asistir a un funeral oor Engels

asistir a un funeral

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to attend a funeral

Toda esta gente tan maravillosa asiste a un funeral.
These famous people are here to attend a funeral lt was written in her last will and testament

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“Tan seguro como puedo estarlo sin asistir a un funeral.”
"""As certain as I can be without attending a funeral."""Literature Literature
—Lord y lady Edward tuvieron que marcharse a Yorkshire este fin de semana para asistir a un funeral.
“Lord and Lady Edward were called back to Yorkshire just this weekend to attend a funeral.”Literature Literature
Tengo que asistir a un funeral.
I've got a funeral to attend.""Literature Literature
Después, les toca asistir a un funeral.
After that, they have a funeral to attend.Literature Literature
Al menos en Estados Unidos, ver la televisión era asistir a un funeral.
In the United States, at least, to watch television was to attend a funeral.Literature Literature
La yia-yia había salido con su madre para asistir a un funeral.
Yia-yia was away with their mother, at a funeral.Literature Literature
Además, acabamos de asistir a un funeral, en caso de que lo hayas olvidado.
Besides, we ve just come from a funeral, in case you forgot.”Literature Literature
La simple idea de asistir a un funeral doble para su hijo y su asesino la había anonadado.
The very thought of a double funeral for her son and his murderer had appalled her.Literature Literature
Pero mientras los norteamericanos se limitaban a guardar silencio, los rusos parecían asistir a un funeral.
But whereas the Americans were merely quiet, the Russians were funereal.Literature Literature
Estás a punto de casarte, no de asistir a un funeral.
You’re about to be wed, not attend a funeral.”Literature Literature
—Es molesto para quienes deben asistir a un funeral cuando antes se ha celebrado una boda.
‘It’s upsetting for those who have to attend a funeral when a wedding has taken place earlier in the day.Literature Literature
—Me veo como si estuviera a punto de asistir a un funeral.
“I look like I’m about to attend a funeral.”Literature Literature
Vestía la sotana, pues había acudido a la lectura directamente después de asistir a un funeral en Princetown.
He had on his “full holy blacks,” having come directly from a funeral in Princetown.Literature Literature
Cuando teníamos cinco o seis años, la familia de Johnny tuvo que asistir a un funeral en Canadá.
When we were about five or six, Johnny’s folks had to attend a funeral in Canada.Literature Literature
Como si fuera a asistir a un funeral.
As if she was going to a funeral.Literature Literature
Asistir a un funeral la deja a una con cierto pesar.
Watching the funeral gave one a sort of pain.Literature Literature
Tenía que asistir a un funeral... dentro de tres horas apenas.
He had to attend a funeral—in less than three hours.Literature Literature
Por la tarde el asunto estaba más claro: iban a Rembang para asistir a un funeral.
By the evening things were even clearer—they were going to Rembang to attend a funeral.Literature Literature
Esta viajó desde su hogar en Malí para asistir a un funeral en Kissidougou, al sur de Guinea.
The grandmother travelled from her home in Mali to attend a funeral in the town of Kissidougou, in southern Guinea.WHO WHO
Sus parientes y vecinos perdieron la oportunidad de asistir a un funeral, y tuvieron mucho de qué hablar.
His relatives and neighbours lost the chance of a funeral, and they had a good deal to say.Literature Literature
Tuvimos que asistir a un funeral.
We had a funeral to attend.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—¡Pues yo me niego a asistir a un funeral ornitológico!
“Well, I refuse to attend a bird funeral!Literature Literature
Dijimos que aquello era como asistir a un funeral, ver que todo el mundo se marchaba.
WE SAID IT was like going to a funeral, watching everyone leave.Literature Literature
Mañana por la noche tenemos que asistir a un funeral.
We have a funeral to attend tomorrow night.”Literature Literature
Cualquiera puede asistir a un funeral sin necesidad de invitación.
Anyone may go to a funeral, it isn’t obligatory to be asked.Literature Literature
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