restaurant oor Engels


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an eating establishment in which diners are served food at their tables
Toe het die woedende man sy toebroodjie gegryp en by die restaurant uitgeloop.
The angry man then grabbed his sandwich and walked out of the restaurant.

eating house



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Vertalings in die woordeboek Afrikaans - Engels


single establishment which prepares and serves food, use Q18534542 for restaurant chains
Restaurante: Verheerlik Jehovah se naam deur jou goeie gedrag by restaurante.
Restaurants: Honor Jehovah’s name by your fine conduct at restaurants.

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Julle kan Ma die moeite spaar om te kook deur etniese restaurante te besoek.
You may spare Mom cooking by visiting ethnic restaurants.jw2019 jw2019
Restaurantjw2019 jw2019
Dit was die dae van apartheid, toe swart en wit nie saam in hotels kon bly of in restaurante kon eet nie.
Those were the apartheid years, when black and white could not stay in the same hotels or eat at the same restaurants.Literature Literature
As jy per motor reis, kan jy dink aan wat jy gaan sê wanneer jy by ’n vulstasie stilhou of ’n restaurant besoek of terwyl jy in ’n hotel bly.
If you travel by automobile, think about what you can say when you stop at a filling station or restaurant or while staying at a hotel.jw2019 jw2019
Maar later, by hotelle of in restaurante, was party broers en susters, wat nog hulle lapelkaarte aangehad het, geklee in “moulose T-hempies, ou denimbroeke, skrapse kortbroekies en ... uitheemse klere wat nie betaamlik is vir God se volk nie”.
Later, however, at hotels or in restaurants, some brothers and sisters, still wearing their badges, were dressed in “tank tops, old denims, short-shorts, and . . . faddish clothes not becoming to God’s people.”jw2019 jw2019
Kerkkomplekse bestaan dalk uit restaurante, kafees, skoonheidsalonne, saunas en sportfasiliteite.
Church complexes may include restaurants, cafés, beauty salons, saunas, and sports facilities.jw2019 jw2019
Hoewel dit ’n persoonlike besluit is om ons diens te onderbreek om eers verversings te geniet, is daar al opgelet dat groot groepe broers en susters by ’n koffiehuis of ’n restaurant bymekaarkom.
Although stopping for refreshments is a personal decision, it has been noted that at times, large groups of brothers and sisters meet at a coffee shop or a restaurant.jw2019 jw2019
Talle mense in die restaurant was beïndruk deur die Getuies wat netjies en gepas aangetrek was en hulle lapelkaartjies gedra het.
However, many patrons of the restaurant reacted favorably upon seeing Witnesses who were neatly and appropriately dressed and wearing their badge cards.jw2019 jw2019
Ons moet die gebruiklike fooitjie gee aan kelners by restaurante en aan hotel- of gastehuiswerkers wat ons bagasie dra, ons kamer skoonmaak en ander dienste lewer.
4:6) We should give the customary tip to servers at restaurants and to hotel workers who carry our bags, clean our room, and provide other services.jw2019 jw2019
Shireen, Adam en Nana besluit om skofte by die plaaslike restaurant te werk vir 6 ure.
Adam and Nana decide to work in shifts at the local restaurant for a total of 6 hours.Literature Literature
Maar vind jy dat jy soms huiwerig is om te bid wanneer jy in ’n openbare plek eet, soos in ’n restaurant?
However, do you sometimes find yourself reluctant to give thanks when enjoying a meal in a public place, such as a restaurant?jw2019 jw2019
Oulike deuntjies, flitsende ligte en die geklingel van geld wat af en toe uit die masjiene rol, maak ’n mens bewus van die feit dat hulle algemeen in baie Europese koffiehuise, klubs, restaurante en hotelle voorkom.
Catchy jingles, flashing lights, and the occasional clatter of cascading coins advertise their pervasive presence in many European cafés, clubs, restaurants, and hotels.jw2019 jw2019
Restaurante: Verheerlik Jehovah se naam deur jou goeie gedrag by restaurante.
Restaurants: Honor Jehovah’s name by your fine conduct at restaurants.jw2019 jw2019
Die studente se entoesiastiese demonstrasies het getoon hoe vlytig hulle in hulle bediening was en hoe hulle geleenthede benut het om die goeie nuus op vliegtuie, in restaurante en by vulstasies te verkondig.
(Ecclesiastes 11:6) By means of lively reenactments, the students showed how they had been industrious in the ministry, finding occasions to preach the good news on airplanes, in restaurants, and at gas stations.jw2019 jw2019
Dit beteken dat ons nie saam met hom sal piekniek hou, na ’n partytjie toe gaan, balspeletjies speel, inkopies doen, teater toe gaan of sal eet nie, hetsy by die huis of in ’n restaurant.
This would rule out joining him in a picnic, party, ball game, or trip to the mall or theater or sitting down to a meal with him either in the home or at a restaurant.jw2019 jw2019
’n Groep honger gaste sit in ’n restaurant in die stad New York.
A group of famished patrons are seated inside a New York City restaurant.jw2019 jw2019
Sy het so pas begin werk as ʼn kelnerin by ʼn restaurant in Sandton en kan nie die aand afkry nie.
She just started waiting on tables at a restaurant in Sandton and could not get a night off.nalibali nalibali
Wat het in hierdie denkbeeldige situasie in ’n restaurant gebeur, en watter gevolgtrekking het Tom gemaak?
In this imaginary scenario, what happened in a restaurant, and what conclusions did Tom quickly draw?jw2019 jw2019
Van daar af het ek na België gegaan, waar ek Franse klasse bygewoon het en deeltyds in ’n restaurant gewerk het.
From there I went to Belgium, where I took French classes and worked part-time in a restaurant.jw2019 jw2019
Sy het hom geneem na die restaurant se beknopte kroeg, aan die agterkant van die gebou, wat meer privaat was.
She took him through to the restaurant’s tiny bar, which was situated to the back of the building and was more private.Literature Literature
Maak seker dat enige restaurant wat jy besoek, aan die gesondheidstandaarde van die wet voldoen.
Make sure that any restaurant you visit satisfies the health standards required by law.jw2019 jw2019
Toe dit voltooi is, is ’n aankondiging gemaak dat dit ’n jaar later as deel van ’n toerismeprojek as ’n restaurant en kultuursentrum oopgestel sou word.
Following this, announcement was made that one year later, as part of a tourism project, it would be opened as a restaurant and cultural center.jw2019 jw2019
Daar is altesaam 1 000 vertrekke in die operagebou, met inbegrip van restaurante, kleedkamers en ander geriewe.
In total there are 1,000 rooms in the opera house building, including restaurants, dressing rooms, and other amenities.jw2019 jw2019
Sy het tot 19:45 by die restaurant gewag, toe na haar meenthuis op die dorp teruggekeer.
She waited at the restaurant until 19.45, and then returned to her townhouse.Literature Literature
Daar word byvoorbeeld geskat dat 7 persent van die voedselgewasse nooit geoes word nie, dat 17 persent van die maaltye wat in restaurante en kafeterias bedien word, nie geëet word nie en dat gesinne sowat 25 persent van die voedsel wat hulle koop, weggooi.
It is estimated, for example, that 7 percent of food crops are never harvested, that 17 percent of meals served in restaurants and cafeterias remain uneaten, and that families throw out some 25 percent of the food they purchase.jw2019 jw2019
205 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.