statutorily oor Hongaars


In a statutory manner; according to statute; lawfully.

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Ilona Meagher


Ilona Meagher


Ilona Meagher

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whereas a statutorily regulated system of employee participation at the level of undertakings, as found in a large number of Member States, should be seen as forming an integral part of European corporate governance which makes a contribution to achieving the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy
(Internal market in electricity – National legislation permitting the levy of a surcharge on the price for electricity transmission in favour of a statutorily-designated company which is required to pay stranded costs – Charges having equivalent effect to customs duties – Discriminatory internal taxation – Aid granted by the Member States)
Igérd meg, hogy soha többé nem csinálsz ilyetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, any such lowering in the level of protection would have to be statutorily prescribed on grounds of legal certainty.
Amíg az Afrikai Unió missziójának az Egyesült Nemzetek égisze alatti műveletté történő átalakulása folyamatban van az ENSZ Biztonsági Tanácsának #. sz. határozatával összhangban, a Tanács a #/#/KKBP határozat #. cikkével összhangban és az Afrikai Unió Béke és Biztonsági Tanácsának #. szeptember #-i határozatának fényében úgy döntött, hogy #. december #-ig tovább folytatja az Európai Unió által az Afrikai Uniónak a szudáni Darfur térségben tevékenykedő missziója számára biztosított polgári-katonai támogató fellépéstEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In fact the private creditors had demanded a bigger sacrifice from the public creditors, because the continuance of the Herlitz Group ensured statutorily guaranteed revenue for most of these creditors, while the private creditors did not have such a guaranteed future income from the firm.
Mindazonáltal az inzulinkezelés intenzifikálása következtében hirtelen javuló glikémiás kontroll összefügghet a diabeteses retinophatia átmeneti rosszabbodásávalEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the fee is paid to the contractor not directly by the users, but in regular payments on account by a central settlement office whose services the contractor is statutorily required to call upon,
Gyere szépenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
statutorily required reporting to Congress; and
Does Article # EC preclude the application of a legislative rule of a Member State under which, for the purposes of assessment to corporation tax, the exemption of the distributed profits received during a taxable period by a company from its subsidiary established in another Member State is limited in the first Member State to the amount of the profit made in the taxable period during which the profits were distributed (after certain statutorily defined deductions), whereas a full exemption of the distributed profits would be possible if that company had set up a permanent establishment in that other Member State?
Azt hiszem, minden, ami nálunk volt, amikor elmozdult a sziget, velünk jöttoj4 oj4
This includes both contractually and statutorily subordinated liabilities.
Bikákat ugrottak átEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
|| Description: The LVD shall verify that FDA plans its forest land use through statutorily required consultations with communities and other stakeholders.
Annak biztosítása érdekében, hogy a támogatás minden esetben szükséges legyen, és ösztönzőleg hasson az egyes tevékenységek fejlesztésére, e rendelet nem mentesítheti az olyan tevékenységhez nyújtott támogatást, amelyre a kedvezményezett csupán piaci feltételek mellett is vállalkoznaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(a) where an administrative authority is obliged under the national law of a Member State to conduct a monthly review of detention without there being an express obligation to adopt an administrative measure and where it has to submit to the court ex officio a list of third-country nationals detained beyond the statutorily prescribed maximum length of the initial detention owing to obstacles to removal, the administrative authority is obliged, on the expiry of the period laid down in the individual decision to detain for the first time, either to adopt an express detention review measure having regard to the grounds for an extension of detention provided for under EU law or to release the person in question;
Ah, Jézus Krisztus!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
9 Pursuant to Paragraph 36(2) of the DSG 2000, five members of the DSK are proposed by authorities which statutorily represent various professional interests, by the Austrian Länder and by the President of the Oberster Gerichtshof (Supreme Court).
Franklin McVeigh igazgatja a harci játékokat, a Konzorcium számáraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As evidence of the fact that Article 2(2) of Directive 2001/83 enshrines statutorily the precedence to be accorded to the provisions on medicinal products and is not, for instance, to be conceived as a rule of presumption or a rule of evidence, HLH Warenvertrieb and Orthica (14) may be cited, in which the Court expressly referred to that provision.
Hé, megcsináltad!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
agricultural and industrial distilleries may no longer receive any operating aid in the form of subsidies for maintaining statutorily guaranteed prices
