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因为服贸协议有很高的争议性, 朝野各党之前已经有在立法院逐条审查的共识.
While most lawmakers within the Legislative Yuan, as the island's legislature is called, agreed to review the agreement clause by clause, Chang Ching-Chung, the presiding chair of the legislature’s internal Administrative Committee, declared on March 17 that the committee had already completed review of the agreement.gv2019 gv2019
The Security Council has not imposed an arms embargo but has placed travel bans and asset freezes on three government and three opposition commanders.hrw.org hrw.org
参与Elecciones 3D的部落客包括朝野双方支持者,以及对政治有所怀疑者,不过他们目标相同,都真心追求对委内瑞拉最好的出路,其中关于政治立场、民调、新闻论辩无数,亦有参与选战的亲身经历。
Bloggers participating in Elecciones 3D — like the rest of Venezuelans — are divided among Chávez ́ supporters, opposition supporters, and political skeptics.globalvoices globalvoices
The Cromwell Erajw2019 jw2019
(Nairobi) – South Sudanese government and opposition leaders have failed to halt atrocity crimes, including killings, rape, and forced displacement, or to hold those responsible to account, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.hrw.org hrw.org
Japanese bloggers have been making noise the past few days [ja] in reaction to two separate bills, submitted first by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) and next by the leading opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), each aiming, in apparently similar ways, to legislate regulation over Internet content deemed to be “harmful” to minors (users under age 18).globalvoices globalvoices
Such examples show how much trouble the patriarch of Constantinople could cause and how boldly he could resist the emperor.jw2019 jw2019
Although the government and political parties have made public commitments to provide justice and accountability for the many victims of the conflict, no provisions have been made for victims of sexual violence.hrw.org hrw.org
最近北京终于向持续不懈的朝野外交努力低头,释放已被软禁8年的刘晓波遗孀刘霞出国。 她的获释证明,基于价值的人权干涉是可能成功的。
China’s human rights abuses do not stem from a lack of robust Australian interventions, but the Australian government’s half-hearted pressure has helped embolden the Chinese government.hrw.org hrw.org
Japanese bloggers have been making noise the past few days [ja] in reaction to two separate bills, submitted first by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) and next by the leading opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), each aiming, in apparently similar ways, to legislate regulation over Internet content deemed to be “harmful” to minors (users under age 18).gv2019 gv2019
The field thus broadened.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The anti-discrimination articles were ultimately kept.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Following his speech, lawmakers from both sides of the political divide have accused him of turning the rally, which was supposed to be demanding for free and fair election, into a racial issue.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since the military coup was announced on May 22, 2014, the National Peace and Order Maintaining Council (NPOMC), comprised of all branches of armed forces and the police, has arrested more than 100 ruling party and opposition politicians, activists, journalists, and others accused of supporting the deposed government.hrw.org hrw.org
But since the current armed conflict began in December 2013, both the government and opposition have recruited and deployed children in their forces.hrw.org hrw.org
Welcomes the holding in October 2015 of fair presidential elections, and calls on the Government of Guinea to consolidate the democratic electoral framework, particularly in view of the upcoming municipal and local elections, in line with the inter-Guinean political agreement of 20 August 2015;UN-2 UN-2
Both governing and opposing parties criticized the party for causing unnecessary unrest, stating that there is no need for the Kurdish government to step down.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The United States received its first shock – followed by complaints from the US Congress – when the Chinese computer company Lenovo Group purchasing IBM’s personal computer division.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The Government desires a stable society founded on human rights principles, as do the people, yet the nation faces threats from oppressive and violent groupsMultiUn MultiUn
24 越野朝野回忆说:“那时我还是个小女孩,[学校的]副校长拿着一个木盒子,高举与眼齐,必恭必敬地把它带到台上。
24 “When I was a girl the vice principal [of the school] would hold a wooden box at eye level and reverentially bring it up to the stage,” recalls Asano Koshino.jw2019 jw2019
She hurriedly reaches for Joseph, only to find him murdered in the same fashion as the other murders.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
的黎波里(Tripoli)的公车爆炸案造成18名士兵与民众死亡、数十人受伤,也让黎巴嫩再度成为国际头条新闻,该国新任总统苏莱曼(Michel Suleiman)也在同一天首度出访叙利亚,虽然国内朝野政治人物高度关注此事,爆炸案消息仍旧占据媒体版面。
Lebanon is back in the headlines after an explosion ripped through a bus in Tripoli, killing 18 people, including soldiers, and injuring tens more.globalvoices globalvoices
“A referral would be unbiased and give the ICC jurisdiction to investigate crimes committed by the government and the opposition,” Jarrah said.hrw.org hrw.org
参与Elecciones 3D的部落客包括朝野双方支持者,以及对政治有所怀疑者,不过他们目标相同,都真心追求对委内瑞拉最好的出路,其中关于政治立场、民调、新闻论辩无数,亦有参与选战的亲身经历。
Maléfica told his view of the last day of electoral campaign in Caracas’ downtown:gv2019 gv2019
我曾经相信普京可能会向拉夫伦蒂·贝利亚(Lavrenti Beria)那样猝然而血腥地倒台,这位权倾朝野的斯大林首席安全首长被自己协助创建的专政司法系统结束了性命。
I once believed that Putin’s demise might resemble the sudden and bloody fall of Lavrenti Beria, Stalin’s all-powerful security chief, who was finished off by the arbitrary system of justice that he helped to create.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
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