序和机制》第十节第5段审议是否应根据《议定书》第五条第2款对清单作出调整的意见分歧。
(b) At the twenty-third meeting of the enforcement branch, in conjunction with those members and alternate members present and voting, electronic means were used to collect additional votes to enable the branch to take the decision that there no longer continues to be a question of implementation with respect to Slovakia, and to agree to forward proposed draft amendments to the rules of procedure relating to the consideration by the enforcement branch of disagreements whether to apply adjustments to inventories under Article 5, paragraph 2, of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to section X, paragraph 5, of the procedures and mechanisms to the plenary for consideration at its next meeting.UN-2 UN-2
Such members and alternates shall be appointed for fixed periods, normally of one year, subject to renewal.UN-2 UN-2
The COP/MOP shall elect to the Article # upervisory Committee five members and five alternate members for a term of two years and five members and five alternate members for a term of three yearsMultiUn MultiUn
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