they walk to the library oor Spaans

they walk to the library

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ellos caminan a la biblioteca


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They walked to the library without touching.
Me encantó mamárselaLiterature Literature
In fact, she realized as they walked to the library, his whole manner was different this evening.
Para que recuerde que ganó todo eso en una nocheLiterature Literature
‘I thought I heard you were shovelling the path to the icehouse,’ she says as they walk to the library.
Creen que saben quién soyLiterature Literature
Josh rejoined Kyle Lanier and together they walked up to the Library doors.
No, venga, no es necesario vacilarLiterature Literature
Dancer was as stubborn as any rock, and the debate continued as they walked to the Bayar Library.
Reconstruyamos juntos este mundo.Para poder compartir los días de paz. GamlingLiterature Literature
Later, as they walked back to the library, Dougless asked him how his brother Christopher had died.
La definición de la categoría de productos revestimientos textiles de suelos es conforme con la norma DIN ISOLiterature Literature
Hand in hand they left the library, walked back to the front hall, and climbed the stairs.
Ya ha venido al menos # veces por falsos infartosLiterature Literature
They walked to the end of the library and reached the door they had yet to explore.
La revolución es como la bicicletaLiterature Literature
They walked down the hallway to the library.
Armas blancasLiterature Literature
They were almost as close to each other as they had been on the walk from the library to the car pavilion.
Todos tienen un límiteLiterature Literature
“You’re really going to be impressed with the library,” Kate promised as they walked the two streets over to Maple.
Quizá no sabían.- ¿ Cómo pueden no haber sabido?Literature Literature
They stood, waved goodbye to Adam and walked slowly toward the library parking lot, chatting as they went.
¿ Está loco?- ¡ Vigile por mí!Literature Literature
Together they walked from the library, and upstairs to Skye’s old bedroom overlooking the river.
Lloviendo gatos y perros!Literature Literature
It’s almost a mile to the library, and they walk there together on Saturday mornings.
Bueno, bueno, no te enojes tantoLiterature Literature
she asked Penn as they started walking up the mosaic-tiled stairs to the library.
Cuando sea posible, dé la primera vuelta en U permitidaLiterature Literature
Upon entering the library, I walked over to the wooden cabinets where they kept archives of the local newspaper.
Y antes que estes en Sudáfrica eras de la...... fuerza de defensaLiterature Literature
They returned their library books, then walked over to the market, chatting about Joan and Jacob and the letters.
Hace dos años quese ha idoLiterature Literature
They walked by the museum and the public library and back to the car.
Estamos en el Madison Square Garden...... para la pelea del sigloLiterature Literature
Buildings don't just reflect our society, they shape our society down to the smallest spaces: the local libraries, the homes where we raise our children, and the walk that they take from the bedroom to the bathroom.
excelentes capacidades de comunicación interpersonal, oral y escritated2019 ted2019
Together they walked back into the library and down the corridor that led to the front entrance.
De qué quieren hablar?Literature Literature
They walked to Fifth Avenue and crossed to the north corner beside the Public Library.
Sí, vaya, fíjateLiterature Literature
They walk to the library.
Tú estabas allí, JackParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Back when I was in school -- this is before people had wide access to the internet -- if I was going to do a research paper, I would have to physically walk to the library, and if they had the book that you needed, great.
Paco era mi enfermero y, como los rehenes de verdad se resisten, nuestro rehén seria Randyted2019 ted2019
But most times they were able to meet her at the library or the lab and walk her home.
El coeficiente de partición n-octanol/agua de la sustancia activa purificada se determinará e indicará mediante el método CEE ALiterature Literature
As they walked out of the bedroom and through the library, he said, “I’m going to see my mother now.”
Por favor, mantenme informadoLiterature Literature
54 sinne gevind in 24 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.