they walked past us oor Spaans

they walked past us

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They walk past us, and we feel their energy; it is our own energy, projected.
Pasan a nuestro lado y sentimos su energía, que no es sino nuestra propia energía proyectada.Literature Literature
‘So he really does exist,’ said David, as they walked past us.
—Así que existe de verdad —dijo David, al pasar junto a nosotras—.Literature Literature
They walked past us, and I decided we could not risk their turning back.
Pasaron cerca de nosotros y yo decidí que no podíamos arriesgarnos a que volvieran.Literature Literature
Mo and I stand side by side, but they walk past us as if we’re invisible.
Mo y yo estamos una junto a otra, pero nos dejan atrás como si fuésemos invisibles.Literature Literature
When they walked past us, Courtenay paused for a few seconds to gaze at Montagu.
Al pasar por delante de nosotros, Courtenay se detuvo unos segundos a mirar a Montagu.Literature Literature
They walk right past us as if we are peasants in a field.”
Han pasado ante nosotros como si fuéramos labriegos trabajando en el campo.Literature Literature
They often walked past us without even seeing us.
En ocasiones, pasaban por nuestro lado y ni siquiera nos veían.Literature Literature
They walked past, ignoring us completely, not even bothering to say hello, and sat at the back of the bar.
Pasaron por delante de nosotros ignorándonos, sin un gesto de saludo, y fueron a sentarse al fondo del local.Literature Literature
When we walk past, they hear us and they both turn round.
Cuando pasamos por su lado, los dos se dan la vuelta.Literature Literature
They all watched us walk past, working their faces, those faces you always see at a goddamned funeral.
Todos nos siguieron con la vista y adoptaron las expresiones que siempre ves en un maldito entierro.Literature Literature
People shuffle in to take their seats and I see heads crane as they walk past to look at us.
La gente desfila hacia el comedor para ocupar sus asientos y algunas cabezas se vuelven a mirarnos al pasar.Literature Literature
Foolishly, I hoped they wouldn’t see me, but as we walked past they smiled, falling into step behind us.
Yo había esperado que no me vieran, pero, cuando pasamos a su lado, sonrieron y empezaron a caminar detrás de nosotros.Literature Literature
I can also run ahead and place the camera so they can film us approaching walking past them.
Yo también puedo adelantarme y colocar la cámara para que pueda filmarnos acercándonos a ella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They walked past our dorm and urged us to join them.
Pasando al lado de nuestro colegio mayor, gritaban.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They walked past our dorm and urged us to join them
Pasando al lado de nuestro colegio mayor, gritabanopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
People felt the same way when they walked past a surveillance camera or used a cell phone.
La gente creía lo mismo cuando pasaba ante una cámara de vigilancia o utilizaba el móvil.Literature Literature
Kids were staring at us as they walked past toward the school building.
La gente nos estaba mirando mientras pasaba delante de nosotros de camino al edificio.Literature Literature
In this weather, they could be ten feet away and walk past us.
Con este clima, podrían estar a diez pies de distancia y pasar sin vernos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With it, we should be able to walk past any undead, for they will believe us more of their own kind.”
Con ella deberíamos poder pasar junto a cualquier no muerto, porque nos tomarán por otros iguales a ellos.Literature Literature
The light they usually used for jumping was there, but she walked past it, looking for one less obvious.
La luz que usaban normalmente para saltar estaba allí, pero pasó de largo, buscando una menos obvia.Literature Literature
"They walked past us without speaking"
"Pasaron por delante de nosotros sin hablar"ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
At least I got to touch them when they walked past us!
Pero al menos los pude tocar cuando pasaron por al lado nuestro!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I sometimes think they dazzled us with all that glare and we walked past the future and didn’t even see it . . .
A veces creo que nos encandilaron con tanta luz y pasamos por el lado al futuro sin verlo...Literature Literature
I watched them walk past us as though I was concerned that they might hear us, then said, “Let’s talk over there.”
Los observé caminando a nuestro lado como si me preocupara que pudieran oírnos y después dije: —Vamos a hablar allí.Literature Literature
When they brought us back to the prison today, we walked right past the goon who turns the collars on and off.
Cuando nos regresaron a prisión hoy, pasamos por el tonto que activa y desactiva los collares.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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