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/`hændl/, /ˈhæn.dl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved, as the haft of a sword, the knob of a door, the bail of a kettle, etc.

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(1 Peter 5:2, 3) In addition to looking after their own families, they may need to take time during evenings or on weekends to care for congregation matters, including preparing meeting parts, making shepherding calls, and handling judicial cases.
Рҭаацәа реиҷаҳара адагьы, дара хәылбыҽхала, ма аԥсшьарамшқәа раан раамҭа азыркуеит аизара аусқәа: апрограмма апунктқәа рҽырзыҟаҵара, агәышьҭыхразы аҭаарақәа, иара убас аӡбаратә зҵаарақәа реилыргара.jw2019 jw2019
A Christian father imitates the way Christ handles headship
Аб Христос диҿыԥшуеит, ахадара шынаигӡо аҿыjw2019 jw2019
How would God handle such an insulting challenge?
Аҭак шԥеиҭеи Анцәа Аҩсҭаа иҟаиҵаз ахарадҵара?jw2019 jw2019
How do you handle the situation?
Иҟашәҵозеи?jw2019 jw2019
(Ephesians 6:17) We all can become better teachers, “handling the word of the truth aright.”
Уи шәыцхраауеит аҳәа иаҿырԥшу Анцәа Иажәа ҟазарыла ахархәара (Ефесаа рахь 6:17).jw2019 jw2019
17 The way parents handle their responsibilities may have a bearing on whether their children will respect authority or will rebel against it.
17 Ани аби ирыду аҭакҧхықәра ишазнеиуа еиҧш, ахшаарагьы амчра ма ҳаҭыр ақәырҵалоит, ма уи иаҿагылалоит (Ажәамаанақәа 22:6).jw2019 jw2019
Jorge admits: “I felt worthless because of my limitations and my inability to handle congregation responsibilities.
Ҳорхе иациҵоит: «Сара счымазара иахҟьаны аҭакԥхықәрақәа ахьысзынамыгӡоз азы акгьы саԥсамызшәа збон.jw2019 jw2019
Good hygienic habits include washing our hands with soap and water before eating or handling food, after using the toilet, and after washing or changing a baby.
Ибзиоуп шьцыларас иҳамазар акрыфара, ма афатә архиара ҳалагаанӡа сапынла анапыӡәӡәара, мамзаргьы ашьышьма ашьҭахь, ма ахәыҷы данаҳаӡәӡәа, насгьы дызлаҳәоу икәыршақәа анаҳаԥсахлак ашьҭахь.jw2019 jw2019
How could you have handled the situation better?
Ишԥеиӷьхоз ухы мҩаԥугар?jw2019 jw2019
He along with the children can lovingly help with some of the work that she might normally handle alone. —Philippians 2:1-4.
Ахәыҷқәеи иареи абзиабара аарԥшуа, уаанӡа лхала дзыхьӡоз аусқәа рҿы илыцхраалар рылшоит (Филиппаа 2:1—4).jw2019 jw2019
What counsel did Jesus give to help us handle differences in a spirit of love?
Иарбан Иисус иҳаиҭаз лабжьароу аилибамкаарақәа бзиабарала рыӡбара иҳацхраауа?jw2019 jw2019
8 The steadfast example set by Jacob and Rachel no doubt had a powerful effect on their son Joseph, influencing how he would handle tests of his own faith.
8 Ҳәарада, Иакови Рахильи иаадырԥшыз ахачҳара рԥа Иосиф даараӡа инырит, насгьы ихаҭа аԥышәарақәа данрықәшәа ицхрааит.jw2019 jw2019
How should problems in a marriage be handled?
Ишԥаӡбалатәу аҭаацәараҿы ауадаҩрақәа?jw2019 jw2019
4 How, though, did the Israelites handle cases of accidental bloodshed?
4 Аха иҟаиҵар акәзи машәырла аӡә дызшьыз ауаҩы?jw2019 jw2019
Ask yourself, ‘Do I compliment each child on his successes in handling problems or overcoming obstacles?
Анацәеи абацәеи рхы иазҵаар рылшоит: «Исырҽхәома сара схәыҷқәа зегьы ауадаҩрақәа, ма аԥынгыларақәа иахьыриааиуа азы?jw2019 jw2019
7 How did Brother Diehl handle that situation?
7 Ишԥеихигеи уи аиашьа Диль?jw2019 jw2019
How can you be tactful when handling matters related to holidays?
Ишԥаарԥшлатәу аҳаҭырбара аныҳәақәа ирызку азҵаарақәа рганахь ала?jw2019 jw2019
What can parents learn from the way that Jesus handled his disciples’ imperfections?
Дышԥазыҟаз Иисус иҵаҩцәа рынамӡара, насгьы иднарҵозеи ани аби Иисус иҿырԥшы?jw2019 jw2019
Disagreements should be handled immediately. —Ephesians 4:26.
Аҳәатәеиқәымшәара иаразнак иӡбалатәуп (Ефесаа 4:26).jw2019 jw2019
This student assignment is to be handled by a brother.
Ари адҵа аиашьа идырҵоит.jw2019 jw2019
The auxiliary counselor’s responsibility is to give private counsel, if needed, to elders and ministerial servants regarding any speaking assignments they may handle, including parts on the Life and Ministry Meeting, public talks, and conducting or reading at the Watchtower Study or Congregation Bible Study.
Иара (ианаҭаху) хазы алабжьара риҭалоит аизара «Ҳаԥсҭазаареи ҳмаҵзуреи» аҿы еиуеиԥшым адҵақәа зманы иқәгыло, насгьы иаарту ажәахәқәа зҳәо аизара аиҳабацәеи амаҵзуратә цхырааҩцәеи, иара убас аҵаразы астатиақәеи аизараҿы Абиблиа аҵареи мҩаԥызго, ма урҭ аиԥыларақәа раан иаԥхьо.jw2019 jw2019
Have complete trust that Jehovah will help you handle any problem
Агәра ганы уҟаз Иегова иарбанзаалак ауадаҩра аиааира дышуцхраауаjw2019 jw2019
To illustrate: A person can videotape his last will and testament, and after he dies, his relatives and friends can see and hear him, in effect, as he explains how his estate is to be handled.
Иааҳгап абри аҩыза аҩырҧштәы: ауаҩы авидеолента ианиҵоит ауасиаҭ, данҧслак ашьҭахь иуацәеи иҭахцәеи дырбоит, дагьраҳауеит иҧсыз — иҭынхаз амазара шшатәу ҳәа идеилиркаауа раҳауеит.jw2019 jw2019
He also introduces all the parts, and depending on the size of the body of elders, he may be responsible for handling other parts on the meeting.
Уи апрограмма ахәҭақәа зегьы рылеиҳәалоит, насгьы аизара аиҳабацәа рхыԥхьаӡара маҷзар, егьырҭ апунктқәа мҩаԥигалар илшоит.jw2019 jw2019
The anointed brothers who serve on the Governing Body have an intense interest in God’s Word and much experience in handling practical and spiritual matters.
Иԥшьоу аишьцәа Анапхгаратә хеилак аҿы амаҵ зуа, даара пату ақәырҵоит Анцәа Иажәа, дара аԥышәа ду рымоуп аԥсҭазааратә, насгьы адоуҳатә зҵаарақәа рҿы.jw2019 jw2019
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