protestar contra oor Engels

protestar contra

Vertalings in die woordeboek Spaans - Engels

kick against



verb noun
La multitud protestó contra la discriminación racial.
The crowd protested against racial discrimination.

to protest

Se cortan el pelo para protestar contra la nobleza.
I thought the rebels wore short hair to protest against courtly decadence.

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Soortgelyke frases

protestar en contra de
protestaron en contra de su encarcelamiento
they protested against his imprisonment


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Éramos simplemente los naturales, unidos para protestar contra la masacre de nuestros seres queridos.
It was just the Naturals coming together to make a stand against a blatant massacre of their own loved ones.Literature Literature
Hundía los talones en el suelo y envaraba el cuerpo para protestar contra los hombres que le arrastraban.
He dug his heels into the ground and stiffened his body in protest against the men who dragged him.Literature Literature
¿Por qué habría que protestar contra esa vida deslumbrante y divertida?
Why would you want to protest against such a dazzling, uproarious life?Literature Literature
A las once llegó el obispo anglicano, para protestar contra la introducción de la Lotería nacional.
At eleven the Anglican Bishop came to protest against the introduction of State Lotteries.Literature Literature
Más de 200 militantes políticos fueron golpeados y detenidos por protestar contra las leyes electorales discriminatorias.
Over 200 political activists had been beaten and detained for protesting against the discriminatory election laws.UN-2 UN-2
El 20 de agosto, más de 22 000 personas marcharon pacíficamente para protestar contra la sentencia.
On 20 August, over 22 000 people marched peacefully to protest against the sentence.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Simplemente deseo tomarme la libertad de protestar contra la celebración de este debate.
I merely wish to take the liberty of protesting against our having this debate.Europarl8 Europarl8
¿Protestar contra aquello a lo que había entregado su vida?
Protest against what he'd surrendered his life to?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hay mucha gente que va a protestar contra este tipo de asistencia financiera a menores.
There are a lot of people who will protest this sort of financial assistance to minors.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Solamente sabéis protestar contra el gobierno [...].
You know only how to protest against the government....Literature Literature
Sin embargo, Junior Bruce comienza a protestar contra ella.
However, Junior Bruce starts to protest against it.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
¿Hildy fue a la cárcel por protestar contra la guerra?
“Hildy went to jail for protesting the war?”Literature Literature
- ¿De modo que habéis venido a protestar contra la sentencia de muerte?
‘So, you have come to protest against this sentence of death?’Literature Literature
a fin de que la anciana no se atrevió a protestar contra los estudiantes.
students so that the elderly woman did not dare to protest.Common crawl Common crawl
—Tienes razón, Fanny, al protestar contra tal oficio, pero no debes temer.
You are right, Fanny, to protest against such an office, but you need not be afraid.Literature Literature
Llegaban hoy a Londres para protestar contra el control de las ayudas.
They are arriving in London today to protest against the Means Test.Literature Literature
Se cortan el pelo para protestar contra la nobleza.
I thought the rebels wore short hair to protest against courtly decadence.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
–¿Estás diciendo que protestar contra Vietnam llevó al fraude fiscal?
‘You’re saying that protesting Vietnam led to tax cheating?’Literature Literature
Brandler y Thalheimer jamás elevaron sus voces para protestar contra el aplastamiento de la Oposición de Izquierda.
Brandler and Thalheimer never raised their voices against the crushing of the Left Opposition.Literature Literature
Por el contrario, al protestar contra la manipulación grotesca del juego moderno, están intentando recuperarlo.
On the contrary, by protesting against the grotesque manipulation of the modern game, they are trying to take it back.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
—la interrumpió cuando ella abrió la boca para protestar contra tan extraño comportamiento—.
he cut her off when she opened her mouth to protest such bizarre behavior.Literature Literature
Ayer he recibido la respuesta fechada el 4 de junio y quiero protestar contra esto.
I received an answer yesterday, dated 4 June, and I must protest about that.Europarl8 Europarl8
No me parecía propio usar la violencia para protestar contra ella.
This did not seem right to me —using violence to protest violence.jw2019 jw2019
No quiero hablar de gente que se desnuda para protestar contra algo.
I don't want to talk about people who strip naked in order to protest against something.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La honestidad innata del hombre se alzó para protestar contra las últimas palabras del ama de llaves.
The inbred honesty of the man rose in protest against the housekeeper's last words.Literature Literature
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