curiosity oor Baskies


/ˌkjʊərɪˈɒsɪti/ naamwoord
(obsolete) Careful, delicate construction; fine workmanship, delicacy of building. [16th-19th c.]

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inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore


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And then I thought out of curiosity I'd like to go and live and work and just see what a village is like.
Eta orduan jakin-minez pentsatu nuen gustatuko litzaidakeela herrixka batera bizitzera joan, bertan lan egin eta nolakoa den ikustea.ted2019 ted2019
Madame would like to see the curiosities of the church?”
Madamek nahi al du elizako bitxitasunak ikusi?Literature Literature
The Manchester gig was a curiosity in the middle of the tour for us.
Manchester kanpokaldean. Manchesterreko kontzertua gure biraren erdian bitxikeria bat izan zen.QED QED
On February 10, 2013, the Curiosity rover obtained the first deep rock samples ever taken from another planetary body, using its on-board drill.
2013ko otsailaren 10ean, Curiosityren ibilgailuak beste planeta batean sakoneko lehenengo arroka laginak lortu zituen, bere zulaketa sistema erabiliz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She rose, and they were about to leave, when the beadle came forward, hurriedly saying - < Madame, no doubt, does not belong to these parts? Madame would like to see the curiosities of the church? > < Oh, no! > cried the clerk. < Why not? > said she.
Zutitzen ari zen, eta jada bazihoazen, klabera hurbildu zitzaienean arin-arian, esanez: — Madame, dudarik gabe, ez da hemengotarra. Madamek nahi al du elizako bitxitasunak ikusi? — Ezetz! oihukatu zuen urgazleak. — Zergatik ez? hasi zen Emma.Lagun Lagun
< Ah, then, > the king said. < I order you to yawn. It is years since I have seen anyone yawning. Yawns, to me, are objects of curiosity. Come, now! Yawn again! It is an order. >
- Orduan aharrausi egitea agintzen diat, esan zion erregek. Urte asko dela, ez dudala inor aharrausika ikusi. Aharrausiak bitxikeriak dituk neretzat. Ea bada aharrausi egin ezak. Nik agindua.Lagun Lagun
Unca's curiosity was satisfied.
Apadanaren harmailadiak askotariko gaiez apaindu ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Did I know, he asked, with a sudden flash of curiosity, `what it was that had induced him to go out there?'
Ba al banekien, bat-bateko kuriositatea agertuz galdetu zidan, «zerk bultzatu zuen hara joatera?»Literature Literature
He paused a moment, and then added with a sort of fresh curiosity, Is it because you are such an ass?
—une batez gelditu, eta gero halako jakingura bizi-bizi batez erantsi zuen—: Halakoxe astoa zarelako ote?Literature Literature
As of 2018, Mars is host to eight functioning spacecraft: six in orbit—2001 Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MAVEN, Mars Orbiter Mission and ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter—and two on the surface—Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity (rover) and InSight (lander).
2018an, Marte funtzionamenduan dauden zortzi espazio-ontzien egoitza da: sei orbitan (2001 Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MAVEN, Mars Orbiter Mission eta ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter) eta bi gainazalean, Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity eta Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He had known an unhealthy curiosity, but the disease had been checked at every point. Nobody had given anything away. The smooth wall of deception had as yet shown no real crack to his roaming fingers.
Jakinmin neurrigabea erakutsia zuen bai, baina eritasuna azaldu orduko geldiarazi zioten. Inork ez zion ezkutukorik agertu. Itxurakeriaren horma lauak ez zien koskarik erakutsi haztamuka zebiltzan bere behatzei.Lagun Lagun
Ask rhetorical questions that stimulate a mental response or curiosity.
Galdera erretorikoak egin azaldu nahi duzun ideian pentsarazteko edo erantzunean interesa pizteko.jw2019 jw2019
Perhaps they just want to talk, driven by simple and harmless curiosity.
Ez al dute zu ezagutzeko gogoagatik bakarrik giza jakinmin soil eta sanoagatik bakarrik egiten ahal?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
< I wouldn’t put on the light, sir, a shot and a light going out. That might arouse curiosity. >
— Nik ez nuke argia piztuko, jauna. Tiro-hots batek eta itzaltzen den argi batek norbaiten arreta erakar dezakete.Lagun Lagun
Martins had been given Lime’s address and he felt no curiosity about the man called Crabbin; it was too obvious that a mistake had been made, though he didn’t yet connect it with the conversation at Frankfurt.
Martinsek bazekien Limeren helbidea eta Crabbin zeritzan gizonaz batere jakinminik ez zuen; begi-bistakoa zen gaizki aditzeren bat gertatu zela, nahiz eta oraindik Frankfurteko elkarrizketarekin loturarik ikusi ez.Lagun Lagun
He came towards Leon, and, with that smile of wheedling benignity assumed by ecclesiastics when they question children - < The gentleman, no doubt, does not belong to these parts? The gentleman would like to see the curiosities of the church? > < No! > said the other.
Leonengana hurbildu zen, eta, elizgizonek haurrei itaunka ari direnean hartzen duten onberatasun lausengarizko irribarre horrekin: — Monsieur, dudarik gabe, ez da hemengotarra. Monsieurek nahi al du elizako bitxitasunak ikusi? — Ez, esan zuen besteak.Lagun Lagun
He had two large Rooms full of wonderful Curiosities, and fifty Men at work.
Bi gela handi zituen bitxitasun harrigarriz beteak, eta berrogeita hamar gizon lanean.Literature Literature
Embodiment of knowledge, reason, and curiosity... the great genius of invention, master of science.
Jakinduriaren, arrazoiaren eta jakin-minaren enperadorea asmamenaren jenioa, zientzien maisua.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When The Old Curiosity Shop was being serialised, American fans waited at the docks in New York harbor, shouting out to the crew of an incoming British ship, "Is little Nell dead?"
Istorioak merkeago ateratzen ziren horrela eta jarraitzaile amerikarrek New Yorkeko portuan itxaroten zuten, ontzian zetoztenei galderak egiteko, "Hilda ote dago Nell txikia?".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the first time he felt real curiosity about Davis. Death had made Davis important. Death gave Davis a kind of stature. The dead are perhaps wiser than we are.
Estreinako aldiz, Davisenganako benetako jakinmina sentitu zuen Castlek. Heriotzari esker, Davis pertsona garrantzitsu bihurtu zen, ospetsu egin zen nolabait. Agian hildakoak gu baino zoliagoak dira.Lagun Lagun
It's called " curiosity. "
" Jakinmina " deitzen da.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Smiling, she watched him with curiosity, trying to understand why he had become so bright and lively.
Amak, irribarretsu, jakin-minez arakatzen zuen, ulertu nahi zuen zergatik zegoen hain distiratsu eta pizturik.Literature Literature
< Why? Were there a lot of deaths in your family? > Dicky asked with alcoholic curiosity. < No, it wasn’t exactly that, > Daintry said, his shyness drowning in the third martini.
— Zergatik? Jende asko hil zen zure familian? — galdetu zuen Dickyk, alkoholak piztutako jakinminez. — Ez, ez da hori — erantzun zuen Daintryk, bere herabetasuna hirugarren martinian itoaraziz.Lagun Lagun
Didn't you teach me, that curiosity is a great virtue?
Ba ez zenidan irakatsi jakin-mina bertute handi bat da?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I didn't like having to indulge his curiosity, which was shortsighted of me.
Gorroto nuen bere jakin minari erantzun beharra.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
42 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.