blindness oor Igbo


/ˈblɑɪndnəs/ naamwoord
The condition of being blind; unable to see.

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A visual impairment that results in complete loss of vision in both eyes.
There the blind and the lame come to him, and he cures them.
N’ebe ahụ, ndị ìsì na ndị ngwụrọ abịakwute ya, ọ gwọọkwa ha.

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Jehovah strongly censured those who flouted his direction by offering lame, sick, or blind animals for sacrifice. —Mal.
+ Ma ọ bụrụ na ọ nọghị, udo unu ga-alaghachikwute unu.jw2019 jw2019
The Devil blinds many people to his existence. —2 Corinthians 4:4.
A ma m na ezi-okwu bna-esi ike megide adịghị-ọcha nile: ma na ndị ezi-omume anaghị atụ ha egwu, n’ihi na ha hụrụ ezi-okwu n’anya ma ọ naghị atụgharị ha.jw2019 jw2019
17 Consider the occasion when Jesus healed a demon-possessed man who was blind and unable to speak.
* Hụ kwa Mkpughe nke Jọn; Ndị nile e nwogharịrị enwogharị; Onye-ozi; Ozi-ọma nile; Ọkwa nchụ-aja nke Melkizedekjw2019 jw2019
15 Condemning the lack of spiritual values on the part of his opponents, Jesus says: “Woe to you, blind guides.”
39 Mana lee, ụmụnne m nwoke m hụrụ nʼanya, ana m ekpe unu ikpe ihe ndị ka mma, nʼihi na ana m ekpe na unu nwere okwukwe na Kraịst n’ihi ịdị umeala unu; n’ihi na ọbụrụ na unu enweghị okwukwe na ya mgbe ahụ unu aekwesịghị ka a gụnye unu nʼetiti ndị nke nzukọ-nsọ ya.jw2019 jw2019
9 When John the Baptizer was in prison, Jesus sent him this heartening message: “The blind are seeing again, . . . and the dead are being raised up.”
Ndị ntọ nọ n’Itali amanyewo ndị mmadụ iweta ego mgbapụta site n’ibepụta ụfọdụ akụkụ ahụ ma zigara ha ndị ikwu onye ahụ ma ọ bụ ụlọ ọrụ TV.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah makes the promise that he will figuratively blind and throw into “bewilderment” those who fight against his courageous Kingdom messengers.
* Gaa n’iru n’ibu-ọnụ na ikpe-ekpere, Ọmnaị 1:26 (4 Nif.jw2019 jw2019
Inevitably, word of this spread like wildfire, and soon “great crowds approached him, having along with them people that were lame, maimed, blind, dumb, and many otherwise, and they fairly threw them at his feet, and he cured them.”
Onye-isi nduzi nke Nzukọ-nsọ na ndị ndụmọdụ ya nile.jw2019 jw2019
In what way are some in Isaiah’s day blind by choice, and when will they be forced to “behold” Jehovah?
* Unu ga-achọta m, mgbe unu ji obi nile unu achọ m, Jer.jw2019 jw2019
(Deuteronomy 10:17) Moreover, Paul doubtless remembered the specific instruction found in the Law of Moses: “You must not be partial or accept a bribe, for the bribe blinds the eyes of wise ones and distorts the words of righteous ones.”
26 Ma o wee ruo na olu nke Onye-nwe sịrị ya: Lekwasị anya na bọl ahụ, ma lee ihe ndị e dere.jw2019 jw2019
Fourth, almost anyone —the blind, the lame, and uncircumcised Gentiles— could enter the Court of the Gentiles.
44 N’ihi na unu aga-adị ndụ site n’okwu ọbụla nke sitere n’ọnụ nke Chineke pụta.jw2019 jw2019
Isaiah foretold that the eyes of people would be blinded and their hearts would be hard so that they would not turn around to be healed.
ALA NSỌ AhỤ n’ime Oge nỊỊle Testament ỌhỤRỤjw2019 jw2019
Glaucoma —a leading cause of blindness.
I kwesịrị ime ka a mara ebe ị nọ, a sịgodi na nsogbu adịghị n’ebe ahụ ma ọ bụkwanụ na o nweghị ihe dị gị mkpa.jw2019 jw2019
