although oor Faroees


/ɑlˈðoʊ/, /ɔlˈðoʊ/, /ɔːlˈðəʊ/ samewerking
Though, even though, in spite of the fact that: introducing a clause that expresses a concession.

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Although he had been trained as a lawyer, he abandoned law as a career and became a minister affiliated with the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
Han var politiskt aktivur og varð koyrdur úr starvinum sum statsgóðkendur juristur tá hann fanst at uttanríkispolitikkinum hjá stjórnini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The majority of mine workers were slaves, although skilled artisans were needed for building aqueducts and leats as well as the machinery needed to dewater mines and to crush and separate the ore from barren rock.
At savnað fólkið meiri hevði við sær, at lættari og bíligari varð at útvega bygdunum skúlar, vatn og annað og at býta út handilstøð og sáðkorn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although ventilation is an integral component to maintaining good indoor air quality, it may not be satisfactory alone.
Hetta, at ein og hvør kann leggja tilfar á altnótina, er helst ikki bara gott.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although not eulogizing the deceased, it may be appropriate to call attention to exemplary qualities he or she displayed.
Hóast vit ikki vilja halda lovtalu um tann deyða, so kann tað vera hóskandi at vísa á nakrar av teimum góðu eginleikunum, hann ella hon hevði.jw2019 jw2019
Although Jesus does not deny that David is the physical ancestor of the Christ, or Messiah, he asks: “How, then, is it that David by inspiration [at Psalm 110] calls him ‘Lord,’ saying, ‘Jehovah said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies beneath your feet”’?
Jesus noktar ikki at Dávid eftir holdinum er faðir at Kristusi, ella Messiasi, men spyr: „Hvussu kann Dávid tá í Andanum [í Sálmi 110] kalla Hann Harra! Hann sigur jú: „[Jehova] segði við Harra mín: „Set Teg við høgru hond Mína, inntil Eg fái lagt fíggindar Tínar undir føtur Tínar!““jw2019 jw2019
Although we cannot measure up to his standard of perfection, we are urged to “follow his steps closely.”
Hóast vit ikki kunnu liva upp til hansara fullkomna fyridømi, verða vit eggjað til at „fylgja eftir í fótasporum Hansara“.jw2019 jw2019
3 Although few people make reading the Bible a practice, it is still generally respected.
3 Hóast nógv fólk ikki lesa í Bíbliuni, hava tey sum heild virðing fyri henni.jw2019 jw2019
4 Although the writing of the Bible was completed more than 1,900 years ago, its contents intrigue men and women of modern times.
4 Hóast Bíblian varð liðugt skrivað fyri meira enn 1900 árum síðani, hugtekur hon enn á døgum bæði menn og kvinnur.jw2019 jw2019
Although up to 100% of the population are exposed (seropositive) to HHV-6, most by 3 years of age, there are rare cases of primary infections in adults.
Upp til 10 % av sjúklingunum doyggja innanfyri tann fyrsta mánaðin, og hjá teimum sum yvirliva, førir sjúkan ofta til avlamni í størri ella minni mun.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although this finding does not mean that Jehovah makes everlasting life possible through this particular enzyme, it does indicate one thing: The thought of everlasting life is not absurd!
Hóast hesar uppdagingarnar ikki merkja, at Jehova ger ævigt lív møguligt við hesum ávísa ensyminum, vísa tær kortini eitt: Hugsanin um ævigt lív er avgjørt ikki burtur úr vón og viti!jw2019 jw2019
Many of the Best Party's members have joined Bright Future, although Jón himself stopped political participation.
SU stuðlar Javnaðarflokkin í flestu viðurskiftum, men hevur eisini havt serstøðu um serstøk politisk mál.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is noteworthy that while on earth, Jesus did not entertain his disciples with stories about wicked spirits, although he could have said much about what Satan could or could not do.
Tað er vert at leggja til merkis, at meðan Jesus var á jørðini, sat hann ikki og fortaldi lærisveinunum søgur um illar andar, hóast hann hevði kunnað sagt nógv um, hvat Satan er førur fyri og ikki.jw2019 jw2019
Similarly we say Isaiah, although in his own day this prophet likely was known as Yeshaʽ·yaʹhu.
Og vit siga eisini Esaias, hóast hesin profeturin á sínum døgum uttan iva varð róptur Jesjaejaʹhu.jw2019 jw2019
The buildings surrounding the square are intact, although there are some vacancies.
Vegur er einsporaður, men har eru møtipláss.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
5 “Continually Follow Me”: Although Jesus’ disciples experienced many trials, they were encouraged by his zeal and endurance in the ministry.
5 „Støðugt fylgja mær“: Hóast Jesu lærisveinar mangan vórðu staddir í royndum, ernaðust teir av hansara íðinskapi og áhaldni í boðanini.jw2019 jw2019
Although Polymer is completely usable, it is technically incomplete and unoptimised, and is still in development.
Astat er óstabilt og tí radioaktivt og ununseptium er ikki uppdagað enn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At this early point in Jesus’ ministry, however, both John and he, although working separately, are teaching and baptizing repentant ones.
Men nú, so tíðliga í tænastutíð Jesusar, læra og doypa Jóhannes og hann báðir fólk ið angra, hóast teir arbeiða hvør sær.jw2019 jw2019
The family groups are generally made up of about 4 individuals, although group sizes of 2 to 10 individuals have been reported.
Í størri kommunum eru fleiri nevndir, sum eru mannaðar av 3-4 býráðslimum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And although Cyrus, the Persian king, had not even been born as yet, the Bible foretold that he would be prominent in the conquest.
Og hóast persarakongurin Kýros ikki var føddur enn, varð boðað frá at hann skuldi hava ein avgerandi leiklut í sigrinum.jw2019 jw2019
He returned to the Whalers in 2001–02, and although his point totals decreased from the previous year, he posted a respectable 70 points.
Hann spældi tó ongan dyst í 2012, men spældi allar dystirnar U-17 liðið spældi í 2013, sum var 10 dystir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although classification is still an important part of science, diairesis has been abandoned and is now of historical interest only.
Vistfrøði eru nýggj vísindi, men tey eru týdningarmikil nú á døgum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although it is a natural reaction for others to say, ‘Don’t cry,’ that doesn’t really help.”
Hjá øðrum tykist tað vanligt at siga: ’Grát ikki!’ Men tey ráðini eru vánalig.“jw2019 jw2019
Although at first the disciples fail to discern that these instructions have anything to do with the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, later they realize that they do.
Lærisveinarnir gera sær ikki í fyrsta umfari greitt at boðini hava nakað at gera við uppfyllingina av einum profetorði í Bíbliuni, men seinni skilja teir tað.jw2019 jw2019
Although fear may imply anxiety or loss of courage and reluctance to face difficult situations, the Bible states: “Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah.”
Vanliga seta vit ótta í samband við onkra torføra støðu, men Bíblian sigur: „Sælur er hvør tann, ið óttast [Jehova].“jw2019 jw2019
There is no record of Steers's direct involvement in the project, although he produced a survey of the completed docks in 1707, and seems to have been employed as a surveyor for the estate.
Við sonevndu Skotlandslógini varð hetta sett í verk, og skotar sluppu fyrstu ferð síðani sameiningina í 1707 at velja tjóðarting í 1999.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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