Ne tárolja az injekciós eszközt felhelyezett injekciós tűvel együttoj4 oj4
Does the status as legal tender of banknotes denominated in euro, as established in the third sentence of Article 128(1) TFEU, the third sentence of Article 16(1) of Protocol (No 4) on the statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank and the second sentence of Article 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No 974/98 of 3 May 1998 on the introduction of the euro (1) contain a prohibition precluding public authorities of a Member State from refusing fulfilment of a statutorily imposed payment obligation in such banknotes, or does EU law leave room for provisions that exclude payment in euro banknotes for certain statutorily imposed payment obligations?
Azonosítási szám: ...Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Inspectors General are statutorily independent; have broad power to conduct investigations, audits and reviews of programs, including of fraud and abuse or violation of law; and can recommend corrective actions.
Jelentős mellékhatások Myelosuppressio: a dazatinib-kezelés anaemia, neutropenia és thrombocytopenia kialkulásával járEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I'd introduce you, but you may or may not have statutorily raped his sister.
3 In connection with an intervention and with indemnification proceedings, the dispute also involves Nederlands Elektriciteit Administratiekantoor BV, formerly Samenwerkende ElektriciteitsProduktiebedrijven NV (‘SEP’), a statutorily-designated company, the State of the Netherlands and Saranne BV, a subsidiary of SEP and a high-voltage net operator.
És ez negyven százalékban az ő esküvője isEurLex-2 EurLex-2
1. income which is statutorily exempt from movable property tax or real estate tax or which is taxable at a rate of less than 15%, and which is generated from securities issued before 1 December 1962;
Ezen fel kell tüntetni a kiállítás nevét és címéteurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The benefits at issue are akin to social assistance benefits in that the concept of need is an essential criterion and entitlement to them is not subject to a condition of aggregation of periods of employment or contributions, whilst in other features they are close to social security benefits inasmuch as the competent bodies have no discretion in respect of awarding them and because their grant places recipients in a statutorily defined position.
Mivel ezen rendelet céljait, nevezetesen a Közösség vámterületére beszállított vagy onnan kiszállításra kerülő árukra vonatkozó szabályok és eljárások meghatározását a Vámunió, mint a belső piac központi pillérének hathatós működésének biztosítása érdekében a tagállamok nem tudják kielégítően megvalósítani, és ezért az intézkedés közösségi szinten jobban megvalósítható, a Közösség intézkedéseket hozhat a Szerződés #. cikkében meghatározott szubszidiaritás elvének megfelelőenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The BfB buys the alcohol at statutorily guaranteed prices, rectifies it (12) and sells it at market prices.
Mindkét csapatátEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The referring court states, in that regard, that it follows from Paragraph 37(2), first sentence, read in conjunction with Paragraph 233, first sentence, of the Tax Code that interest is to be charged on claims arising from the tax debitor-creditor relationship only to the extent to which this is statutorily prescribed.
a fent említett melléklet #. pontjában adott leírásnak megfelelő, a # # KN-kód alá tartozó finomított olivaolajEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Preliminary ruling — Rechtbank Groningen — Interpretation of Articles 25 EC, 87(1) EC and 90 EC — National legislation establishing a surcharge on the price of electricity and payable, during a transitional period, to the net operator by consumers established in the Netherlands — Obligation on the net operator to pay that surcharge to a statutorily designated undertaking of the national electricity generators for the purpose of defraying a sum representing the amount of obligations incurred and investments made by that undertaking prior to liberalisation of the market — Payment by that undertaking of any surplus to the competent ministry
Under a statutorily established single-licence system, can the extension of the licence of the existing licence-holder, without potential applicants being given an opportunity to compete for that licence, be a suitable and proportionate means of meeting the imperative requirements in the general interest which the Court of Justice has recognised as justifying restriction of the freedom to provide services in respect of games of chance?
Megyek, megmosom az arcomatoj4 oj4
(2) Article 36(2) of Directive 2008/98/EC on waste, the polluter-pays principle in Article 191(2) TFEU, the principle in Article 49(3) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights that penalties must be proportionate, and the presumption of innocence in Article 48(1) of the Charter do not preclude the imposition of an appropriate penalty on the owner of a leased plot of land which is based on the statutorily determined presumption that the landowner and the actual user of the land share responsibility for the breach, on that land, of legal rules governing waste management, if it is in principle possible to rebut this presumption by means of reasonable evidence.
Magának ezerszer jobban kéne a győzelem, mint nekemeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
180 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.