Your flaws don’t blind him to your value.
6 Otu osila dị, e adeghi ya na-agaghị enwe ọgwụgwụ nke ịta-ahụhụ a, kama e dere ya ịta ahụhụ bagwụgh-agwụ.jw2019 jw2019
19 For I will send my servant unto you who are blind; yea, a messenger to open the eyes of the blind, and unstop the ears of the deaf;
17 Mana unu, mgbe unu na-ebu-ọnụ, tee isi unu mmanụ, ma saa iru unu;LDS LDS
THE parents of the once blind beggar are afraid when they are called before the Pharisees.
5 Ya mere, ọ kpọgooro ya n’elu otu ugwu wee gosi ya alaeze niile nke elu ụwa mmadụ bi n’otu ntabi anya; 6 Ekwensu wee sị ya: “M ga-enye gị ikike+ a niile na ebube ha, n’ihi na e nyefewo ha n’aka m, ọ bụkwa onye ọ bụla m chọrọ ka m na-enye ya.jw2019 jw2019
21 But Nephi said unto them: O ye afools, ye uncircumcised of heart, ye blind, and ye bstiffnecked people, do ye know how long the Lord your God will suffer you that ye shall go on in this your way of sin?
* Tutu a kpụọ m gị n’ime afọ amaara m gị, Jer.LDS LDS
So it occurred that in 1919 the spiritually blind eyes of the remnant were opened, and what a vision of the immediate future those opened eyes perceived!
Ha ejiriwo arụsị ha na-abaghị n’ihe+ kpasuo m iwe;jw2019 jw2019
He puts this on the blind man’s eyes and says: “Go wash in the pool of Siloam.”
“Onye-nzọpụta” bụ aha na akara nke Jisus Kraịst.jw2019 jw2019
All people are concerned about health problems, so we can read with them what Jesus did to illustrate what he will do on a much larger scale in Kingdom power: “Great crowds approached him, having along with them people that were lame, maimed, blind, dumb, and many otherwise, . . . and he cured them.” —Matthew 15:30.
49 Ma ọ ga-anọrọ na ndu nke nzukọ nile mgbe n’enweghi onye okenye ebe ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
“The eyes of the blind will be opened.” —Isaiah 35:5
* Gaa nụ n’iru na ndidi ruo mgbe unu zuru-oke, OznỌd. 67:13.jw2019 jw2019
“Lord, let our eyes be opened,” the two blind men plead.
24 Onye kpọrọ mmadụ asị na-eji egbugbere ọnụ ya eme ka a ghara ịmata onye ọ bụ, ma ọ na-etinye aghụghọ n’ime obi ya.jw2019 jw2019
(1 John 5:19; John 8:44) So effective has Satan been in ‘blinding people’s minds’ that he now ‘misleads the entire inhabited earth.’
I napụta, i zụta, ma-ọbụ ịgbapụta site na-ịkwụ ụgwọ, nke dịka ime ka mmadụ nwere onwe ya site n’oru.jw2019 jw2019
Why, he has walked on water, calmed the winds, quieted stormy seas, miraculously fed thousands on a few loaves and fishes, cured the sick, made the lame walk, opened the eyes of the blind, cured lepers, and even raised the dead.
18 N’ihi na ha emewo ka mmụọ m na mmụọ unu dị ọhụrụ.jw2019 jw2019
12 And also that God hath set his hand and seal to change the atimes and seasons, and to blind their bminds, that they may not understand his cmarvelous workings; that he may dprove them also and take them in their own craftiness;
10 Ma o wee ruo na otu onye nke ihe ntugwa nzuzo nile ahụ gburu ya nʼụzọ nzuzo nta, ma nwetara onwe ya ala-eze ahụ; ma aha ya bụụrụ Lịb; ma Lịb bụụrụ nwoke nke toro nnukwu ogologo, karịa onye ọbụla ọzọ nʼetiti ndị ahụ nile.LDS LDS
False hopes only blind people to reality.
39 aKpọọ kwa nụ isi ala nye ya bụ onye kere elu-igwe, na ala na oke osimiri, na isi iyi nile nke mmiri nile—jw2019 jw2019
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