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If my peers try to pressure me into wrong conduct, what will I do?
Иҟасҵар сылшозеи, иҽеим аусқәа рахь схы дырхалар?jw2019 jw2019
Even though Luca was nervous, he asked the teacher if he could tell the class about why those things were wrong.
Иара дышшәозгьы, арҵаҩы длыҳәеит уа ианыз зиашамыз акласс ирзеиҭеиҳәарц азин илҭарц.jw2019 jw2019
Does this mean that it is wrong to love ourselves?
Иаанагома уи ҳхы бзиа иҳамбалароуп ҳәа?jw2019 jw2019
3 In Jesus’ day, some religious leaders had the wrong view of recognition.
3 Иисус ихаан адиннапхгаҩцәа шьоукы ахьӡи-аԥшеи ирызгәышьуан.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Corinthians 5:9, 10) Even when we are preaching, we will hear people express wrong ideas and false beliefs.
Мап, избанзар ҳара ари адунеи ҳзалҵуам (1 Коринфаа рахь 5:9, 10). Ауаа ажәабжь бзиа анырзеиҭаҳҳәогьы иаҳԥылоит ииашам агәаанагарақәеи амцҵарақәеи рыгәра зго ауаа.jw2019 jw2019
Because the heart is treacherous, both of you would be wise to avoid being isolated in a house, an apartment, a parked automobile, or anywhere else that would give opportunity for wrong conduct.
Ауаҩы игәы гьангьашуп, убри аҟнытә ибзиахон шәҩыџьагьы шәымацара шәаанымхар аҩны, ауаҭах аҿы, игылоу амашьынаҿы, мамзаргьы даҽаџьара, иҽеим ахымҩаԥгашьа азы аҭагылазаашьа цәырҵыр ахьалшо (Иеремиа 17:9).jw2019 jw2019
For example, was something wrong with the way God created man?
Иаҭахын аамҭа, абарҭ азҵаарақәа реилыргаразы: имазма Анцәа агха ауаа анишоз?jw2019 jw2019
14. (a) In what way did Abigail take the first step toward righting the wrong that Nabal had committed?
14. а) Иарбан шьаҿоу Авигеиа раԥхьа иҟалҵаз, Навал ицәгьара лыриашарц азы?jw2019 jw2019
But what is wrong with this reasoning? —James 1:22.
Аха избан ус ахәыцра зиашам? (Иаков 1:22).jw2019 jw2019
A child becomes accountable to God when he knows what Jehovah says is right and wrong.
Ахәыҷы ацәгьеи абзиеи рганахь ала Иегова игәаанагара анеиликаалак инаркны, Анцәа иҿаԥхьа аҭакԥхықәра иоуеит.jw2019 jw2019
We won’t do anything wrong!”
Ҳара ицәгьоу ҳәа акгьы ҟаҳҵалаӡом!»jw2019 jw2019
(b) How could someone use his freedom in the wrong way?
б) Ишԥаилшо аӡәы ихақәиҭра ииашамкәа ихы иаирхәар?jw2019 jw2019
A clever but rebellious student claims that the teacher’s way of solving the problem is wrong.
Ус, агәырҵҟәыл бзиа змаз, аха даара иԥагьаз ҵаҩык иҳәеит арҵаҩы диашам, насгьы ари аҳасабтә даҽакала иҳасабтәуп ҳәа.jw2019 jw2019
A physical person does not resist when he is tempted to do something wrong.
Ус еиԥш иҟоу ауаа ихызхуа акы ианақәшәо, уи иаҿамгылакәа рҽарҭоит (Ажәамаанақәа 7:21, 22).jw2019 jw2019
Why is it not wrong for a wife to express her opinions respectfully?
Избан угәаанагара аҳәара ахаҵа пату иқәуҵом ҳәа заанамго?jw2019 jw2019
Abortion is wrong, since the life of an unborn child is precious in God’s eyes. —Exodus 21:22, 23; Psalm 127:3.
Аҽԥыргара иашам, избанзар Анцәа иҿаԥхьа имиц ахәыҷы иԥсҭазаара пату ақәуп (Ақәҵымҭа [Исход] 21:22, 23; Аԥсалом 126:3 [127:3, АдҾ]).jw2019 jw2019
Grief is a normal reaction to loss, and it is not wrong for your grief to be obvious to others.
Алахьеиқуҵаратә цәанырра ацәыӡ азы ииашоу дкылароуп, насгьы иҧхашьараӡам, ушгурҩо егьырҭ ирбар.jw2019 jw2019
(b) How did Jesus teach that it is wrong to look down on people from a different race?
б) Ишԥадирҵоз Иисус еиуеиԥшым амилаҭқәа рахь атәамбара аарԥшра шиашам?jw2019 jw2019
Our friends probably have good intentions, but there are other people who deliberately spread wrong information or distort the facts.
Иҟалап ҳҩызцәа абзиара ргәы иҭакны уи ҟарҵозар, аха иҟоуп ауаа аинформациа шиашам дырны ирылазырҵәо, насгьы хҭыск ишыҟаҵәҟьаз акәымкәа, еихаргыла-еиҵаргыла изҳәо.jw2019 jw2019
Adam and Eve got the opportunity to decide for themselves what was right and what was wrong.
Аҩбатәи, ҳара еилаҳкааит Аҩсҭаа иган аанызкыло ргәы иаҭаху зегьы ахаан ишырмоуа.jw2019 jw2019
(1) Daydreaming at the wrong time or about the wrong things.
1. Ианаамҭам афантазиа аҽаҭара, мамзаргьы иахәҭам ахаҿы аагара.jw2019 jw2019
What they did was wrong —it was a sin.
Урҭ иҟарҵаз иашаӡамызт — ари гәнаҳаран.jw2019 jw2019
Rather than saying whether his answer is right or wrong, simply open the tract to the section “What the Bible Says” on the inside and read the scriptures shown there, Daniel 2:44 and Isaiah 9:6.
Иҟаиҵаз аҭак иашоу иашаму иаҳәара аҭыԥан, абуклет аарты, насгьы ахеиҵа «Иаҳәозеи Абиблиа?» аҵаҟа иаагоу ажәеинраалақәа — Даниил 2:44, Исаиа 9:6 — уизрыԥхьа.jw2019 jw2019
How does Jehovah help us to conquer wrong desires?
Дышԥаҳацхраауеи Иегова иҽеим агәазыҳәарақәа риааира?jw2019 jw2019
11 Some agree that such holidays as Christmas have pagan origins but still feel that it is not wrong to celebrate them.
11 Аӡәырҩы ақәшаҳаҭуп Қьырса ныҳәа Абиблиа аҟынтә ишаагам, аха уеизгьы уи азгәаҭара иаҟәыҵӡом.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.